View Full Version : Legendary J's NSX magazine

19-04-2013, 02:56 PM
While I was in Japan, I stumbled across a high quality magazine on the NSX, called "Legendary J's NSX". This one is #4 and there are at least three others. Does anybody know much about this magazine? Seems to be a mix of features, photos, readers' car spreads, and a few technical overviews.

My OH speaks and reads Japanese and so I'll pester her to translate what I want, but it certainly looks like a well-photographed and very well presented publication.

If the Yen crashes, maybe I can afford something from the dealer adverts in the back... :)


19-04-2013, 03:46 PM
I have number 1=>3 and their 20 year anniversary one. Where did you buy this one?

Regards Bas

19-04-2013, 04:27 PM
From a bookshop in Kyoto, IIRC. Carrier bag says "Junkudo". 1800 Yen, so not exactly cheap.

Is the info in Volumes 1-3 useful?

22-04-2013, 12:18 PM
Vol 1-3 available on eBay for £84.55 plus £24.91.

22-04-2013, 02:34 PM
Well the problem is my Japanese is very limited, but there are some nice articles in it. Volume 4 is not available outside oif japan yet so it seems :-(.. Guess i'll have to wait!

22-04-2013, 05:23 PM
As goldtop mentioned, it's JPY1,800 and available through Amazon Japan as well.

It's not in Kindle format yet so unfortunately, you can't buy the electronics format one allowing you to read it using almost any devices using their App.
You can request it to be converted into Kindle format but it may take long time unless there is enough demands for that specific book/magazine.

If you are really keen, you can get the magazine shipped through Amazon Japan but it will cost JPY3,700 (about GBP25) for delivery charge to Europe including the handling charge.


22-04-2013, 08:49 PM
Vol 1-3 available on eBay for £84.55 plus £24.91.

Yes, I bought them all yesterday (so I think he must have several sets!)

Er, some of his other items are ... interesting (and some are rather NSFW).

23-04-2013, 12:27 AM
While I was in Japan, I stumbled across a high quality magazine on the NSX, called "Legendary J's NSX". This one is #4 and there are at least three others. Does anybody know much about this magazine? Seems to be a mix of features, photos, readers' car spreads, and a few technical overviews.

My OH speaks and reads Japanese and so I'll pester her to translate what I want, but it certainly looks like a well-photographed and very well presented publication.

If the Yen crashes, maybe I can afford something from the dealer adverts in the back... :)


Edition II has a few of the NSXCB members cars featured.....