View Full Version : flashing ecl but no fault code question.

john dean
16-04-2014, 07:54 PM
I have just sent my 03 car to Norton Way as it was shamefully overdue a cambelt but it has been so good a runner it really has not occurred to me when driving that it needs doing, and over winter I keep meaning to look and before you know it, it is a few years overdue! :-(

Anyway, this year since taking it out I have had several "stalls" if you like at lights and roundabouts when the car refuses to keep running. I also get massive drops in power while cruising and dropping into neutral tells the same story, It just loses all its power, sometimes trying to keep running around the 2000 rpm mark but then cuts. As suddenly as if you turned it off, all lights illuminate so we have power. It will start immediately after and all is well, for 2 miles or 20.
I also have very noticeable lumpiness as you go through 3-4000 rpm, if you persist on the go pedal it will usually then give me a flashing ECL. It usually stops flashing if you ease up a little and under no real push all is fine. Now I got code 73 (cyl 3 misfire) on the blue lead and checked all plug and coil connections and made a point of emptying the tank and filling with new ( only ever hi octane) as the tank full that was in it in Jan was in there since October last year!

I hoped that may have been the cause and with the service due hoped the Norton Way guys would plug it in and tell me it was x y or z!

Brian at Norton Way has informed me they have no fault code on diagnosis at all ( even though it did it 3 times on the way from P,boro to Letchworth ) and are going to try to change a few parts and try to eliminate it but, it is a very random fault and with no code I wonder what they would start with, ( and what it may cost as it must be a very time consuming way of fault finding ). They are being very helpful but it's is in the back of my mind all day that my car is poorly :-(

Anyone found this before or have any suggestions? It can't hurt to ask and may help Brian with the solution if it is an odd one that took someone else an age to find?

Best wishes to all, and I love my car by the way!!!


16-04-2014, 08:07 PM
Hello John,

the power cut could be a faulty ignition switch (possibly just dirty contacts) or it could be a main relay playing up....

The flashing ECL light and your description might suggest a misfire caused by a coil playing up or just a rogue plug? I'm not sure off the top of my head in Cyl 3 is on the front or rear bank. The rear bank coils can sometimes play up due to water ingress through the plastic garnish behind the hatch. Do you power wash your car and maybe get quite a bit of water through the garnish...

I had a similar problem a couple of years ago and my problem was the throttle body. Should that ever be the case I have a spare one for the facelift cars that works fine...

You may get some more ideas from others but these are just my ideas off the top of my head..

Good Luck,


john dean
17-04-2014, 09:36 PM
Thanks Gary,

It is an odd one and I suspected main relay from discussions on here but figured it would not start instantly but you never know I guess?
I also assumed coil and plug issues with give a regular fault code? I have had a fault code only once, after every drive I check the codes and get either the same code,or if I have pulled the radio fuse, no code at all! Even if it cuts out 3 or 4 times on a trip, still no code?

Hopefully Norton Way find it fairly easily, for their sanity and my wallet!


17-04-2014, 09:54 PM
It's quite a long shot, but I had a similar sounding problem - misfire / lumpy 3000-4000 pm, flashing ecl if you open the throttle further, various cylinder mis-fire codes reported.

The service dept (with tech. assistance from Kaz, and Simon and Garry kindly lending me a plethora of parts to swap in and out) ran test after test. New plugs and coils were fitted, other parts eliminated by substitution.

Eventually Honda tech support suggested removing the fuel tank...I was deeply sceptical, but as we were running out of ideas, gave the thumbs-up. The tank was removed and replaced, and wonder of wonders - no more misfire (I still touch-wood....though this was over three years ago now). The theory is there was an air-lock somewhere in the fuel system and removing and refitting the fuel tank removed this.

I certainly wouldn't suggest this as a sensible course of action for you at the moment John, but if you start running out of ideas, perhaps worth bearing in mind?

john dean
17-04-2014, 10:16 PM
Thanks Why One,
Its the kind of odd thing that may have only one cure! What I have found is at much higher revs all seems well but I have been very gentle on the car since this cropped up in case I cause any harm, as you say the flashing ECL literally persists as you demand more of the engine in that rev range. If you ease up, all is instantly well!

I am hoping after Easter that Norton Way have easily fixed it, or I am happy to have it back after the service ( which may help as I have left it for 4 years, I know I know ) and see what happens. It can only get worse and may be easier to find than?

I want it 100% for the summer as I am planning a highland drive in it, to try and make up for only doing 2000 miles a year in her so far! Such an injustice, but I guess not a unique observation!


22-04-2014, 06:21 PM
I had something similar and I eventually changed the fuel filter which cured it. You should do it anyway if it hasn't been changed on a recent service.

22-04-2014, 07:45 PM
Yes, the fuel filter was another suspect item on my car, but a new one sadly it didn't fix the problem for me.

john dean
05-05-2014, 09:38 PM
I am sure we are all better after a good service but so you all know, that and the fuel filter being changed has made all the difference.
I suspected fuel, some of you posted here to that effect and Brian at Norton Way seemed to agree. With nothing more than that the car has been good as gold since.
Even at no more than 70mph on the way home it was clear all was well.

Thought an update would be worthwhile, I often felt the car was trying to maintain RPM and then making the decision to quit completely. Norton way had random ignition faults on all cylinders at one point so it had to be something other than ignition I guess.

All I need now is a trip to the coast!

Thanks anyone who offered advice,
