View Full Version : NSX-R Owner contact

15-12-2013, 04:00 AM
Dear Friends,
I am a long time NSX owner, had a red 91 in the UK about 15 years ago, a sebring silver 93 in Japan and a red 98-T CTSC (just sold) in the States/Japan.

I Will be returning to the UK from Japan in a few months, all going well I will have a nice white NA1 Type R with me. I know that there is a couple of green ones already in the UK and would appreciate if the owners could PM me as would like to understand how the conversion to MPH and fog lights were done on their cars. I would like to keep it looking as stock as possible - also looking for recommendations on shops that are familiar with NSXs that could do the work.

We will be living I expect in the Guildford area.

Thanks in advance and looking forward hopefully to meet some of you when you get together for events.

15-12-2013, 05:41 AM
Kaz is your man for sourcing parts for the conversion to UK spec, although you should be able to obtain them in Japan while you are still there - speak to Kaz for part numbers etc. - and use the search function to see how people have documented lighting changes on JDM cars. An alternative will be Plans Motorsport at Dunsfold, just 10 miles south of the centre of Guildford - they have a long history of NSX dealings. Mark C who has a Type S is around the same distance north west of Guildford - his car may be similar in some respects to your Type R - I'm sure he will be keen for a compare and contrast session.

15-12-2013, 12:22 PM
Finally a white NA1-R coming to the UK! Woo woo!

16-12-2013, 11:41 AM
Hang on - I thought there was some issue with registering a Type R nowadays? Something to do with type approval.

Can someone remind me?

Would be great to see one.

16-12-2013, 01:02 PM
Hang on - I thought there was some issue with registering a Type R nowadays? Something to do with type approval.

Can someone remind me?

Would be great to see one.

Nope no issues getting one registered, especially the 92-95 cars, also the 2002-2003 cars are easy now.

There already is a white NA1 NSX-R in the country, if not 2!

16-12-2013, 01:52 PM
Nope no issues getting one registered, especially the 92-95 cars, also the 2002-2003 cars are easy now.

There already is a white NA1 NSX-R in the country, if not 2!

Sudesh is that a repainted Charlotte?

16-12-2013, 01:58 PM
Regarding MPH conversion, I did it on an NA1-R I owned, it was basically a little box that one piggybacks to the signal cable, and a sticker. Some people just black out the K in kph. Front fogs not required, rear one in the extra reverse light IIRC, with red coloured bulb and switch in centre console location.

16-12-2013, 02:57 PM
I sit corrected! maybe with the Yen at 170:£1 it'll get a bit more viable to import the Type R?

16-12-2013, 11:31 PM
Sudesh is that a repainted Charlotte?

Hi Ary, my understanding is that there are 2 Charlotte (your ex plus Flemke's) and the white one. It popped up for sale about 5-6yrs ago, Scotland IIRC and sold quietly never to be seen so far. Suspect I know of the owner, low profile on here very rarely. At the time it sold the price was thought to be a 'little on the high side' for an NA1 coupe .... ha ha ha ... guess who laughing now ... smart purchase.

regards, Paul

17-12-2013, 12:15 AM
Welcome to NSXCB!

First I've heard that there is a NA1 in white already here!

Is the owner of the NA2 a member on here anymore?

03-01-2014, 11:16 AM
Thanks for your advise. My car and I will be in UK in a few months. Look forward to meeting some of you then. Regards, Kye

03-01-2014, 03:18 PM
Most excellent! Whereabouts are you going to be based?

03-01-2014, 04:14 PM
Hi, Kye. Happy New Year and welcome to the club.

I brought two cars from Japan to UK in late 90’s by myself but as I don’t hold UK or EU passport and since that time, the regulation around importing the car from outside EU, MOT, etc changed so I’m not going into too much detail.

If you have car insurance document (even in Japanese) on your existing car, please bring the original and some copies so that you may be able to use it to prove the number of no claim years.
You may need it for UK car registration purpose as well.

Best to take copy of your existing registration document (車検証) before giving it away in order to de-register the car for exporting purpose.
You will receive de-registration document (抹消登録証) in return and again, best to keep the original as well as some copies for future reference.
It was long time ago so I may have mixed up my memory with the documents required for exchanging the Japanese driving license with the UK one but if I remember correctly, I had to have this de-registration document notarized by the Japan embassy and sent in several documents together in order to have my two cars registered in UK.

