View Full Version : Anyone seen this one before?

21-11-2014, 11:27 PM
A pristine, very early NSX is being advertised on PH. It looks in fabulous condition with only 16k miles in 23 years. Love the bit about leaving the doors ajar so as not to crush the rubber seals!

Wish mine was that clean underneath and everywhere else for that matter!!

Price POA - any thoughts on what it's worth?


21-11-2014, 11:59 PM
Who cares what the price is? It won't be driven.


22-11-2014, 07:55 AM
Not really a car then, more like an NSX shaped sculpture.....

Problem Child
22-11-2014, 12:08 PM
Who cares what the price is? It won't be driven.


whatever the price its cheap....buy it while you can

23-11-2014, 11:26 AM
In that time it has covered just 16,200 miles, has never been out in the rain, and has been dry-stored with amazing attention to detail (under a dust sheet, with the suspension gently loaded, doors open as to not crush the seals, connected to a battery conditioner, etc etc)

Really, please!!!

23-11-2014, 01:14 PM
And again a thread descends into a weird determination to slag off an NSX that's come up for sale. This place is depressingly repetitive at times. :(

23-11-2014, 02:09 PM
I know the owner and would love to be in a position to own this outstanding example.

Condition is as described and if you dont remeber seeing it before check out the homepage photo history ....

Respectively to all, and to repeat previous requests, if you do not know the vehicle, the owner or have any intention to purchase please keep your "not for me or negative comments & thoughts" to yourself ... and remember, the internet has a long memory so if you're an owner you may one day wish to sell, ask yourself if you be pleased to see others making the sale of your treasured NSX difficult.

We have seem many NSX sales go through this past couple of years, some cars needing TLC, some appearing to need for nothing but a driver and yet all of these cars new keepers pop-up and ask advice or post photos of freshly serviced and detailed examples, so even the best examples can be improved upon.

Enjoy these cars or your memories of ownership and lets help everyone selling or buying to sell or obtain the best NSX they can. And if you have factual information and someone asks the question, please use the IM facility and leave the new keeper to post if they so wish.

Many Thanx.

Back to the OP, I hope this finds a good home ... I'm going a different route for my relaxing motoring, but have looked at the idea of taking this car into care for some time now ...

And if you check out the above you will answer the question as to why it now comes to market ...

regards, Paul

23-11-2014, 02:13 PM
The point is that you can't unless you have notary certified proof back up the claims in the add.

As a collector's car an Auto NSX without special provenance is not really collectable.

I predicted long ago that speculating on NSXs and thinking of them as an ISA would backfire...

23-11-2014, 06:35 PM
it definitely is an interesting car ... not sure what i would do with it if it was my 1st time looking at an NSX.
IMHO it would not be a car for those wanting to experience the drive of the NSX. At that sort of mileage and provenance its really hard to know what to do.
I hope it finds a good home and is cherished and look after for another 23 years!

23-11-2014, 07:15 PM
The point is that you can't unless you have notary certified proof back up the claims in the add.

As a collector's car an Auto NSX without special provenance is not really collectable.

I predicted long ago that speculating on NSXs and thinking of them as an ISA would backfire...

I don't think anybody who follows this forum can be unaware that you think prices will fall!!!
Despite the fact that PROOF shows you to be completely wrong and prices still seem to be on the up, you still seem to be insistent in trying to undermine the sale of any NSX that comes to the market despite guidance from the admin otherwise, or offering any beneficial information to the seller or potential buyer.
If you had previously owned a bad example and had a particularly poor ownership experience then I could possibly understand your comments, but you have owned several NSX's, some very good examples and spent thousands modifying them in the manner of a true enthusiast.
Your actions really don't make any sense to me other than sour grapes that your previous car is now worth much more than when you sold it (although I'm sure your valuation is much different!)
I'm not wishing to get into another big public debate about this on hear as there have been others around this in the past, but for the benefit of the site this continued negative response needs to be stopped.


24-11-2014, 09:03 AM
The point is that you can't unless you have notary certified proof back up the claims in the add.

As a collector's car an Auto NSX without special provenance is not really collectable.

I predicted long ago that speculating on NSXs and thinking of them as an ISA would backfire...


I respect your thoughts on point 1, but knowing the owner I would have every respect for his knowledge as an engineer and honest individual so unless you can prove otherwise I feel your comments here are a little disrespectful.

The owner of this NSX bought it new, not as a collectable item, not as an alternative to financial investment, and was in the fortunate position that he has alternative transport that has allowed such careful ownership. As such, his purchase was simply a recognistion of Honda bringing to the market a car of such high engineering quality at its time that as regularly reported, it encouraged the recognised brands to rethink their approach resulting in them subsequently releasing better cars.

