View Full Version : MY NSX-R CLUTCH PEDAL vs STANDARD PEDAL- Spot The Difference???

14-05-2012, 10:30 AM
Ok so here is the story:

I purchased the NSX-R clutch pedal back in late 2009. When the pedal arrived I took to installing it, as soon as I got the old pedal out, I compared it to the new pedal, to which I could not see ANY difference at all, other that the color of the plastics used for the pivot point and return spring. I found it a bit odd and though maybe its just my eye sight, or the difference is very VERY subtle. So I sent Kaz an email to see if he could explain better, or had a photo at the time, he did tell me what to do to check, by overlaying them side by side etc, but still I could not see the difference and at that time and had no photos to compare.

Anyway I went ahead and installed the NSX-R pedal and never though much about it since, the car didnt see much driving anyway. But just a few days ago the whole thing came back into my mind when I was on the KSP website. There was a photo of the NSX-R pedal install, and also the comparison with photos of the 2 pedals. It was then I realized something was wrong with my supposed R pedal.

I'm glad I kept my OEM pedal as I decided to take the supposed R pedal back out, and do the comparison the same as KSP and look at the differences.

This is where I hope you guys can chime in and tell me if you can see them too.

So in this photo is the KSP comparison:

Standard pedal on left, R pedal on right:



I think you all should be able to tell the difference there ok.

14-05-2012, 10:31 AM
Now here are my 2 pedals

Same as above, standard on left R on right. I even done the overlay like KSP did



You should all be able to see, there is NO difference.

14-05-2012, 10:35 AM
still need som help!

take a look here you should be abke to see more info

see the raised notch on the standard pedal, but nice and straight lines on R pedal




14-05-2012, 10:36 AM

My 2 on top


14-05-2012, 10:39 AM
So the conclusion is, I received what I believed to be the NSX-R pedal in GENUINE HONDA PACKAGING, with the correct part number displayed, but turns out its the standard pedal..............well at least from what I can tell.

So do you guys see what I see?

14-05-2012, 11:05 AM
One more lol

Heres a some quick photo editing I did of the 3 pedals together:

My standard pedal on left, my supposed R pedal in the middle, and genuine NSX-R pedal on right


m666 edd
14-05-2012, 11:08 AM
So basically the type r pedal should be the lower angled pedal (thus shorter stroke I presume).

When we say Type R pedal there isn't early R vs later R versions maybe? I want the lower angled pedal!

14-05-2012, 11:18 AM
So basically the type r pedal should be the lower angled pedal (thus shorter stroke I presume).

When we say Type R pedal there isn't early R vs later R versions maybe? I want the lower angled pedal!


Yes that is correct, you can see clearly the angle of the REAL R pedal sits further back.

But please try and keep this on topic as all I'm trying to gauge is, if the rest of you can see the difference between my SUPPOSED Type-R pedal and REAL Type-R pedal.

Also there is a difference again in NA2 pedal, so its definitely not that. So thats out of the question.

14-05-2012, 11:22 AM
What Im trying to say is:

I bought and paid for an NA1 NSX-R pedal.

What I received I believe was NOT an NA1 NSX-R pedal, it is in fact just the standard NA1 pedal as the comparisons show.

So all Im asking is, could other members take a look and let me know if they see what I see, I showed the misses and showed my brothers and they
all could see that the 2 pedals I have are just the same, but when I showed them photos of the REAL Type-R pedal, they could easily point out the
difference in angle and the shape of the R pedal from the top down is much more smooth and straight lined as shown above.

14-05-2012, 11:34 AM
I had similar problem with Honda Parts Japan with the coolant hoses and KSP Engineering experienced a few issues with brake, MT parts in the past so even Honda can make mistake.

Hope they can do something for you even it was purchased a few years ago…..


14-05-2012, 01:34 PM
yes I can see your issue and can see the differnces you point out

but i am at a loss as to what you may be able to do about it?

i hope you get sorted and that Honda recognise the mistake and rectify it for you

What Im trying to say is:

I bought and paid for an NA1 NSX-R pedal.

What I received I believe was NOT an NA1 NSX-R pedal, it is in fact just the standard NA1 pedal as the comparisons show.

So all Im asking is, could other members take a look and let me know if they see what I see, I showed the misses and showed my brothers and they
all could see that the 2 pedals I have are just the same, but when I showed them photos of the REAL Type-R pedal, they could easily point out the
difference in angle and the shape of the R pedal from the top down is much more smooth and straight lined as shown above.

14-05-2012, 02:20 PM
The 'horizontal' section is longer on the R pedal.

