View Full Version : Radio problem

04-06-2014, 10:30 AM
Hope someone can help.

I am getting a lowish volume 'crackle' from the radio. It sounds a bit like interference. It is a fixed volume, not affected by the volume knob, occurs in all speakers and occurs whether the input is set to radio or CD (ipod). It only appears after the head unit has been on for a few minutes, so I'm guessing some sort of component issue in the head unit output stage or a dry joint or something but I'd be very grateful for a more expert view (and tips on what to do)!



(PS I recently posted on another forum that my NSX was gathering dust as my new daily driver a BMW 650i was so complete a car - how wrong I was, I got the NSX out this week and was once again blown away by how nimble and focussed it feels. The 650i sounds like a Nascar and goes like stink with its V8 torque, but there's no doubt that the NSX is in a different league despite 20 years of progress! Absence really does make the heart grow fonder!)

04-06-2014, 11:04 AM
Take a look at Kaz's blog regarding head unit, especially with an iPod adaptor (PA11-HON?). The caps can deteriorate as in the amps and require a rebuild before further damage is done, also if you are using the PA11-HON he will strengthen the circuit within the head unit to cope with it. Send the whole lot to him and make your system sound brand new.