The NSX is not the only classic currently holding \ appreciating its value, but as with all brands, the clean, the sought after, the rarer examples with good history are being bought quickly. An NSX of this quality in my opinion is only marginally less desirable than its manual equivalent; for some it will likely be the perfect NSX whether to drive or preserve. AS above, if I was in a position to own a second NSX this would be my first choice as I would then have the pleasure of both an NA2 and NA1 with the benefits each transmission has to offer.

Regards, Paul

24-11-2014, 05:21 PM
I think healthy debate is good; it is called a forum after all!

The problem with an auto gearbox is that technology moves at such a pace that it soon becomes outdated. The danger of owner's forums are that the love of one's car can make it very difficult to be objective. Whilst admirable to a point, if it gets to a stage where you would recommend something that is objectively not up to scratch, could you not be walking somebody into a decision they may regret?

The performance of the NSX's F-Matic is beside the point, really. My issue is that the Honda engineers set out to build a world beater, and the F-Matic was not part of those plans. In fact, it detracts from the overall character and purpose of the car (like that massive boot!). This is only emphasised by the fact that the manual gearbox is one of the finest ever to grace a car. As such, i'd be interest to know what benefits you view the F-Matic brings Paul? Or, are you just being - very nobly - polite?

24-11-2014, 09:13 PM
My issue is that the Honda engineers set out to build a world beater, and the F-Matic was not part of those plans.
Whether the F-Matic was or wasn’t, an Auto surely must have been part of the plan.
When new, the NSX was the same cost as the average UK house; the consequence being that part of the sales market included the more mature who needed to carry luggage. It was no doubt those very two points that helped sway those initial purchasers.
As time has progressed, the real cost of the car has dropped and allowed the driving gods that we all are to own one. Being driving gods, we seek the purity of the coupe over the targa, the manual over the auto. It all depends on the ‘objective’ criteria you start with.
As much fun as many of the current sportscars / super cars may be, if you can’t carry a jacket, brief case or bags for the occupants then the role of car becomes a world beating toy and not real world transport.

24-11-2014, 10:09 PM
Duncan's right - the auto isn't as "pure", but it IS (was?) desirable for a number of new-car buyers. And still is - look at the number of 911s, Ferraris, M3s, etc. etc. that have been bought with the auto option (even old, slow slushers!) vs the manual.

Conclusion: Gearshift is only 1 part of a car's dynamics, and isn't important for many buyers...even those who aren't buying for image.

24-11-2014, 10:26 PM
FFS! - its an NSX - Auto or NOT the choice is that of the buyer. Most normal mortals are unable to exercise the true performance of the NSX anyway. Enjoy it because it is and not what you think it should or should not be.

No doubt in years to come people will debate the virtues or not of Hybrid technology - or why is it that so many people bought the first iPhone, which was probably the biggest heap of poo (compared to a normal mobile phone).

I love my NSX ....

24-11-2014, 10:45 PM
Hi Rob,

I enjoy driving my NSX (NA2) and when doing so generally plan journeys mainly for fun and as such this tends to be the earlier hours of weekends.

If I was using an NSX as a daily driver, and many do, due to the locations I travel to for customer meetings I would not even consider a manual box, no matter how well engineered. My daily is an auto and remapped to such a degree a well driven NSX would be using all its 8k rpm to stay aligned and yet I can relax when in traffic, no need to pump my expensive clutch assembly and let the car do all the work.

In summary, the benefits are a relaxed drive and under most conditions, a very high percentage of the NSX ingredients covered. I've driven two autos, neither an F-matic, and wasnt dissapointed by either as I drove them (IMHO) how Mr Honda expected them to be driven.

UK driving conditions have lent themselves to Auto boxes for many years .... and in the UK, even Senna drove an auto NSX ...

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQdI0VrLO5HXMeS-JXfw3ULDKnbCM5xd4TLUCawtNQcbWe38yC2CTNvKbk (http://www.google.co.uk/url?url=http://www.topgear.com/uk/photos/hammond-drives-the-icons-honda-nsx-25-06-2012&rct=j&frm=1&q=&esrc=s&sa=U&ei=rbRzVJLeIYrqaMzAghA&ved=0CBoQ9QEwAg&sig2=JqiRzDiauaNtKvjNZxf1aA&usg=AFQjCNEAVM_ZUHbE2YmxfEjQYT6_SH_MHw)

regards, Paul

25-11-2014, 09:40 AM
I'd also say that LJKS could not decide between them and eventually chose both auto NSX and manual NSX for his dream garage.

