View Full Version : To Part Or Not To Part?

11-06-2012, 07:05 PM
After nearly 7 years of ownership I’m toying with the idea of parting with the NSX.
I was home a couple of weeks ago, and went on a run to the Lakes with the Supercardrivers club (400 mile round trip) she’s just been serviced, the 1st time it’s had a good run in a while, and especially in a lot more modern company, made me remember what a great car it is.
This got me thinking, is it about time someone else had the pleasure? She hardly gets used, as I spend most of my free time down in Spain now, and am probably cutting ties with the UK full time next year.
The plan was always to take it down there with me, but after sorting out all of the paperwork and the cost, I’m sure we’ll be back to square 1, as the Spyder is already there and a better option for the climate , so the NSX will more than likely sit in the garage again.
No way is my mind made up 100%, I was just wandering what you guys think she’d be worth in the present market, as I haven’t really been keeping a tab on prices, and there doesn’t seem to be too many up for grabs at the moment.
Not back again until August, so still time to make my mind up.

11-06-2012, 07:38 PM
http://www.nsxcb.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=6849&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1272780305 (http://www.nsxcb.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=6849&d=1272780305)

I've always thought this to be a great NSX ... Only you know if you've had the enjoyment from it you were after, and with the Spyder already in Spain I think you've partly made up your mind.

Someone would be getting a great car (but may want to tone down some of the bling ;))

As for pricing, wait till your ready as the market is moving north at present so today's indication could be out of date by August.

regards, Paul

11-06-2012, 07:54 PM
truly is a fine example of an NSX. :thumbsup: fully appreciate your circumstances ... as Paul says until your ready its best to pitch accordingly.

there are a number of enquiries on here NSX ownership

i for one would be very keen in discussing your rear spoiler if you had thought of reverting the car to standard as much as possible prior to sale and offering your 'bling' parts separately. ;)

good luck with ur decision

ps. sell the kwaks and keep the NSX or at least buy a triumph :D

Nick Graves
12-06-2012, 09:35 AM
Should have thought it's more valuable 'original' plus proceeds of parts. These things usually are.

12-06-2012, 10:12 AM
I may be wrong, but I believe Dave's conundrum is whether or not to part with his NSX, rather than whether or not he should return to standard & sell the car / parts separately.

Whatever you decide Dave, enjoy life in Spain.


12-06-2012, 10:25 AM
What Ian said /\/\/\

Selling the car as a whole is how I read it and responded above ...

12-06-2012, 11:42 AM
that is how i read the post as well, however in my post i stated "i for one would be very keen in discussing your rear spoiler if you had thought of reverting the car to standard as much as possible prior to sale and offering your 'bling' parts separately."

I guess this is where the confusion arose, this applies ONLY if Dave wishes to revert to standard prior to sale. I did not say it was going to happen or made an asumption that the car was being parted.

Hope this clarifies any confusion from my post

Either way would be a lovely car to own bling or no bling! :cool:

What Ian said /\/\/\

Selling the car as a whole is how I read it and responded above ...

12-06-2012, 03:21 PM
Thanks for the nice comments Gents, I know alot of the NSX die hards always go for standard, but during my ownership I've had nothing but really positive feedback everywhere I've taken her.
You are correct, it's wether to part company or not, if it is to go, it will be sold as she stands, I don't have the time these days to put it back, although I still have just about all of the original parts (unfortunately Nobby not the spoiler) if someone did want to go back to standard these will obviously up for grabs.
Decisions decisions, I'll keep an eye on prices and revisit in August.

I'm strictly a Kawasaki man Nobby, a Triumph is out of the question, although I think one of the bikes will be going aswell.

12-06-2012, 10:12 PM
Dave i think your car looks the business ... and in the best colour too! :)

if i was in the market again i would defo consider this car

unfortunate to hear about the spoiler :rolleyes:

there is no accounting for tastes in you motorbike collection but at least your car balances it out :laugh:

i had a kwak once (zx12r)... never again complete pain; spent more time in the garage getting fixed ... the triumph speed triple is an amazing engine

Thanks for the nice comments Gents, I know alot of the NSX die hards always go for standard, but during my ownership I've had nothing but really positive feedback everywhere I've taken her.
You are correct, it's wether to part company or not, if it is to go, it will be sold as she stands, I don't have the time these days to put it back, although I still have just about all of the original parts (unfortunately Nobby not the spoiler) if someone did want to go back to standard these will obviously up for grabs.
Decisions decisions, I'll keep an eye on prices and revisit in August.

I'm strictly a Kawasaki man Nobby, a Triumph is out of the question, although I think one of the bikes will be going aswell.

Nick Graves
13-06-2012, 07:25 PM
that is how i read the post as well, however in my post i stated "i for one would be very keen in discussing your rear spoiler if you had thought of reverting the car to standard as much as possible prior to sale and offering your 'bling' parts separately."

I guess this is where the confusion arose, this applies ONLY if Dave wishes to revert to standard prior to sale. I did not say it was going to happen or made an asumption that the car was being parted.

Hope this clarifies any confusion from my post

Either way would be a lovely car to own bling or no bling! :cool:

Apologies! Getting rather too used to gaddam' mofo Merkinisms in the interweb these days.

Parting out, putting out, hellagash...

13-06-2012, 08:45 PM
your ok!


Apologies! Getting rather too used to gaddam' mofo Merkinisms in the interweb these days.

Parting out, putting out, hellagash...

13-06-2012, 09:03 PM
Hi Dave,

Do you need the cash? How would you invest the cash? Will it return you more than your NSX if it just sits there?

If you'll use it once a year or more for a good run then it might be sensible just as an investment. Mine's hardly getting used but hard to let go on financial grounds alone.

