View Full Version : NSX at Goodwood pics...

29-06-2014, 07:59 AM
here's pics of the new NSX at Goodwood (but you knew that already!!!!)

Honda decided to bring just the rolling mock-up in white, so nothing to add to the engine configuration or exhaust layouts...

anyway some pix....

https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/10455565_10203370312671573_8126561327203237495_n.j pg

https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t1.0-9/q71/s720x720/10450762_10203370273590596_3992082548622891991_n.j pg

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/q71/s720x720/10325678_10203370274030607_4219904152345341441_n.j pg

(the silver bar on the underside isn't some exotic aero device, it's a light bar!)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/q71/s720x720/1623692_10203370274510619_7450037388380051220_n.jp g

29-06-2014, 07:59 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10352190_10203370311031532_4468442702307874540_n.j pg

https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t1.0-9/q71/s720x720/10483995_10203370275550645_6304799608074016705_n.j pg

https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/t1.0-9/q71/s720x720/10481742_10203370276030657_4263518278579707030_n.j pg

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/q71/s720x720/10469192_10203370276350665_4946229910032025926_n.j pg

29-06-2014, 08:00 AM
more pics.....

nothing to report underneath apart from 4 tie-down eyes....
https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/t1.0-9/q77/s720x720/10473455_10203370277430692_7263233115029400670_n.j pg

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10393982_10203370338512219_5160103181916216067_n.j pg

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10475260_10203370339032232_8916332500624824895_n.j pg?oh=5e5df5aea316daa2e22cf0fb3133bbd8&oe=54249736&__gda__=1410548307_239d376fde5a3a1db8932394ddbde0c 7

it was amusing saturday afternoon watching a posse of Honda Munchkins wandering around the big NSX model with a stapled together A4 instruction sheet with pictures... looked like they had decided something was wrong with the display... bubble wrapped small display boards were dug out, then put away, some fiddling at the front wheels, one munchkin desperately trying to get the car to do something with a remote fob thru the window, crib sheet in hand to no avail.. i suspect it was an attempt to turn on the lighting, as the civics lights were on shortly after....

Devil horn tail lights on the concept Civic...
https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t1.0-9/10444342_10203370339512244_4846216689952853212_n.j pg

29-06-2014, 08:20 AM
the rest of the stand, Pauls car shiny at centre stage....

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10476011_10203370271230537_4987860514825637654_n.j pg

https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/10458846_10203370313551595_7923377357779725056_n.j pg

Honds red auto hidden in the back corner... most odd! looks shiny, but with only 16k miles it should!
https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/10502508_10203370272590571_5904228672415902629_n.j pg

29-06-2014, 08:29 AM
In other NSX news, there were 3 NSX I spotted in the supercar parking....

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10449499_10203370181868303_6796749321953748065_n.j pg

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10394809_10203370324591871_539324307309042567_n.jp g

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/10351906_10203370181148285_7093321238376667655_n.j pg

Hmmmm.. Range rover in supercar parking??? pretty sure i didn't see that on the approved car list.

also hugely disappointed with the supercar parking after last year... last year, the supercar area was part of the show, had to show event tickets to get in, and once in, you felt involved.

this year it was basically 'forward parking'... if visitors wanted to see this area they had to use their ticket to 'scan' themselves out of the site, look at the cars, then re-enter the FOS using their ticket.

£60 for forward parking when the same is free for appropriate cars at the revival... not impressed

at least we got free drinks at the Honda Stand ( smiley face!)

still, we did get our moneys worth.....
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10346055_10203372979658246_8887318547888741968_n.j pg

A whole shed load of event pics here.... https://www.facebook.com/jonathan.sutherland.7/media_set?set=a.10203370179108234.1073741851.10240 88899&type=3

30-06-2014, 10:00 AM
Other than the obvious disappointment of Honda's decision to not to run the new NSX at Goodwood, I though Honda's stand was a shambles. Yes it was nice to see a couple of classic-NSX's and the new NSX and Type-R concepts, but that is about as far as the good stuff goes.

The Honda display was larger than recent years and more prominently positioned, but the stand design was an ill-conceived mess. The new products pushed to the side, clutter (boxes of 'stuff', mops and buckets etc etc.) here there and everywhere. A lot of the signage (eg the 'Due 2015' signs) was cheap and amateurish. As for the third-rate game show types hosting the remote control racing, words fail me!