(With his beloved Prelude as the daily, and the inevitable Bristols.)

25-11-2014, 10:04 AM
In fact, as I recall, LJKS said that, if given £500,000 to spend on cars, he would chose 9 NSXs - a lifetime supply.

I have to admit I don't quite get all this. I waited 3 years to get my perfect NSX - a low mileage NA2 pop-up targa. Note that is MY perfect NSX - it may not be others'. Is it better than an early NA1 auto coupe. Don't know - don't care. I have what I wanted and there are owners of early NA1 auto coupes who have what they wanted. It is the same with prices. I am annoyed that such a superb car by every measure is rising in price modestly while significantly inferior cars such as the 308 are soaring in value. But that is not because I am interested in my car as an investment; it reflects my annoyance at the stupidity of the classic car market and how it is not a function of quality but perception. I am not selling my NSX so its value is irrelevant to me - in fact I would end up paying much more in insurance if the values took off. A forum, by definition, is to promote discussion but let's keep a sense of perspective. Any NSX, no matter what its spec, is better than the alternatives.

25-11-2014, 01:29 PM
I don't think anybody who follows this forum can be unaware that you think prices will fall!!!
Despite the fact that PROOF shows you to be completely wrong and prices still seem to be on the up, you still seem to be insistent in trying to undermine the sale of any NSX that comes to the market despite guidance from the admin otherwise, or offering any beneficial information to the seller or potential buyer.
If you had previously owned a bad example and had a particularly poor ownership experience then I could possibly understand your comments, but you have owned several NSX's, some very good examples and spent thousands modifying them in the manner of a true enthusiast.
Your actions really don't make any sense to me other than sour grapes that your previous car is now worth much more than when you sold it (although I'm sure your valuation is much different!)
I'm not wishing to get into another big public debate about this on hear as there have been others around this in the past, but for the benefit of the site this continued negative response needs to be stopped.


Olly, If YOU paid attention to my posts you would have noticed that on Nigel's platinum pear white, my ONLY comment was:


Amazing colour!

Now if my present comments of an NSX as an ISA upset you that's YOUR problem, not mine.

As for my previous cars, I shall not comment on their present values and what "history" they have had since my ownership, it is up to the future buyers to inspect the cars and pay the price they feel happy paying according to their condition.

My actions DO NOT have to make any sense to YOU.

I hope that clears it up for you.

Paul, with all respect due to the owner, unless he drove it out of the assembly line himself, then, somebody somewhere could have driven it in the rain etc. Those claims made by a third party or whatever Plans is, sound very hyperbolized.

Would it not have been better just to concentrate on an objective description of the car's condition?

It does look like a very pristine example, nevertheless, an auto NSX will never be as desirable as a collector car as a manual one. That is a fact dictated by Honda designing such a sublime manual gearbox that has won over many an NSX detractor.

A 1990 low mileage, unmodified, JDM, manual gearbox, red NSX, will no doubt be amongst the most collectable, but this is not it, at least for me.

25-11-2014, 06:53 PM
A 1990 low mileage, unmodified, JDM, manual gearbox, red NSX, will no doubt be amongst the most collectable, but this is not it, at least for me.[/QUOTE]

Here's such a beast, although a '91, not a '90. (http://ucar.honda.co.jp/detail/HOT000234506/) 41k GBP in Japan.

25-11-2014, 10:24 PM
Depends on the type of collector imo. If its being parked up and not driven surely dosn't matter if its an auto. Sometimes collectors buy on condition and mileage. A 3.3 964 turbo is not a 3.6 964 turbo...but its still 'collectable'

25-11-2014, 10:58 PM
A 1990 low mileage, unmodified, JDM, manual gearbox, red NSX, will no doubt be amongst the most collectable, but this is not it, at least for me.

Here's such a beast, although a '91, not a '90. (http://ucar.honda.co.jp/detail/HOT000234506/) 41k GBP in Japan.[/QUOTE]

Now THAT is a collectable NSX!

26-11-2014, 07:43 AM
I owned the red targa 03 that Plans have up for £64k for 4 years, and great car though it was (and still is), I'm not sure if it would stand up against a lot of the modern metal you could buy for that money. Combine that with the fact that the more expensive these cars get as collectors items, the less likely they are to be used anyway...

Having said that, you could spend £65k on a new Cayman GTS and even if it knocks spots off the NSX for speed, handling & comfort, it'll be worth half that in 5 years time. And the NSX won't...

