View Full Version : Paint protection 'Group buy'

30-01-2006, 04:48 PM

As promised, I got on to Paintshield and they've offered NSXCB a group buy of £100.00 off per car for their paint protection.

they require seven days notice and a minimum of five cars to qualify for the discount.

Prices are £528.75 (I'm assuming it's £100.00 off pre VAT price then plus VAT).

Info at:


Interestingly, there seems to be a criteria for this application:

1. The paint must be two pack clear coat. (Need more info...)
2. The paint must have been oven baked.
3. The vehicle must have been keyed and primed correctly to protect the basecoat. Apparently some paintshops skimp on this to reduce labour time and acheive a more competitive price.

4. According to the MD their training bodywork in their workshops only start losing paint after about one thousand applications, which is pretty amazing!

The service is done while you wait and apparently there are free refreshments and dancing girls while you wait....I made the last bit up.

Kits on their own are £325.00 but the NSX is very difficult to fit.

What do we think?

