View Full Version : Club agreed valuation

09-07-2012, 06:32 PM
Hey all,

I am renewing insurance and the insurer is after a club agreed valuation on my NSX. Is this something I can apply for at the club?



09-07-2012, 07:56 PM
Hey all,

I am renewing insurance and the insurer is after a club agreed valuation on my NSX. Is this something I can apply for at the club?



I'm really looking forward to this one ;)



09-07-2012, 08:25 PM
Lol depends if you are selling or buying. A bit like spread betting!!!

09-07-2012, 08:30 PM
agreed value is always toward the top of the value spread....

the problem is finding someone to actually do the valuation!

09-07-2012, 09:33 PM
Is there somebody official on the club who can make the valuation?

10-07-2012, 07:00 AM
Is there somebody official on the club who can make the valuation?

Yes there is. Ary will do it for you. ;)

10-07-2012, 07:04 AM
Hmm from what I've read on here over the last year I would like somebody else to value it :D

10-07-2012, 08:13 AM
NSXCB will not provide individual valuations on any NSX.

My recommendation would be to HPI your car for a valuation, or, take details of recent adverts and discuss with your insurance company how they would could replace it for less if they disagree.

Final option would be to discuss with owners in the insurance renewal thread who have recently agreed revised valuations on thier NSX and ask what needed to do to achieve the results.

10-07-2012, 08:43 AM
Ah great, that has answered my question.

I will follow those options and see how I get on.


10-07-2012, 07:32 PM
Hi Tokyo Joe,
My experience is that an HPI won't give you an answer you like. When I bought my car a year ago, HPI came up with a value which was half what I paid for it. Right now it's insured at an agreed value which is more than I paid for it. As well as the required 7 photos, I sent the insurance company some blurb justifying the value I was asking for. I don't know if the blurb made any difference in the end, but if you want a copy of what I sent you're welcome to it. Just pm me.

10-07-2012, 08:17 PM
LoL @ some of the comments.

The problem with the NSX community being so small is that there's no-one to do this sort of thing. With classic Porkers, Astons, Jags etc. you've got specialists who thoroughly understand the marque, and then you've got a very active club community who will also opine a value on a particular car.

We've got Kaz (who I believe understandably doesn't really want to get involved in the valuation side of things, with everything else he's trying to do / fit-in), Sudesh (who's a little difficult for many of us to get to) and then the likes of Norton Way. Most main dealers wouldn't have a clue.

I personally think that the club SHOULD be taking this on - not one person, but say 3 out of a rotating group, to get a balanced opinion. After all, we're paying closer attention to the NSX market than anyone else right now...who better? Yes we're biased, but then so are the Porsche, Aston clubs etc. - and we've still got the likes of Ary to keep us grounded!

My suggestion - get any 'condition checklist' filled in by the servicing dealer when you first take it in, and suggest what you think the value should be. Unless you got a steal or straight away did some refurb work, initial value will be circa what you paid.

10-07-2012, 09:05 PM
LoL @ some of the comments.

The problem with the NSX community being so small is that there's no-one to do this sort of thing. With classic Porkers, Astons, Jags etc. you've got specialists who thoroughly understand the marque, and then you've got a very active club community who will also opine a value on a particular car.

We've got Kaz (who I believe understandably doesn't really want to get involved in the valuation side of things, with everything else he's trying to do / fit-in), Sudesh (who's a little difficult for many of us to get to) and then the likes of Norton Way. Most main dealers wouldn't have a clue.

I personally think that the club SHOULD be taking this on - not one person, but say 3 out of a rotating group, to get a balanced opinion. After all, we're paying closer attention to the NSX market than anyone else right now...who better? Yes we're biased, but then so are the Porsche, Aston clubs etc. - and we've still got the likes of Ary to keep us grounded!

My suggestion - get any 'condition checklist' filled in by the servicing dealer when you first take it in, and suggest what you think the value should be. Unless you got a steal or straight away did some refurb work, initial value will be circa what you paid.

I agree. We should do this.



10-07-2012, 09:12 PM
I believe there already has been a few back room discussions on value on this forum.

Why not have the minerals and publish the list of cars we know that are banged, abused, bad condition?

That recent add for the 03 NSX in Ireland looked like an honest description of a car just wished most owners would do that come sale time.

