View Full Version : Windscreen Upper Molding

25-07-2013, 03:43 PM
Mine keeps popping out (the molding, that is)....

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/b1gbrad/molding_zps8c9b0b32.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/b1gbrad/media/molding_zps8c9b0b32.jpg.html)

Any advice on securing it in place please? Can it be glued?

Or should I just drive a bit slower (of course, that's not a real option)!

25-07-2013, 05:46 PM
What year is your car? If its an earlier model and has not been replaced before, it would be worth getting a new one. Check out a recent blog by Kaz on the subject..

26-07-2013, 07:30 AM
Mine keeps popping out (the molding, that is)....

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk295/b1gbrad/molding_zps8c9b0b32.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/b1gbrad/media/molding_zps8c9b0b32.jpg.html)

Any advice on securing it in place please? Can it be glued?

Or should I just drive a bit slower (of course, that's not a real option)!

Yep, me too, it's on my "to do" list


26-07-2013, 09:33 AM
Hi, b1gbrad.
Based on your recent post regarding the A/C compressor, your NSX seemed to be 1995 model although I can’t confirm this without the VIN (but please do not post it on here for security reason).

Please apply quick fix that best suits you otherwise, the floppy molding may start hitting your roof paint leaving eyesore scratch markings.

Your NSX should have the upgraded fastener and molding but the owner could experience the same issue as yours if the windshield was replaced, roof section being re-sprayed, etc while these two parts were re-used or the new parts were not installed properly.

By the way, Honda did release TSB for this issue on the very early models and you can find it through Wiki section of NSX Prime.

You need the first two parts in the above photo and always get hold of spare screws and grommet as you can see in my blog;
http://www.nsxcb.co.uk/entry.php?1013-Interior-noise-04 (http://www.nsxcb.co.uk/entry.php?1013-Interior-noise-04)

The two parts are not that expensive but the actual process requires lots and lots of patience and delicate touch not to scratch other parts. Also, you must reinstall the door glass upper weatherstrip properly otherwise it will cause the wind noise or even water leakage into the cabin.
I saw so many NSX with weatherstrip being installed incorrectly and unfortunately, because the weatherstrip was left in the wrong position for many years, it already took set and best to be replaced with new one if you want to install it properly. Please pay extra attention on the front triangle sash before replacing the weatherstrip. The new weatherstrip is only compatible with the later design sash and unfortunately, this is not on any of the parts system and you need to check each NSX individually.
You can see this in my blog here;

After many hours and if done properly, you will be rewarded with this.


Please make sure to install the fastener and molding below the pillar retainer/visor.


26-07-2013, 10:16 AM
Once again a superb response and guide Kaz. Many thanks for the time and effort you've taken.

I assume that you can't (or shouldn't...?) just replace the upper molding without the fastener? As far as I can tell my fastener is doing the job it's supposed to and it's just the molding that's mis-behaving by popping out.