View Full Version : always did like the R8

23-06-2013, 06:11 PM
...or perhaps it was just sound they make!

I know many of you will say it's a boring drive, lacks soul or worse... but I kind of like the idea of ownership.

I'm in France for most of this year, so wouldn't be until next Spring.. but a shame as this one even has my initials on the reg.

Looks like getting into a decent one for around £40 - £45K will be achievable in a years time. That starts to make it attractive imo

or could just take the plunge and get a 2014 NSX. keep swinging back and forth on that thought.

23-06-2013, 09:50 PM
Like the R8s but the Gallardos will probably only be 10-15k more - worth the extra just for the noise I reckon :)

24-06-2013, 06:08 PM
Like the R8s but the Gallardos will probably only be 10-15k more - worth the extra just for the noise I reckon :)

They do make a nice noise


24-06-2013, 06:11 PM
...or perhaps it was just sound they make!

I know many of you will say it's a boring drive, lacks soul or worse... but I kind of like the idea of ownership.

I'm in France for most of this year, so wouldn't be until next Spring.. but a shame as this one even has my initials on the reg.

Looks like getting into a decent one for around £40 - £45K will be achievable in a years time. That starts to make it attractive imo

or could just take the plunge and get a 2014 NSX. keep swinging back and forth on that thought.

I was tempted by one, but refuse to buy a car with such a simple engineering flaw that causes it to lose power as the carbon builds up on the intake valves

24-06-2013, 06:36 PM
I was tempted by one, but refuse to buy a car with such a simple engineering flaw that causes it to lose power as the carbon builds up on the intake valves

I was contemplating an R8 and was under the impression that they weren't susceptible to the same carbon build up as other direct injection Audi's? I have friends who are very much into Audi's & have never experienced this phenomenon...maybe down to how the cars are driven?

Nice clip Noel, do you know the NSX'er?

24-06-2013, 07:33 PM
I was contemplating an R8 and was under the impression that they weren't susceptible to the same carbon build up as other direct injection Audi's? I have friends who are very much into Audi's & have never experienced this phenomenon...maybe down to how the cars are driven?

Nice clip Noel, do you know the NSX'er?

As far as I am aware the RS4 and the R8 are identical with the exception of the latter having a dry sump. Happy to be corrected

The NSX was me on the way back from the Spa Classic. Was a great weekend. Lambo got all the attention!!

24-06-2013, 08:07 PM
The NSX was me on the way back from the Spa Classic. Was a great weekend. Lambo got all the attention!!

Hey Noel, how do you know Paul (T...tino), the chap driving the Gallardo? We used to work together at BMC Software :)

He used to have a KTM X-Bow but traded up to the Gayardo a few months ago. I teased him that he could have got one that they hadn't forgotten to paint for all that money.



24-06-2013, 09:55 PM
You can also make the R8 sound better .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q35iA06cuo

25-06-2013, 11:16 AM
You can also make the R8 sound better .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q35iA06cuo

Get the V8 rather than the "moany" V10 if you want the best soundtrack :)

Nick Graves
25-06-2013, 06:33 PM
If you don't thrash the nuts off it, dump a tube of choke cleaner down its gizzard every few months and it should be fine.

25-06-2013, 08:32 PM
Hey Noel, how do you know Paul (T...tino), the chap driving the Gallardo? We used to work together at BMC Software :)

He used to have a KTM X-Bow but traded up to the Gayardo a few months ago. I teased him that he could have got one that they hadn't forgotten to paint for all that money.




It was the first time I met him - I think he still has the KTM. He gave me a ride in the Lambo - an exhilaring experience, and if I had the money, would consider it over one of the V12s.

25-06-2013, 08:32 PM
If you don't thrash the nuts off it, dump a tube of choke cleaner down its gizzard every few months and it should be fine.

I'm not sure it would make any difference.

01-07-2013, 01:18 PM
getting more keen on the idea. Not back in the UK until this fall, will have to test drive one then.