I had a good wander around all of the manufacturer stands early on Sunday morning and Honda's was far and away the least impressive.

30-06-2014, 10:30 AM
Other than the obvious disappointment of Honda's decision to not to run the new NSX at Goodwood, I though Honda's stand was a shambles. Yes it was nice to see a couple of classic-NSX's and the new NSX and Type-R concepts, but that is about as far as the good stuff goes.

The Honda display was larger than recent years and more prominently positioned, but the stand design was an ill-conceived mess. The new products pushed to the side, clutter (boxes of 'stuff', mops and buckets etc etc.) here there and everywhere. A lot of the signage (eg the 'Due 2015' signs) was cheap and amateurish. As for the third-rate game show types hosting the remote control racing, words fail me!

I had a good wander around all of the manufacturer stands early on Sunday morning and Honda's was far and away the least impressive.

I can't believe they left the tie down eyes underneath. Just seemed like a general lack of attention to detail to me. Crazy when you consider Honda's profile. How are we supposed to take them seriously?
Just a note for Paul; spoke to a friend who had seen your car on the stand yesterday. He told me someone had left a suntan oil hand print on the wing of your car. Sun tan lotion hates paint, so if you haven't washed it. You might want to take a look.
Shame they didn't take the car up the hill. Perhaps they couldn't get into it;-)

30-06-2014, 11:11 AM
Other than the obvious disappointment of Honda's decision to not to run the new NSX at Goodwood, I though Honda's stand was a shambles. Yes it was nice to see a couple of classic-NSX's and the new NSX and Type-R concepts, but that is about as far as the good stuff goes.

The Honda display was larger than recent years and more prominently positioned, but the stand design was an ill-conceived mess. The new products pushed to the side, clutter (boxes of 'stuff', mops and buckets etc etc.) here there and everywhere. A lot of the signage (eg the 'Due 2015' signs) was cheap and amateurish. As for the third-rate game show types hosting the remote control racing, words fail me!

I had a good wander around all of the manufacturer stands early on Sunday morning and Honda's was far and away the least impressive.

+1. The stand was a total disaster.

Thanks for sharing your photos Ian, some nice shots there.

Nick Graves
30-06-2014, 05:58 PM
I can't believe they left the tie down eyes underneath. Just seemed like a general lack of attention to detail to me. Crazy when you consider Honda's profile. How are we supposed to take them seriously?
Just a note for Paul; spoke to a friend who had seen your car on the stand yesterday. He told me someone had left a suntan oil hand print on the wing of your car. Sun tan lotion hates paint, so if you haven't washed it. You might want to take a look.
Shame they didn't take the car up the hill. Perhaps they couldn't get into it;-)

There's a problem with the eSHAWD - that's why the Acura RLX Hybrid has been delayed.

But your idea's probably about right, for Honda.

30-06-2014, 08:19 PM
Thanks for sharing your photos Ian, some nice shots there.

... in the other thread.... lol

i'm surprised the door handles survived on Pauls car, the number of times people tried to get in it.....

30-06-2014, 09:09 PM
Sums up 100% what I thought. It was a disgrace and low rent for a big manufacturer.
I was with a friend who is an Audi owner, he flashed his key fob and we were treated to free drinks, strawberries and cream and decent viewing of the hill climb.

when you went to Honda, you had 2 prats thinking they were funny (they were simply annoying). Some stupid child's racing game, staff who had no idea what they were displaying and an older NSX taking centre stage (absolutely stunning car) from NSX and ctr concepts ... Go work that plan out ... Even Honda think the current car is better than new!

complete shame, HUK (cars) really needs to look very hard at their business model cause it's embarrassing.the other car stands put it to shame and everyone offered hospitality to their customers in comfortable surroundings

at least the motorcycle division had a decent interactive stand whereby you could test ride 250 enduro bikes on a set course ... Great craic.

Official hospitality tent (round by back of f1 paddock) looked closed to Honda owners and was for the mechs and drivers and riders or who you knew.

btw, I hung about to see if you would land Jonathan ... But you were nowhere to be seen and judging by photo you were last to leave. At least you got a pic of my car (in a clean state) compared to the way it looked on Friday! Thanks for that

yeah the super car car park should have had a proper feel to it ... For the price it was disappointing in the end.