It’s much cheaper to use specific ship designed only for transporting the cars (car ferry) than using the standard container ship for exporting both the cars and your packages at the same time.
Japanese car manufactures are using their own car ferry or hiring the space from third party and if you are using this method, you are going to wait for a slot to become available for your car to be shipped. Your boxes/packages will be shipped through the container ship.

If you can prove that you owned the car for the specified number of years in the current regulation, you can bring your car into UK as accompanied personal effects within 1 year of your arrival.
When I brought my cars under this condition, I prepared the rear fog light feature while I was in Japan but didn’t have to covert the speedo into MPH.
This was because the regulation stated that the speedo had to be accurate but didn’t specify the requirement for the MPH reading.

The speedo check disappeared from the MOT for a while and then came back again recently.
As far as I know, it still states to check for the accuracy of the speedo but there is no statement for the requirement of MPH reading so my speedo is still in KPH since the arrival in UK in late 90's and my MOT document also shows the total mileage in KM and not in Miles.

If you can’t prove that you owned the car long enough or if you are importing it for the commercial purpose and/or the car is less than 10 years old, you better check the latest regulation in detail.
I’m quite sure you will need to convert the speedo into MPH for this case.
You can find various speedo converter box over the internet.
The OEM speedo has the label as ' km/h ' so as others suggested, just cover the ' k ' with matt black tape.

In order to create the OEM equivalent rear fog light circuit, you need to have access to the electrical wiring manual.
It’s not that simple if you want to follow almost exactly the same circuit, I’m afraid. I have done it like that on my NSX but really time consuming task with lots of parts involved and much easier if you just create your own relay circuit using driver side of backup/reverse light bulb together with the OEM rear fog light switch.
The power to the controlled/switched side of the relay must see +12V only when the dip/Hi beam was engaged.
The switch side of the relay shall see +12V only when the marker/small or front fog light or dip/Hi beam are active.
Then, the rear fog light switch at the centre console decides the final output.
In other words, the rear fog light will only operate when the dip/Hi beam or front fog light (if you have one, not on Type-R nor on face lift) are turned on.

If you want the OEM look, you will need the rear fog light switch at the centre console.
The parts no. is 35170-SL0-G01.
It’s about GBP106 inc. VAT from Honda UK so if you can get this in Japan, probably cheaper.
Honda parts price is exactly the same from any Honda dealers in Japan unless you have certain relationship with Honda so just visit your nearby dealership and ask for the above parts no. with the instruction that it’s for the European model and not on the JDM.
It may not show up on Japanese parts system and if that is the case, you won’t be able to buy it through Honda dealer in Japan and need to use temporally alternative switch.

I think the above switch uses the 5pin green connector (I think it is from JAE 日本航空電子 but can't remember) and you may be able to find it from other Honda models at any breaker yards or if you are fluent in Japanese, you may be able to buy it over the internet.

Good luck and looking forward to meeting you and your NSX at one of the event.


07-01-2014, 10:26 AM
Sudesh is that a repainted Charlotte?

Hi Ary,

Happy New Year to you! Sorry for late reply.

No the two white NA1 NSX-Rs I mentioned are factory color. One is the car Paul mentioned in Scotland, I spoke to that owner on a few occasions, the other is also UK based and I sold that owner a few NSX-R bits over the years, he's not a member here [well wasn't last time I spoke to him] car was white with red recaros.

10-01-2014, 01:07 PM
Wow! I hope to see it in person one day. Congrats!

15-02-2014, 09:17 PM
Dear Friends, so here is my baby. She is a 1994 Championship white # 239 produced out of 483 (I guess thats the total)

She is still sitting in Japan at the moment but I am moving to the UK and she will soon be over here, I look forward to meet some of you in future. I am planning on taking her to plans motor sport near guildford to get the modifications necassary for road use in UK.

cheers, Kye


15-02-2014, 10:12 PM
Looks amazing!

15-02-2014, 10:56 PM
Very nice car and love the Enkie wheels

I import and sell quite a number of cars around the world. And if it helps you and saves some money, you DO NOT need to send you car to any company to be made road worthy for the UK.

Your car is early model, [more that 10 years old] so all is needed is MOT first, on your car, just add a rear fog light and take it yourself.

