View Full Version : NSX a winner at Salon Prive today

04-09-2014, 06:20 PM
Delighted to get a call over the PA system today while attending the Salon Prive event near Heathrow.

Informed by organisers that my NSX had been judged best super car in the paddock. I parked in a line with around 30 super cars, including a dozen Ferrari, Maclaren F1, Rolls, Lamborghini etc. can you believe it. Judges went for the NSX! Stunned.

If I could work out how to attach a photo - I'd post up a pic of the car with trophy. So much attention too. Lots of great comments.

04-09-2014, 06:35 PM
What a great result, congratulations!
I attended SP last year, what a fabulous day out and the unobtainium on display was a privilege to see. It was also some sort of F40 anniversary and there were about 30 F40's in line, quite a sight. The ROFGO Gulf collection was also displayed.

My friends daughter was picked for the Boodles prize final, I thought it was only a bit of a laugh until she said the prize was a £3000 dress ring! Unfortunately she didn't win.

04-09-2014, 06:37 PM
Excellent - well informed judges !

Good to see proper recognition, bet you couldn't stop smiling.
Look forward to seeing the photo.


Delighted to get a call over the PA system today while attending the Salon Prive event near Heathrow.

Informed by organisers that my NSX had been judged best super car in the paddock. I parked in a line with around 30 super cars, including a dozen Ferrari, Maclaren F1, Rolls, Lamborghini etc. can you believe it. Judges went for the NSX! Stunned.

If I could work out how to attach a photo - I'd post up a pic of the car with trophy. So much attention too. Lots of great comments.

04-09-2014, 06:54 PM
Ear to ear grin. Yes indeed. Great event. Good value for money v something like GFOS.

04-09-2014, 07:02 PM
Congrats! and great result, however I hear the term " Should have gone to spec savers" if the judges choose the NSX over an F1! lol

Although you have choosen the term supercar, where the F1 is a Hypercar!

Silver Surfer
04-09-2014, 07:06 PM
Very well done......get the pics up!
You must have wax the car to be shinier than Marky Marks car which is for sale on PH at present... ;-)


04-09-2014, 07:16 PM
Very well done!

04-09-2014, 08:31 PM
Great result and even more frustrsted I had to cancel attendance due to work ... good for you and credit to previous keepers for maintaining this one in such great condition ....

04-09-2014, 09:12 PM
Absolutely. James and Steve - previous owners - cherished the car and I'm just keeping it looking the same way.