Other than the obvious disappointment of Honda's decision to not to run the new NSX at Goodwood, I though Honda's stand was a shambles. Yes it was nice to see a couple of classic-NSX's and the new NSX and Type-R concepts, but that is about as far as the good stuff goes.

The Honda display was larger than recent years and more prominently positioned, but the stand design was an ill-conceived mess. The new products pushed to the side, clutter (boxes of 'stuff', mops and buckets etc etc.) here there and everywhere. A lot of the signage (eg the 'Due 2015' signs) was cheap and amateurish. As for the third-rate game show types hosting the remote control racing, words fail me!

I had a good wander around all of the manufacturer stands early on Sunday morning and Honda's was far and away the least impressive.

30-06-2014, 09:29 PM
Sums up 100% what I thought. It was a disgrace and low rent for a big manufacturer.
I was with a friend who is an Audi owner, he flashed his key fob and we were treated to free drinks, strawberries and cream and decent viewing of the hill climb.

when you went to Honda, you had 2 parts thinking they were funny. Some stupid child's racing game, staff who had know idea what they were displaying and an older NSX taking centre stage (absolutely stunning car) from NSX and ctr concepts

complete shame, HUK (cars) really needs to look very hard at their business model cause it's embarrassing.the other car stands put it to shame and everyone offered hospitality to their customers in comfortable surroundings

at least the motorcycle division had a decent interactive stand whereby you could test ride 250 enduro bikes on a set course ... Great craic.

Official hospitality tent (round by back of f1 paddock) looked closed to Honda owners and was for the mechs and drivers and riders or who you knew.

btw, I hung about to see if you would land Jonathan ... But you were nowhere to be seen and judging by photo you were last to leave. At least you got a pic of my car than the way it looked on Friday! Thanks for that

yeah the super car car park should have had a proper feel to it ... For the price it was disappointing in the end.

shame that, as you sounded like you were looking forward to it. what did your mate think, was he ready to give up audi for honda???

i remember going to a mazda event with secret agent feel to it in scotland and you got to test drive the rx8 and mx5's hand braking etc.
we got brought round a course by the guys who taught the drivers for big wigs etc, so lots of drifting and 180's lol.

but atleast you got to see the new nsx, some difference when you see the old and new in the same area. they should have had the cars going in a line with them in order of model or stick the na1 an na2 either side of the new one, and make it stand out more.

the bikes and race cars sounded good fun.

30-06-2014, 10:05 PM
Gutted about bout the press release made in March by Honda/FoS saying that the event would showcase the new car and be invoked in hill climb etc ... Nothing!

CTR concept = joke ... A working version should have been there ... A fantastic opportunity to show case the car

my mate thought it was low rent like me, so we used the Audi stand a lot

nothing to see re the new car ... All locked up and sitting high on a stand

gutted ... But thankfully other things put the bad taste away

bikes were great craic and the 4x4 experience with Quattro was a hoot too

shame that, as you sounded like you were looking forward to it. what did your mate think, was he ready to give up audi for honda???

i remember going to a mazda event with secret agent feel to it in scotland and you got to test drive the rx8 and mx5's hand braking etc.
we got brought round a course by the guys who taught the drivers for big wigs etc, so lots of drifting and 180's lol.

but atleast you got to see the new nsx, some difference when you see the old and new in the same area. they should have had the cars going in a line with them in order of model or stick the na1 an na2 either side of the new one, and make it stand out more.

the bikes and race cars sounded good fun.

30-06-2014, 10:06 PM
btw, I hung about to see if you would land Jonathan ... But you were nowhere to be seen and judging by photo you were last to leave. At least you got a pic of my car than the way it looked on Friday! Thanks for that

yeah the super car car park should have had a proper feel to it ... For the price it was disappointing in the end.

we were down at the house watching the great and good (?) arrive for the evening ball...., preserving the great british tradition of watching people turn up and ripping their fashion choices to shreds! lol

and last year, the first for the supercar parking, it was in the same place, but the entry gate was at the opposite side of the parking, so the supercars were IN the show, not parked just outside it.

this proved problematic when we returned some purchases to the car, and when trying to re-enter the show, Sarahs ticket was shown as already being in the festival! fortunately the munchkin that 'booked' us out recognised us!

they do this sort of thing at the revival for pre 66 cars and call it 'forward parking', park close to the entrance, add a bit more colour, a car show before the show and it's free!