Mark N
14-05-2012, 02:53 PM
Hi sugesh
I make you right and clearly Honda have sent the wrong part.
Just out of interest how much more is the R pedal compared to the standard seeing the differance is so small ?

15-05-2012, 05:18 PM
It is clear to see how much faster the R pedal is. :bigsmile:

16-05-2012, 10:43 AM
Thats a shamee.... hope you get your money back or a real R pedal is sent to you. When you sent the pedal back I would sent your old oem pedal back and keep the new one though...at least you will have a perfectly clean one again....:D

Silver Surfer
28-05-2012, 10:27 PM
My NSX-R pedal...still in a bag.



28-05-2012, 10:32 PM
Thats a shamee.... hope you get your money back or a real R pedal is sent to you. When you sent the pedal back I would sent your old oem pedal back and keep the new one though...at least you will have a perfectly clean one again....:D

Got it all sorted, old pedal has been returned and new pedal on route!

Big thanks to Kaz for his help on this too.

28-05-2012, 10:34 PM
My NSX-R pedal...still in a bag.



Thanks for your photos Kare, even clear to see through the packaging thats the proper pedal. You should get it installed now.

30-05-2012, 10:16 AM
NEW NSX-R pedal arrived today, and this time, the right one lol

So hopefully get it installed later and do the correct adjustments to set it up.


30-05-2012, 11:05 AM
Hi, Sudesh.

Glad it’s been sorted now.
Quite impressed with the support from Honda Japan as it was purchased like 3 years ago and well over their normal return policy.

Not sure about the weather over there but hope you can install it and enjoy driving your NSX under the lovely sun with the new pedal setup and the damperless joint.
For RHD MT NSX, I think this (CL pedal height, not the damperless joint) is how it should have been from the beginning…..


30-05-2012, 11:10 AM
+1 glad it got sorted considering time lines

looking forward to hearing about the differences ... interesting note re you saying it should be like this from start :eek:

weather here Kaz, is due to turn for the next couple of days ... nothing major but good weather should return for holiday weekend! so he has plenty chance to test! :)

31-05-2012, 08:08 AM
Hi Kaz, got your text yesterday, sorry I was on the road most of the day and real busy.

Very impressed myself they agreed to do the exchange, but think that's due to your help, and possibly the photos you sent along with the original packaging etc I had. in fairness my pedal was arely used in those 3 years, infact if it seen 1000 miles I would be surprised.

Weather has turned slightly here which is typical, as I'm heading off to buy a jetski today lol, but I'm not a fair weather jetskier so don't mind the rain or even a bit colder. I'll definitely be installing the pedal tonite, least yay way the car will be ready to take out again when the sun comes back [hopefully]

Yes your right about the pedal height, it will be nice to be able to move, from foot rest to pedal quickly without the need to rise your leg height to depress it, llike the standard setup.

Hi, Sudesh.

Glad it’s been sorted now.
Quite impressed with the support from Honda Japan as it was purchased like 3 years ago and well over their normal return policy.

Not sure about the weather over there but hope you can install it and enjoy driving your NSX under the lovely sun with the new pedal setup and the damperless joint.
For RHD MT NSX, I think this (CL pedal height, not the damperless joint) is how it should have been from the beginning…..


31-05-2012, 08:10 AM
+1 glad it got sorted considering time lines

looking forward to hearing about the differences ... interesting note re you saying it should be like this from start :eek:

weather here Kaz, is due to turn for the next couple of days ... nothing major but good weather should return for holiday weekend! so he has plenty chance to test! :)

Call in sure and take mine for drive and test it for yourself!

That's good news on the weather front!

31-05-2012, 02:54 PM

what would be needed to do to install it in my LHD ?? it would be super if you could point it out in one of your photos


03-06-2012, 06:04 PM
I was trying to figure out the same thing. Here is a picture of what I have and I know the upper "L-shaped" bar with plastic stopper will need to be cut off.


The tab where #32 stopper goes in needs to be welded in the upper portion.


03-06-2012, 06:23 PM
That's pedal you have is from the facelift model!

The NSX-R pedal I have is from Pre-Facelift model

I was trying to figure out the same thing. Here is a picture of what I have and I know the upper "L-shaped" bar with plastic stopper will need to be cut off.


The tab where #32 stopper goes in needs to be welded in the upper portion.


03-06-2012, 06:25 PM

what would be needed to do to install it in my LHD ?? it would be super if you could point it out in one of your photos


If you can remove your pedal and take good photos or even have a spare LHD pedal then take photos of that and post it up!