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Im sorry guys im not YET an OWNER, however the NSX IS the car I SO BADLY WANT !
Im still at uni [yet im 24 this year ! heh] and im driving around in a Golf mk2 auto - its quite nice to look at but VERY lame to drive.
Anyways the next car I have to buy can only be an NSX, but I need to secure a decent job to afford it I think [were talking about 15-18k here arent we].
Well im always looking out for even a slighlty dodgy nsx just so I can droole over it wishing I could drive it !
Sorry guys, I know my time will come to own one but I cant stand waiting for this.
In the meantime can anyone hook me up with some links to fan pages ?
I dig the 91 version - im not quite sure how long that body style lasted but thats my prefrence anyway.
01-05-2004, 08:28 PM
try checking out they have an extensive picture gallery.
Ahh brilliant just the kind of thing im after.
02-05-2004, 03:15 AM
no problem
Where would you guys say is a good place for purchasing an NSX ?
I'd have to do some kind of finanace option once I get a REAL job ;)
And Im not completly sure on what model/year Im specifically after yet.
How about imports ?
02-05-2004, 10:52 PM
i personally would not go down the import route.if you are looking to buy a car that is an early 90s model then there is two much time gone buy to be comfortable with it regarding its wouldn,t know if it had had a bump in japan(assuming that you want a right hand drive import that is).
i bought privately and if i had the chance to do so again then i would have done things differently.i wanted an NSX and i wanted one there and then.i was much to impulsive and ignorant of problems on the early models and i bought the first one i looked at.that was a mistake. the car i bought is in snap ring range and it had not been looked after particularly well.i am slowly rebuilding the whole damn car.
if i was you i would either
A: take someone with you who really knows their stuff or
B: pay a bit extra and get one from a Honda(or reputable) dealer.that way you will at least have some warranty and security if things should go wrong,because when they do they can be expensive.
all the best in your search when you finally decide to get one.
Hi, appreciate the advice !
I was thinking of the chisqwick dealer, unless there is one closer to me that may get one in [guildford area].
You wont beleive how bad I want this car, Im going to start a savings account for it !
04-05-2004, 12:31 AM
why dont you come along to castle combe on saturday and check out a few cars. it will probably be the only time you will see so many NSX's together at the same time.
Are the details of the event on a web site? [I'll check this one first].
Yeah I'd love to come and check em out !
I'll be ashamed in the car im in tho - hehe.
Ignore that just seen the post.
I cant make it today, last night was my brothers funeral, so im feeling a bit hungover today
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