View Full Version : SilverStone Classic - Media day 15th April

20-01-2015, 05:34 PM
I have been approached by the organisers of the SSC2015 to see if any member has a PRISTINE Silver NSX that they would like to appear at the Silverstone Classic Media Launch. The date is 15th April - I suspect they want the car there early the car will be static at the paddock display outside The Wing.

They are also asking if we have 5 other cars that could be part of a static display for the club in the main paddock area.

So if you are interested please enter your name below (please make sure you are available for the whole day on the 15th before committing)

Silver Car

Other Cars (slow Reds acceptable)


NSX 2000
20-01-2015, 06:19 PM
Hi Mike

I can do the April 15th as an Other car.

I would have copied and pasted from your post but I can't get it to paste.


20-01-2015, 06:56 PM
Hi Mike.
Please add me to the 5 car list.
Thanks Clive

They are also asking if we have 5 other cars that could be part of a static display for the club in the main paddock area.

So if you are interested please enter your name below

Other Cars (slow Reds acceptable)

1.Pride a super fast red/black NA1:)

2015 - 25 years of the NSX

20-01-2015, 07:01 PM
So if you are interested please enter your name below (please make sure you are available for the whole day on the 15th before committing)

Silver Car

Other Cars (slow Reds acceptable)

1. NSX2000 - Paul
2. Pride - Clive
3. Sorepaws - Mike

20-01-2015, 07:14 PM
Silver Car
1. NSXGB - Simon. (If you don't mind a mildly modified Silver car.)

Other Cars (slow Reds acceptable)

1. NSX2000 - Paul
2. Pride - Clive
3. Sorepaws - Mike

20-01-2015, 08:57 PM
Silver Car
1. NSXGB - Simon. (If you don't mind a mildly modified Silver car.)
2. Dragonlady as a standby

Other Cars (slow Reds acceptable)

1. NSX2000 - Paul
2. Pride - Clive
3. Sorepaws - Mike

Problem Child
21-01-2015, 11:29 AM
Silver Car
1. NSXGB - Simon. (If you don't mind a mildly modified Silver car.)
2. Dragonlady as a standby

Other Cars (slow Reds acceptable)

1. NSX2000 - Paul
2. Pride - Clive
3. Sorepaws - Mike
4. S21NSX, Red NA2 Targa

21-01-2015, 11:38 AM
Silver Car
1. NSXGB - Simon. (If you don't mind a mildly modified Silver car.)
2. Dragonlady as a standby

Other Cars (slow Reds acceptable)

1. NSX2000 - Paul
2. Pride - Clive
3. Sorepaws - Mike
4. oneillg1201- Geoff
5. Hagasan - Gary

21-01-2015, 12:57 PM
They still want us then :)

22-01-2015, 08:12 PM
Now closed - the organisers have asked for the "original" NSX - I hope it isnt too modified for them ! :-S

I will let eveyone know what is happening and please the assumption is that the first to put their names down are the ones who will be going unless I hear otherwise which I think means Hagasan is first reserve ? Let me know if I have got this right.

06-02-2015, 07:15 AM
Any update on this? Not heard back from them...

26-03-2015, 04:19 PM
Is this still happening? I never heard a peep from the organisers....less than 3 weeks away now.

26-03-2015, 05:05 PM

27-03-2015, 07:58 AM
No further information from SSC - they do however have everyones detials and should be in touch soon !

(Sadly anyone who has attended the SSC knows how close to the line they like to get when sending out tickets and info )

09-04-2015, 10:16 AM
I have sent an email asking if they still need us as I still have not heard a thing...

09-04-2015, 10:19 AM
The timings of the day are:
8.30am – Arrival
9am – Tea & Coffee with registration
10am – Press conference
11.30am – Passenger Rides
1.30pm – Photo shoot on track if required
3pm – Car can leave Paddock

I will be sending out E-tickets to all those concerned tomorrow but if you would like to pass on the timings for them then great.

All the best

09-04-2015, 12:16 PM
I was a reserve I believe but cannot attend this unless I have any last minute changes to my current plans.

