View Full Version : Trip ideas

30-05-2012, 12:34 PM
Hi all,

I have found myself lumped with designing and organising our yearly "boys" holiday/weekend and could do with some ideas on where to go..

We will probably target a weekend in July or August and intend the trip to focus on driving.

It will also need to cost <3-400 pp.

My initial thoughts were to find a hotel around a hilly part of Wales and go driving in the days and drink at night.

There will probably be three or four cars with 3-8 occupants. I'm not really looking for anything nuts like the nurburgring just some decent roads to enjoy with mates :)

I look forward to your thoughts!


30-05-2012, 01:28 PM
highlands of Scotland - fortwilliam, malig and beyond!

amazing scenery and the roads are brilliant ... sweeping bends etc

done it a few years now on the bike ... yet to do in the NSX but will be

think the ring is out if expenditure <400

30-05-2012, 01:41 PM
I had also considered the highlands however I thought keeping south would ensure slightly better weather :)

I did a great euro road trip last year and want to keep in the country this year.

30-05-2012, 03:23 PM
i have been up in the highlands 3 years running and NEVER saw rain and that was in April ... u just dont know what you are gonna get up there tbh
i have toured round south wales and it is NICE ... but imho not a patch on the Highlands.

30-05-2012, 03:24 PM
instead of me promoting Scottish Tourism, you could always come over here!!! Some great driving routes here ... North Coast and plenty of routes in the south ... ring of Kerry etc :beer:

30-05-2012, 03:36 PM
highlands of Scotland - fortwilliam, malig and beyond!

amazing scenery and the roads are brilliant ... sweeping bends etc

done it a few years now on the bike ... yet to do in the NSX but will be

think the ring is out if expenditure <400

Hi Nobby,

Have you thought about Llangollen area, some fantasic roads, there is the Evo Triangle where the car mag road tests cars, There is a hotel called Byrn Howel Hotel big car park, it is a 3 or 4 star ......but they often have some really cheap deals on. Road from llangollen to Bala over the mountain to Dolgethau is nice drive.

May be worth a look at that area.


30-05-2012, 03:40 PM
I have heard about thus EVO triangle and definitely want to check it out. Thanks for the hotel top I'll investigate costs.

30-05-2012, 06:54 PM

1. Evo triangle
2. Scotland - seem to remember a great drive south from Glasgow
3. Isle of Man

the trouble with any of these (or most places) in July \ Aug, you are smack bang in the middle of school hols so by 7.30am the roads are toast (maybe not so bad at #3??

Good luck, HTH, and dont go mad at the bar if you're hooning in the morning!!

regards, Paul

30-05-2012, 07:06 PM
I know some great roads around the EVO Triangle and a great place for pancakes! Groes Inn is not far.


30-05-2012, 07:49 PM
Scotland is fantastic - easily my favourite roads in the UK once you're past Fort William, and the roads are typically quiet and well-sighted enough that you can still have fun even in the rain (We were there 3 weeks ago, weather was sun/rain/sun/rain/cloud/rain/sun/rain, and IMHO it was probably just as good in the weat as the dry-weather in the NSX as I had to stick to nearly-legal speeds and it forced me to think about my inputs more).

BUT it's a long trek there, unless you're starting from north of Leeds/Manchester - our day-1 drive was a 6am start from south Warks arriving at Fort Augustus around 4pm, with a couple of decent stops and a detour up Loch Leven! :D We had 4 days off to get 2 full, fun days up in the Highlands and did ~1,400 miles.

July/Aug will be midge- and caravan-season though - best to go there ~Easter time. But then nowhere else in the UK will be quiet either...

N.Wales has some lovely, often tighter/twistier roads, but a lot more cops/speed traps than the Highlands (Re: Scotland, caution - there's one regularly on the straight stretch right by the shore of Loch Lochy, otherwise not aware of many cops north-west of Fort William).
Cumbria ditto - too many speed traps, too many caravans.
N.York Moors would be good, especially for dawn raids - had a few lovely drives in the S2000 there.

30-05-2012, 09:37 PM
I'll second that Ian......Ian & Sharon took us to the Dutch Pancake House a couple of months ago.


02-06-2012, 07:36 AM
Thanks for all the ideas guys, Wales sounds pretty good and is more accessible to me then the other options. I'll look into the hotel that was mentioned :)

07-08-2012, 07:27 PM
Just to update this; I have booked a hotel near the snowdonia national park for seven of us, a mixture of mostly ***, turbo metal and we are leaving next Friday. I can't wait! I should have the NSX back from the bodyshop early next week and then It's go time!

Evo triangle, some passes through snowdonia etc is on the cards. We picked the weekend before the bank holiday in hope less people will be on the roads. If it is good fun I will definitely organise it for next year with a bigger group!

10-08-2012, 09:07 AM
Just to update this; I have booked a hotel near the snowdonia national park for seven of us, a mixture of mostly ***, turbo metal and we are leaving next Friday. I can't wait! I should have the NSX back from the bodyshop early next week and then It's go time!

Evo triangle, some passes through snowdonia etc is on the cards. We picked the weekend before the bank holiday in hope less people will be on the roads. If it is good fun I will definitely organise it for next year with a bigger group!

I am off to Beaumaris, Anglesey for a wedding at the end of August and am taking my NSX from Aberdeen to there en route to Kaz. While I will probably head straight there from the M6 I will have more flexibility on the way back to Milton Keynes to sample some good Welsh roads. I am, however, outside my Scottish Highlands comfort zone so excuse my ignorance - what/where exactly is the Evo Triangle and what would be a good drive eastward from Anglesey?



Problem Child
17-08-2012, 09:52 PM
I am off to Beaumaris, Anglesey for a wedding at the end of August and am taking my NSX from Aberdeen to there en route to Kaz. While I will probably head straight there from the M6 I will have more flexibility on the way back to Milton Keynes to sample some good Welsh roads. I am, however, outside my Scottish Highlands comfort zone so excuse my ignorance - what/where exactly is the Evo Triangle and what would be a good drive eastward from Anglesey?



The coast road from Anglesey back to civilisation is one of the most densely populated in the UK .....with speed cameras!

As I think you and I have the only two red NA2's targa's with pop ups it would be nice to meet up as I am in Buckinghamshire near Kaz's secret lair. PM me if your interested, as I'd join you for some of the run to MK

The east coast road from Newcastle, through the scottish Borders and up to Edinburgh, onto Dundee and the Aberdeen would be a good run when you're heading home!

20-08-2012, 10:47 AM
Thanks for the advice Geoff. I'll avoid the A55 on the way down especially since it is the Bank Holiday weekend. I notice that there is a detour to the south that takes me through Snowdonia avoiding the A55 and taking only 15 miles more.

I know that route back well - the A68 north of Newcastle to Edinburgh though the wilds of Northumberland, the Keilder Forest and the Borders is a superb drive and beats the M6 any day. I followed a large motor bike brilliantly ridden from north of the border to the A1 junction once for over 100 miles on a glorious summer's evening each of us taking our turn to lead on almost empty open road. Great journey and made me appreciate how good these quality bike riders are rather than the boy racers.

It would be good to meet - I'll pm you when I know my plans for going to MK.