11-07-2012, 08:30 AM
I guess we need to speak to other clubs and see how they do it. Here's one from the BMW club;




Chris B N
11-07-2012, 10:53 AM
I agreed value on my car on basis of a same year, model NSX that had 30,000 less miles and was advertised at £27K
agreed value for my car was £2K lower, then just had to send off the Photographs

11-07-2012, 05:45 PM
My suggestion, we all do it.
Create a new heading level in Forum called say 'NSX Price Guide', within create a post topic for each year of car; '1990', '1991', etc.
When a ‘new car’ comes on the market, the first person bothered to report it, need only post the date, price, miles, Targa or Coupe, Manual or Auto under that year heading.
An attached pdf of details could be added by the poster [if they are bothered], not an advert link as this will probably go once the car is sold.
BUT NO CHAT, NO COMMENTARY, NO VIEWS, [unless by the moderator if the car is known to be Cat whatever and not disclosed.]
As the cars come onto the market the list is filled in by ourselves
The prices are I know the sellers wish and might not reflect the actual buying price, so what. It also assumes every car is A1, again so what, but it’s a start.
If a car re-enters the market, it’s re-input and any change up or down will be visible.
Should the lists become too long, then records over a year old could be deleted on a rolling basis.
It would also allow the for the sport of posting fresh adverts, albeit without commentary.
I'm sure may of us played this game when we were looking, the only difference being the listing would be current-ish and as comprehensive as we are bothered.
As with Chris's post above; at least then we would be easily able to say; same model & year, more/less miles, price x,y and z.
It won't necessarily help now, but in a years time it could be the bible.
Any thoughts?

11-07-2012, 08:50 PM
Any thoughts?
Just one - good idea in principle, but we need to avoid any traceability of individual cars - if it becomes easy to find out how much someone paid for a car, that'll be the starting point for negotiations (from the buyer's perspective). I'm not suggesting the NSX is anything like a 250GTO, but they are appreciating at the moment, and the buyer doesn't need to know what the owner paid.
(Where a dealer has just bought one to make a quick turn is a grey area - they're quite entitled to take the risk and make the profit, but a few seem to be getting rather greedy...)

Could possibly have two more headings - one for modifications (none, sympathetic, cosmetic, performance, ricer, mad ;) ), and one for refurb work completed (little / moderate / lots / complete refresh).

12-07-2012, 07:49 AM
My opinion is that this is a slippery slope, I agree there should be disclosure about damaged recorded cars to prevent owners unknowingly buying cars thinking they are geuine and straight, but as far as saying how much a car is worth and what price has been previously paid is not for us to say. If a car is to expensive then it won't sell, if it's to cheap it will sell quickly. What price a seller wants for a car and what a purchaser is prepared to pay sets the cars value at that point in time.

I support the idea of the community looking out for each other but this constant bashing of cars that come up for sale when people are making ill informed judgments based on photographs is bad for our Community. Comments if made should only be on factuall information from either viewing the car personally or if the individuall was a previous owner.

This forum has a good reputation for supplying genuine information and giving assistance to the NSX community, I currently feel that this reputation is slipping with a few "keyboard experts" that know little about the car and even less about using a spanner.Mods thank you and please keep up the good work.

Cheers Pete.

12-07-2012, 08:13 AM
My opinion is that this is a slippery slope, I agree there should be disclosure about damaged recorded cars to prevent owners unknowingly buying cars thinking they are geuine and straight, but as far as saying how much a car is worth and what price has been previously paid is not for us to say. If a car is to expensive then it won't sell, if it's to cheap it will sell quickly. What price a seller wants for a car and what a purchaser is prepared to pay sets the cars value at that point in time.

I support the idea of the community looking out for each other but this constant bashing of cars that come up for sale when people are making ill informed judgments based on photographs is bad for our Community. Comments if made should only be on factuall information from either viewing the car personally or if the individuall was a previous owner.

This forum has a good reputation for supplying genuine information and giving assistance to the NSX community, I currently feel that this reputation is slipping with a few "keyboard experts" that know little about the car and even less about using a spanner.Mods thank you and please keep up the good work.

Cheers Pete.

Well said that man

This is a great forum but I've never seen so much bitching about almost every car that comes up for sale.
for those who have an nsx go play with it the suns shining (well it is in Glasgow for the moment:))

For those who don't have one go buy one quick and enjoy it:)

m666 edd
12-07-2012, 10:21 AM
This is a great forum but I've never seen so much bitching about almost every car that comes up for sale.

I must say I totally agree with this and it has been putting me off even reading a lot of the threads lately.

12-07-2012, 11:39 AM
I must say I totally agree with this and it has been putting me off even reading a lot of the threads lately.

Me too. I thought we'd settled this a long time ago. But it keeps coming back to haunt us!



12-07-2012, 05:53 PM
A polite reminder to everyone .....

This forum is here to help owners new and old enjoy their NSX.

If you are looking for an NSX and find one, please feel free to ask if anyone has knowledge of the individual car and to reply via PM.
Please also follow the links from the homepage that offer lots of advise and buyers guide information to buying and owning an NSX.

If you do NOT have knowledge of the specific NSX in question, please refrain from becoming judge and jury based on a few photos and the wording in the advert. Not every car will self destruct because its being sold!!

Around 18 mths ago everyone was politely asked to refrain from readvertising every UK NSX that went up for sale - if the seller wishes to register and advertise an NSX here then well done them for finding the forum. Please do not advertise the car for them.

Can this note please bring to an end the recurring expert opinion posts. If this continues then much as NSXCB does not wish to intervene further, such posts will be deleted without discussion ... hopefully an action that wont be necessary.

Thank you


14-07-2012, 11:15 AM
Fair play :)