30-06-2014, 10:48 PM
aaaggghh that sounds really naff andrew, i am sure you drove home in a right mood after looking forward to it but i am sure the long drive home was pleasurable lol. it sounds a joke they did that, looks thrown together really. not going to get many customers for the 'new' nsx carrying on like that and at such an event.
i've been very busy at work, would have loved to have seen the rotary concept and the 4 rotor le mans car etc, maybe next time. but sounds like you had some fun regardless to make up for it.

as nice as the new car looks, the original still looks the business ;)

01-07-2014, 07:32 PM
goodwood Honda stand looked better without people....

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t1.0-9/10484785_10152493907902439_3279339772968755628_n.j pg

.... from Hondas faceache page... https://www.facebook.com/hondauk

Silver Surfer
01-07-2014, 07:42 PM
Is that an advert for JAWS 2014?


Problem Child
01-07-2014, 07:51 PM
goodwood Honda stand looked better without people....

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t1.0-9/10484785_10152493907902439_3279339772968755628_n.j pg

.... from Hondas faceache page... https://www.facebook.com/hondauk
Doesn't look particularly impressive...Looks like I didn't miss much

01-07-2014, 09:11 PM
Is that an advert for JAWS 2014?


haha, good one mate :)
maybe that's why there are no people.

01-07-2014, 09:38 PM
btw, I hung about to see if you would land Jonathan ... But you were nowhere to be seen and judging by photo you were last to leave. At least you got a pic of my car (in a clean state) compared to the way it looked on Friday! Thanks for that

yeah the super car car park should have had a proper feel to it ... For the price it was disappointing in the end.

I was parked just behind you on Friday and must admit your car did look in need of a wash, especially parked in the supercar car park! Guessing you managed to find a jet wash on the saturday evening. Prodrive wheels gave the car a nice stance though.

Sudesh's type r spoiler looked nicely finished but seemed a big difference in the gap between the rear quarter and the spoiler for each side. Is that an alignment problem or the manufacture of the spoiler?


02-07-2014, 06:28 AM
Doesn't look particularly impressive...Looks like I didn't miss much

Honda-wise perhaps not.

As for the FoS - there was more excellent stuff to see and do than I could fit into 3 long days.

Problem Child
02-07-2014, 08:06 AM
Honda-wise perhaps not. As for the FoS - there was more excellent stuff to see and do than I could fit into 3 long days.Yes, I meant Honda were a disappointment. Saw some of the rest of FoS on Sky...it idid look good

NSX 2000
09-07-2014, 09:37 PM
Taken from the Honda Worldwide web site. This may answer a few points that have been made.

Honda delivered a multi-location showcase at this year’s Festival of Speed, spanning 18,000sq meters of the Goodwood estate, with a focus on creating fun and interactive content that would excite and entertain visitors.

Philip Crossman, Managing Director, Honda (UK), commented: “We wanted to step away from the traditional motorshow stand display and do something different that visitors could engage with. The Honda race track and motocross experience delivered perfectly on that objective. We have a very exciting future with some iconic models being launched next year and our aim was to continue building that anticipation and really shout ‘Honda is Back’, which we certainly achieved.

“Goodwood Festival of Speed is a fantastic event – not just displaying our cars but also celebrating our motorcycle range and offering people the opportunity to give two wheels a go; I’m delighted that over 1,000 took part. Our rich racing history is very important to Honda, particularly with our return to Formula 1 next year, and being able to bring over some very special machinery from Japan and showcase them on the famous Hillclimb is a real highlight of mine.”

09-07-2014, 10:07 PM
I wonder why they chicken out at the last hour? Car looks good, specially in white.

09-07-2014, 11:10 PM
Their bike area was very good and great craic on the 250 enduro bikes. The car stand was woeful and the relax /complimentary area was VIP only which was disappointing

i guess he has to come out with some retort as most people there would have judged em on their car stand. It was misguided ... NA2 NSX was the showcase car (nothing wrong with that) but placement and showing concept version of new NSX was mistake and surely it should have taken more prominence in feature. Again placement of new CTR all wrong and showing concept whereby no one could get close to view etc. Added with the unfunny DJ duo and the silly race track game the MD has issues with his PR dept.