26-11-2014, 08:35 AM
The debate about current and future value always fascinates and often irritates me - if ultimate speed and handling was the only determinant of value then only the current fastest and best handling would command a premium and many Porsche and Ferrari would be worth very little as everyone piled into the latest special edition car that on paper was 0.1 sec to a random speed time or distance.

At the risk of being accused of stating the obvious we all know the original NSX is a far better car than the sales numbers Honda achieved suggests, more fool those that bought the obvious brands when the car was new I say.

Supply and demand is what determines value of anything, the NA1 and NA2 supply numbers will only ever decline now so this factor will tend to drive prices of all original NSX cars up. The demand side is of course subject to many more factors and much more difficult to forecast, particularly in the long term, but in the end any individual successful sale only needs one buyer, so the fact that many will say a particular item is not worth what someone else will pay is entirely irrelevant to that sale. There are many cars (old and new) I have driven, or have been driven in, that I consider are not worth the price tag.

Now whether NSX prices will ever get to the dizzy height of some Ferraris, Porsche or Aston Martins I have no idea but I would rather have an NSX than any of them - it may not be the fastest, best handling, prettiest, newest, most technology loaded, the most expensive or even the absolute rarest and certainly not the current motoring press favourite but it remains my favourite car to own and drive.

I hope the members of this forum do not look back and realise that debates recorded here created a self fulfilling prophecy by either talking values down or up significantly - as I would argue neither outcome is helpful to the majority of owners or enthusiasts.

So my conclusion would be let's focus on why we love the NSX and not pick holes in the virtues or otherwise of the latest car for sale or its sale price. Opinions are of course valid but facts are what count so in my view the most useful thing the forum could do is track the price index overtime for the core NSX models.

I have now put my soapbox back in the cupboard - sorry if the rant has offended anyone.

26-11-2014, 09:54 AM
Goldtop is correct,Leonard said Bristol Blenheim,403;NSX,one of each,Prelude 4WS,plus motorbike.vintage OM and all in preference to a McLaren F1. I still miss his writing. He said at his age two NSX's would see him out....

26-11-2014, 08:35 PM
So we'll put. Nothing else to add.

27-11-2014, 08:52 AM
So we'll put. Nothing else to add.

Totally agree. Covers all bases.

04-01-2015, 03:17 PM
I have a Standard , 91 , Red , Manual , UK Version with 13k on it from new . If any collector wants to make me a silly offer I would be more than happy to consider a sale .

14-01-2015, 11:29 AM
Keep it as long as you dare as surely value will go up and up.

The older it gets, the less it gets viewed as just a car. It's the history, the ethos and experience that are important. I will never forget driving an NSX for the first time, inside that 'cockpit' with the perfect, uninterrupted view of the road in front of me. It's funny that Honda/Acura have tried to ape that by creating skinny A pillars with the new car; there are some things that modern cars just won't be able to replicate.

16-01-2015, 09:42 PM
It's amazing what happened in the past 5 years to car values.

Basically any german aircooled vehicle is considered as the solution to petrolhead nirvana and everybody MUST have one, with prices now skyrocketing at $40k for a 964 C2 Manual. It seems though that 996 can lead to male impotency and you can find them at the cost of a Fiat Panda. Used.

NSX just doubled the price in a matter of 5 years, it makes me sad that the first question they ask when they see one is How much did you pay and how much could you sell it for?

In my humble opinion, the next cars to have a future re-valuation are Mazda RX-7 FDs , Lancer Evolution VI, Mitsubishi 300GT VR4 (on the low side) and - already ongoing - BMW Z3 M Coupe.

I will never be a collector, I like to drive too much!

17-01-2015, 12:12 AM
It's amazing what happened in the past 5 years to car values.

Basically any german aircooled vehicle is considered as the solution to petrolhead nirvana and everybody MUST have one, with prices now skyrocketing at $40k for a 964 C2 Manual. It seems though that 996 can lead to male impotency and you can find them at the cost of a Fiat Panda. Used.

NSX just doubled the price in a matter of 5 years, it makes me sad that the first question they ask when they see one is How much did you pay and how much could you sell it for?

In my humble opinion, the next cars to have a future re-valuation are Mazda RX-7 FDs , Lancer Evolution VI, Mitsubishi 300GT VR4 (on the low side) and - already ongoing - BMW Z3 M Coupe.

I will never be a collector, I like to drive too much!

I agree with your sentiments, FYI RX7 FDs are are alredy going up up up" Tyru getting a Spirit R that has not being crash!

17-01-2015, 07:14 AM
Not just the aircooled. 996 GT3 and GT3 RS are well up over the last year. 996 turbo prices are also going up.
Collect them AND drive them...