View Full Version : Snap Ring

24-11-2014, 11:59 AM
Does anybody know the Honda Part Number for the "infamous" gearbox snap ring? My car in a 1991 JDM.

Many thanks

24-11-2014, 12:17 PM
Hi, paulc.
If you are after the snap ring that holds the counter shaft ball bearing at the top, then it's 90602-PR8-000.
If you are referring to the 'infamous' snap ring failure, then probably you already knew that relacing the snap ring won't fix the issue. It's the trans case issue.


24-11-2014, 07:12 PM
Hi, paulc.
If you are after the snap ring that holds the counter shaft ball bearing at the top, then it's 90602-PR8-000.
If you are referring to the 'infamous' snap ring failure, then probably you already knew that relacing the snap ring won't fix the issue. It's the trans case issue.


Many thanks Kaz, going to open up the gear box and have a look around, see what's going on and take it from there.



25-11-2014, 02:20 AM
Not having ever seen the inside of a NSX gearbox , I have wondered if a machined insert could be used to take the end thrust of the countershaft , replacing the snap ring .

27-11-2014, 09:45 AM
Does anybody know the Honda Part Number for the "infamous" gearbox snap ring? My car in a 1991 JDM.

Many thanks

Although replacement won't fix the issue with the trans case. My snap ring had gone, and while I had the box off my car when I was replacing the clutch, (about 7 yrs ago now) I replaced the snap ring, and so far so good, it still going strong. It cost about £6 from HUK for the part.

Hope that helps


29-11-2014, 08:18 PM
Cheers Mutley, brought the snap ring from Honda, only a £5, will hopefully take the gearbox apart in the next couple of weeks.

01-12-2014, 05:37 PM
What I found when I did mine, there was little bits inside the gearbox, and also some if it stuck in the groove in the box casing. I got as muck of it as I could and reconstructed it, a bit like a jigsaw puzzle, that way I know that I got all the bits of it.

As I said, for 5 quid it was worth a try and so far, the new one hasn't failed (yet!!)


02-12-2014, 12:50 PM
Hi Jim many thanks thats my plan as well. Just waiting for some time and space at my mates garage, got a couple of over jobs that need doing so might have to leave it with him for a while.

18-03-2015, 02:38 PM
Well at long last got some space in my mates garage and after an epic battle took the gearbox out of the car!! Took the gearbox and new snap ring to a gearbox specialist in Norwich who took it apart and replaced the snap ring, very fortunate no damage to the insides. Got the refurbished gearbox back today, looks stunning! Very clean and shiney, so the next challenge is to put it all back into the car next week, hopefully it will go back in with no problems. Went to Holdens in Norwich to get a few litres of MTF and had a look at a very nice red NA2 in the carpark, first one I've seen in Norfolk since I brought mine and that was 4 years ago.

Next challenge is to get the headlights to go up and down, they are currently stuck up, have changed the fuses and had the relays checked, anybody got any other ideas??

18-03-2015, 03:45 PM
Have you checked your manual override switch recently?
If the dashboard, gauge or any works carried out inside the cabin, the connector on the switch body (not the one on the wire side) can be dislocated and create intermittent connection causing your issue.

If that's fine, remove the fuse first (very important, otherwise you may injure your finger) then remove the cap behind the head light unit and rotate the knob in the direction of arrow to see whether your linkage mechanism is fine or not.

If this is also fine, then you need to start opening the wiring diagram to check in systematic way.


18-03-2015, 06:09 PM
As always Kaz many thanks for your advice. The manual override switch does not either. The headlight switch hasn't worked for a long time, to be honest and no laughing I thought for a long time that the manual override switch was the way to put the headlights back down!! Stupid I know!!!

I think it going to be a case of going through the wiring diagram.



19-03-2015, 08:38 AM
No laughing at all and you are partially correct in thinking that the manual override switch is to put the headlights back down.
It is indeed part of the retractable mechanism.

I think my last post was not clear enough so I'll try again.

If your headlight switch works for switching On the headlights (even they stays facing down or stays in up position) but no retractable movement, please check the circuit board held inside the manual override switch.

It's been a while since last time I tested the scenario so I can't remember the exact result but if my memory is correct, depending on when the circuit board at the override switch was dislocated, I think your headlight will stay up or down regardless of the headlight switch status.
I could be wrong but worth the check before going into the detail inspection.


19-03-2015, 08:33 PM
Many thanks Kaz, will give it a go.



19-03-2015, 08:57 PM
I have a spare if you are stuck.

20-03-2015, 04:52 PM
Many thanks, private message sent



27-03-2015, 12:54 PM
Well after a long bloody battle the gearbox is back in!!! Runs like a dream, no longer jumps out of 1st and 2nd all very smooth. Many thanks to everybody for their advice and help.

Next is the headlights, but they will have to wait until I get back from holiday, hate electrics!


30-03-2015, 10:41 AM
ahhh the good old headlight problem. I had suffered this for a long time, and for a while i had to retract them manually. Luckily Kaz done a thorough hunt on my car and discoverd a broken wire in the loom. That solved the problem, and the lights worked as they should.

Now, however I have developed a strange fault. The lights go up, not problem at all, but sometimes stay up. I have noticed though, that when I run the car for a little while, the lights operate normally, (go up and down).

I do know that I have a loose wire on the connector that goes into the back of the retact button switch, so I'm guessing that could be the problem.


01-04-2015, 09:41 AM

i always thought that the famous snap ring was a internal case issue and not the snap ring itself.
if this is the case, the OP just post poned the problem IMO.