You could always put it up for silly money and not care if it doesn't go. I have 15k of bits on mine and would want 10k over standard asking price if I sold it, like you I wouldn't want to return to standard.


14-06-2012, 05:35 AM
Hi Dave,

Do you need the cash? How would you invest the cash? Will it return you more than your NSX if it just sits there?

If you'll use it once a year or more for a good run then it might be sensible just as an investment. Mine's hardly getting used but hard to let go on financial grounds alone.

You could always put it up for silly money and not care if it doesn't go. I have 15k of bits on mine and would want 10k over standard asking price if I sold it, like you I wouldn't want to return to standard.


This is more or less the situation, I don't need the cash, I have put a lot of money into it which I know I won't recoupe, but the main reasons to sell are, I think I'd probably use it even less if I did take it to Spain, as to be honest I do have my eye on something else, and the hassle of all the paperwork etc.
The silly money option looks like the way to go, like you say it doesn't matter if it doesn't go, and I certainly would not be unhappy at that outcome.

14-06-2012, 07:04 AM
With the spyder in Spain it might be nice to have a toy ready over here for when you do come back, it would be a shame if some unscrupulous character de-blinged her!


21-07-2018, 04:26 AM
Hi All,
It's been a long time since I visited this forum, good to see a lot of you have remained loyal to the NSX.
Mine still has a very special place in my heart and to be honest I do miss it.
I was just wondering if it's still knocking about the UK as I did see it for sale again a few years ago with de-blinged wheels :( just hope someone's looking after it as it really was my P&J.

Silver Surfer
22-07-2018, 03:55 PM
Welcome back on the forum Dave,

Yes, we have seen your car for sale on PH not to long ago....so it is still around.


23-07-2018, 04:00 AM
Thanks very much,

Any idea how much it was up for? I was looking at PH's a couple of days ago, and the yellow (of course) one in County Armargh really got the old cells ticking.

23-07-2018, 05:34 PM
Dave. Good to hear from you, hope life is treating you well. Did the Lambo make it to Spain with you?

24-07-2018, 04:11 AM
Hi Ian, nice to see your still on here and haven't parted with that beautiful Blue NSX, all is good thanks, I hope the same for you.
After 5 years many happy miles touring round Europe I decided to get rid of the Gallardo, it was a great car, thoroughly enjoyed the ownership, and it was a lot more accomplished at touring (apart from luggage space) than most people would expect.
Anyway a bit the same as the NSX, I couldn't get the Lambo out of my system, so last year I took the plunge and got an Aventador Roadster in Verde Ithaca (green) which is down in Spain with me now, I absolutely love it, totally bonkers, a real sense of occasion every time I take it out, but I do still hanker after another NSX to sit along side of it, just whether I can justify it due to the limited time I allow myself off.

24-07-2018, 06:48 AM
Hi Ian, nice to see your still on here and haven't parted with that beautiful Blue NSX, all is good thanks, I hope the same for you.
After 5 years many happy miles touring round Europe I decided to get rid of the Gallardo, it was a great car, thoroughly enjoyed the ownership, and it was a lot more accomplished at touring (apart from luggage space) than most people would expect.
Anyway a bit the same as the NSX, I couldn't get the Lambo out of my system, so last year I took the plunge and got an Aventador Roadster in Verde Ithaca (green) which is down in Spain with me now, I absolutely love it, totally bonkers, a real sense of occasion every time I take it out, but I do still hanker after another NSX to sit along side of it, just whether I can justify it due to the limited time I allow myself off.

Wow...Avantador Roadster is properly into supercar / dream car / properly bonkers territory! An NSX as a sensible daily driver sounds just perfect.

Are you still working in the oil industry (IIRC?!) if so, presumably (ref. Lambo upgrade!) you have weathered the last 3 years OK?

24-07-2018, 07:06 AM
Hi Dave,

Great to hear things have gone as well (possibly better) than you planned, but then you were always working hence the vehicle mix in your signature! Can I presume the GTC is your ‘daily’ driver ... lol

Does the bike see more miles in the dryer climate? I seem to recall that was always a frustration with the local weather.

I did see your NSX pass through the Pistonheads pages a while back ... seemed to have most of the toys still intact, however I don’t recall the polished alloys ... maybe simply painted, maybe changed, but otherwise, still looked as was with the bespoke paintwork, trim etc ...

Best regards, Paul

Thanks very much,

Any idea how much it was up for? I was looking at PH's a couple of days ago, and the yellow (of course) one in County Armargh really got the old cells ticking.

24-07-2018, 10:34 AM
Hi Paul/Ian,
Yeah still working as a support to the oil industry, although 4 years ago a close work colleague and myself decided to go it alone, couldn't have really picked a worse time, but we're still persevering, so it's a case of work hard, play hard.
The GTC is the run about, it was an itch I needed to scratch, but I really gelled with it, perfect for Southern Spain, and good for doing the shopping as I struggle to get my mankini in the Lambo once the roof panels are stored.
Unfortunately the bike isn't seeing many miles at the moment, it's stuck in the UK having a new engine fitted, it developed a serious miss fire about 18 months ago, various people have had a go at resolving it to no avail, so I've given up and got a 2nd hand motor from Ebay hopefully it should be ready for when I go back down in 6 weeks.
Depending on how long ago you saw it on Pistonheads, may be the same time I last saw, the wheels had been painted black, and it had the red Type R badge on the front, they were certainly asking a pretty penny.
It's never really bothered me parting with any vehicle, but the NSX has been really different, and I kind of knew that as soon as it went, I don't know if it is the time I spent messing around personalizing it, or the fact that I'd dreamed of owning one for so long, and I'd actually reached that pinnacle, but I'm certainly scarred.

24-07-2018, 11:56 AM
Good to know Dave
some good perspective there