View Full Version : SOLD - FS - OEM 2002+ wheels

24-06-2014, 02:55 PM

i'm seriously considering selling my 2002+ OEM wheels, and i don't say "for sure" or "really"
because i'm waiting on confirmation that the set i want is mine....
... but i can only buy those if i sell these and i can only sell these if i buy those ones :eek:

HERE (http://www.nsxprime.com/forum/showthread.php/119014-A-dream-come-true-daily-(history-of-a-proud-ownership)?p=1205399&viewfull=1#post1205399) is a link to my build thread on prime, to the post were i posted their install.

HERE (http://www.nsxprime.com/forum/showthread.php/119014-A-dream-come-true-daily-(history-of-a-proud-ownership)?p=1671855&viewfull=1#post1671855) is a link to my build thread that shows their current condition in one of the photos... they are still on my car.

I bought them MINT, as in...the tires, OEM from factory, still had the color stripes all arround them.

The rims don't have any bents or something, they only need a repaint... because the Project Mu pads i've been using,
awesome btw, are very agressive and shave a lot of my rotors surface, so, the metal dust damaged the paint.
This is a lot more visible on the fronts.

In the price, i include a refinish on the color of the buyers choice...and i'm not talking about just paint,
i mean a proper powder coat in the OEM silver they have, gunmetal like Senninha's or even NSX-R championship
white, or any other.

I removed the center caps and never used them, because i had them wrapped in true CF, as i intended
to paint the wheels in the exact same color as Senninha's. These caps are included, obviously

I will also include 2 sets of lugs:
- Dali steel racing heavy duty ones (the ones on the photos)
- Brand new OEM black ones.

I also have a brand new set of OEM NSX-R Championship White center caps that i can sell. I bought these
when i thought of paint them in white.

I'm not thinking on re-install the same tires after the refinish, because the front's have lots of wear in the
last inner 5cm, and the rears are ok, but less than 50% of life to use in them.
The fronts are still the OEM ones, Potenza RE050 ones, and the rears are Potenza S-02.
If the buyer wants, i can take detail pictures of the tires and wheels as they are right now and he decides
if the tires go or not, etc.

The price is 2300 GBP + shipping


24-06-2014, 03:34 PM
Good price, surprised your selling given your 02 direction of mods ... but I must object to another set turning Grey ;o)

GLWS, rgds Paul

24-06-2014, 03:38 PM
Best not see mine then...

Good price, surprised your selling given your 02 direction of mods ... but I must object to another set turning Grey ;o)

GLWS, rgds Paul

24-06-2014, 04:22 PM
Paul, i don't keep these just because i can't afford a second set....

02+ OEM wheels are in my top3.... but one of the other 2 are on my sight ;)

About the Grey.... don't forget that "copy is the best form of compliment" ;)


24-06-2014, 04:40 PM
Thanx Nuno, hope you land the rims you want!

Simon ... we'll be having words ;o)

25-06-2014, 11:40 AM
Simon ... we'll be having words ;o)

I suspect only when you find your car!

25-06-2014, 05:38 PM
I suspect only when you find your car!

That hurt!

21-07-2014, 12:22 AM
Hi Nuno,

Sorry for late reply, I've sent you a PM

hope to hear from you soon


02-10-2014, 03:30 PM

these are sold. Thread can be locked now