Dear Friends, so here is my baby. She is a 1994 Championship white # 239 produced out of 483 (I guess thats the total)

She is still sitting in Japan at the moment but I am moving to the UK and she will soon be over here, I look forward to meet some of you in future. I am planning on taking her to plans motor sport near guildford to get the modifications necassary for road use in UK.

cheers, Kye


16-02-2014, 06:41 PM
Hi Sudesh, so dont need to have MPH conversion ?

Very nice car and love the Enkie wheels

I import and sell quite a number of cars around the world. And if it helps you and saves some money, you DO NOT need to send you car to any company to be made road worthy for the UK.

Your car is early model, [more that 10 years old] so all is needed is MOT first, on your car, just add a rear fog light and take it yourself.

16-02-2014, 07:20 PM
Yes that's correct, any of the 10 years and more cars I brought in, didn't need MPH conversion to pass MOT, and I had all the MOT work done in the UK at that time, as it's simpler to get an MOT in the UK compared to Norther Ireland. Unless the rule for UK has changed sometime in the past few months, then you should be fine. Doing the MPH conversion is fairly simple anyway, and most just put an MPH sticker over KMH logo at the bottom of the clock.
I have a Ferrari 512M coming from Singapore shortly, it's in KMH and I won't be doing any MPH conversion on that.

24-09-2015, 04:42 PM
Its taken a while but finally here! just when I was on my way back here I got diverted to the US .. car stayed in Tokyo but now finally I am here and the R arrived today ;-)

I am living in the oxford area, I guess I will have the car on the road in a couple of weeks, she will be going up to plans for a service and check over first ... if any one planning any meets or events please do let me know! is there any cars and coffee events around like they have in the US ?

All the best, Kye

24-09-2015, 07:21 PM
Welcome, it would be great to see the car.

Its taken a while but finally here! just when I was on my way back here I got diverted to the US .. car stayed in Tokyo but now finally I am here and the R arrived today ;-)

I am living in the oxford area, I guess I will have the car on the road in a couple of weeks, she will be going up to plans for a service and check over first ... if any one planning any meets or events please do let me know! is there any cars and coffee events around like they have in the US ?

All the best, Kye

24-09-2015, 09:02 PM
Glad you've made it over here.

Events...club-wise mainly in the SE, which is where the majority of members are.

I'm in south Warwickshire, so not that far away, and there's at least 3 other owners in the Midlands, 2 on here. Few other owners in/near Milton Keynes too. Plus there's an eclectic little event* at a village near Brackley (Evenley) every 1st Sunday morning of the month. PM me if you're going and I'll try and join you (not next weekend as away, sadly).

* Last time I went there was everything from a couple of pre-war vintage cars to a classic 911, 458 Spider and Lotus 211.

Silver Surfer
24-09-2015, 10:02 PM
Welcome Kye,

Would love to see the car in the flesh...maybe some pic teasers for now....?


25-09-2015, 12:09 AM
Hi Kye,
Congrats on getting the car to the UK! It looks amazing and you will sure have some fun with it. A friend sold the yellow NA1R into the UK a few months ago so you guys seem to be collecting them. Only 1 original one now in Australia and its a perfect Red one.
Any chance we might see you at Fiesta this year?, or bump into you in the street in Tokyo or SuperAutobacs? a few of us are heading over next week.......but you are probably over planes and airports by now!

Cheers Scott

25-09-2015, 10:44 AM
Hi there Scott, great to hear from you ! won't be at the Fiesta this time around unfortunately. Im just jumping on a plane to the US will be there for a couple of weeks. Have a great time and post pictures!
cheers, Kye

Hi Kye,
Congrats on getting the car to the UK! It looks amazing and you will sure have some fun with it. A friend sold the yellow NA1R into the UK a few months ago so you guys seem to be collecting them. Only 1 original one now in Australia and its a perfect Red one.
Any chance we might see you at Fiesta this year?, or bump into you in the street in Tokyo or SuperAutobacs? a few of us are heading over next week.......but you are probably over planes and airports by now!

Cheers Scott

25-09-2015, 09:23 PM
there are some pictures earlier on in the thread. Cool you have a CTSC car .. I had a 98 T with an autorotor CTSC before I bought the R, bloody quick !

Welcome Kye,

Would love to see the car in the flesh...maybe some pic teasers for now....?