I'm sorry but the HUK car stand was low rent and was compounded by the expenditure of those stands around it ... Audi, Toyota etc. Again my humble opinion but don't think I was alone in the assessment.

09-07-2014, 11:16 PM
Perhaps Honda should really introduce the Acura brand to Europe?

10-07-2014, 07:13 AM
Taken from the Honda Worldwide web site. This may answer a few points that have been made.

Honda delivered a multi-location showcase at this year’s Festival of Speed, spanning 18,000sq meters of the Goodwood estate, with a focus on creating fun and interactive content that would excite and entertain visitors.

Philip Crossman, Managing Director, Honda (UK), commented: “We wanted to step away from the traditional motorshow stand display and do something different that visitors could engage with. The Honda race track and motocross experience delivered perfectly on that objective. We have a very exciting future with some iconic models being launched next year and our aim was to continue building that anticipation and really shout ‘Honda is Back’, which we certainly achieved.

“Goodwood Festival of Speed is a fantastic event – not just displaying our cars but also celebrating our motorcycle range and offering people the opportunity to give two wheels a go; I’m delighted that over 1,000 took part. Our rich racing history is very important to Honda, particularly with our return to Formula 1 next year, and being able to bring over some very special machinery from Japan and showcase them on the famous Hillclimb is a real highlight of mine.”

No, not really.

The car display stand was an embarrassing shambles (so maybe in that respect, mission accomplished - it was several steps away from a traditional motorshow stand).

There is a mention of F1 in the statement, but absolutely nothing on the stand which hinted at Honda's F1 involvement past or future.

It was a very poorly judged mistake IMHO, and judging the stand in terms of footfall compared to those adjacent to it, it was always significantly quieter whenever I passed.

10-07-2014, 07:23 AM
Yes, I meant Honda were a disappointment. Saw some of the rest of FoS on Sky...it idid look good

On ITV4 at 8pm last night there was a programme Goodwood- cars of the future which showed FoS including Sir Chris's exploit into the straw bales. Worth a watch on iplayer if you have a spare hour.
No sighting of the new NSX !

10-07-2014, 10:04 AM
The Goodwood highlights show is tonight (Thursday) 8pm ITV4.....

10-07-2014, 07:44 PM
yeah, i'm watching it now. looks really good. seen rowan atkinson as one of the judges.
have to go to the next one.

10-07-2014, 08:05 PM
so the honda motorcross gets a mention.....

11-07-2014, 08:56 AM
thats cause it was a decent set up and a great larf

so the honda motorcross gets a mention.....

NSX 2000
22-07-2014, 04:47 PM
Not a pic but a video

20-08-2014, 09:58 PM
Yo Olly

just came across this post for the 1st time having properly read through this thread as I was talking to someone about it today and was flicking through pics and posts about it.

I know I was a tad embarrassed the 1st day, that was the drive down from Cairnryan to our hotel in Arundel ... We arrived near 9pm and had no chance to wash that evening or on the morning of the 1st day there. Yes made an active point in searching for a jet wash that evening in prep for 2nd day! Yellow is brutal to keep clean in NSX guise :(

yeah, the PD's have grown on me ... I need to get her raised a tad upfront though and the rear tyres will need changed ASAP.

With regards to the NSX-R spoiler this is just the PROTOTYPE version ... Not the finished article by any stretch. Just fitted to my car for me to get used to it, get to live with it and to see how the car drove with it on, and let people see the potential of this product. It Has not been properly fitted as yet to my car and the guy who makes the piece has yet to see it and will make any adjustments he needs to before final commit to the batch he plans to make to order.
so you will have to excuse the alignment on the boot lid of my car as literally it was put on purely for trial purposes. Heck not all the bolts were installed! :)

so definitely a fit/alignment issue. Any defects if any on spoiler will be ironed out prior to final production.

I was parked just behind you on Friday and must admit your car did look in need of a wash, especially parked in the supercar car park! Guessing you managed to find a jet wash on the saturday evening. Prodrive wheels gave the car a nice stance though.

Sudesh's type r spoiler looked nicely finished but seemed a big difference in the gap between the rear quarter and the spoiler for each side. Is that an alignment problem or the manufacture of the spoiler?
