View Full Version : Anyone know which child-seats fit?

20-10-2013, 08:58 PM
J's now big-enough that we've got him a rear-facing Group-1 seat for Becs' Golf (car he's usually in), but we need a 2nd car-seat for my car...and I wondered about getting one that'll fit the NSX.

Know that means non-ISOFIX, and that's not a deal-breaker for me - ISOFIX just means you can't fit it wrong, not that it's safer if fitted properly.

But did want to ask you guys who's done this and what seat you used???



20-10-2013, 09:55 PM
Not sure about a car seat for the NSX but I do recommend the recaro seat protectors made for child seats, use it in the DC5 and it stops any engraving marks!

01-11-2013, 01:23 PM
Don't forget you can't have a rear facing car seat in a front seat with active airbags.

If you're after a forward facing seat I can't recommend the Recaro range enough.

01-11-2013, 02:37 PM
Hi havoc,

layout also have to be careful about the projection of the airbag if it was to be deployed. I did try to get this information for my mr2 but toyota were unhelpful. Thankfully my nsx is so old the airbag was not invented back in the day:)

just be mind ful...I use recaro though without an airbag :)

ps ...heard you spoke to my mate paul at Honda :)



02-11-2013, 10:12 PM
Hi Andy,

Yeah - he mentioned you'd been in. Paul's sorting me out some parts that Dali couldn't (or couldn't competitively). Big job coming up this month...not the best timing, just before Xmas, but can't leave it...

03-11-2013, 09:22 AM
Hi Andy,

Yeah - he mentioned you'd been in. Paul's sorting me out some parts that Dali couldn't (or couldn't competitively). Big job coming up this month...not the best timing, just before Xmas, but can't leave it...

Hi martin,

paul and the guys are brilliant, can't recommend them enough :) hope your keeping well and hope to catch up with you at a meet sometime :)