09-04-2015, 05:59 PM
I can be a reserve if anyone drops out.

09-04-2015, 07:36 PM
The timings of the day are:
8.30am – Arrival
9am – Tea & Coffee with registration
10am – Press conference
11.30am – Passenger Rides
1.30pm – Photo shoot on track if required
3pm – Car can leave Paddock

I will be sending out E-tickets to all those concerned tomorrow but if you would like to pass on the timings for them then great.

All the best

The time and date is fine by me.
Looking forward to the E-ticket.

11-04-2015, 11:49 AM
Just to let you all know, I received my E-ticket via email today.

11-04-2015, 05:39 PM
Got mine, early start!

11-04-2015, 07:53 PM
Got mine, early start!

You'll need one if yours is silver.:)

12-04-2015, 03:22 PM
You'll need one if yours is silver.:)

I don't know what you are trying to say?

Problem Child
12-04-2015, 07:50 PM
The timings of the day are:
8.30am – Arrival
9am – Tea & Coffee with registration
10am – Press conference
11.30am – Passenger Rides
1.30pm – Photo shoot on track if required
3pm – Car can leave Paddock

I will be sending out E-tickets to all those concerned tomorrow but if you would like to pass on the timings for them then great.

All the best

Got my email yesterday...setting out soon!

15-04-2015, 04:25 PM
Unfortunately due to work I was unable to attend but here is a picture from the Press Release of the day


Maybe someone clever can get it to open inside the window here !





15-04-2015, 05:21 PM
as you wish!!!....


Problem Child
15-04-2015, 05:43 PM
as you wish!!!....


Thats us standing behind the cars being interviewed for an article for the Daily Telegraph....details to follow

NSX 2000
16-04-2015, 01:48 PM
What a day, I will try and do a write up, with some pictures.

16-04-2015, 06:37 PM
I concour, it was a fantastic day.
Silverstone media department deserve a massive thank you for inviting 6 of our cars to such a great event they laid on.

On a sad note though it has to be said it was a shame that only 4 cars managed to turn up and then only 3 cars managing to attend the all important Silverstone classic media photo shoot on the circuit.:(

The members that put their names down early on, committing to attend, should have been just as quick in informing the other members giving them a chance to take their place.

As NSX2000 and dragonlady will tell you, these sort of invites don't come round that often and when they do we should at least show respect in fulfilling their car number requirements.

Anyway here are some photos taken on the track for their media campaign.




16-04-2015, 07:07 PM
I concour, it was a fantastic day.
Silverstone media department deserve a massive thank you for inviting 6 of our cars to such a great event they laid on.

On a sad though it has to be said it was a shame that only 4 cars managed to turn up and then only 3 cars managing to attend the all important Silverstone classic media photo shoot on the circuit.:(

The members that put their names down early on, committing to attend, should have been just as quick in informing the other members giving them a chance to take their place.

As NSX2000 and dragonlady will tell you, these sort of invites don't come round that often and when they do we should at least show respect in fulfilling their car number requirements.

Anyway here are some photos taken on the track for their media campaign.




Can't see the pictures. Are these ones that you took or the media crew?

16-04-2015, 07:22 PM
Can't see the pictures. Are these ones that you took or the media crew?

Hi, they're the media pictures from the back of the Range Rover.

i never seem to be able upload images on this forum.:(

16-04-2015, 07:24 PM
Dragonlady, PM your email address and I will forward them onto you.

Hopefully you can put them up :)

16-04-2015, 07:53 PM
I concour, it was a fantastic day.
Silverstone media department deserve a massive thank you for inviting 6 of our cars to such a great event they laid on.

On a sad though it has to be said it was a shame that only 4 cars managed to turn up and then only 3 cars managing to attend the all important Silverstone classic media photo shoot on the circuit.:(

The members that put their names down early on, committing to attend, should have been just as quick in informing the other members giving them a chance to take their place.

As NSX2000 and dragonlady will tell you, these sort of invites don't come round that often and when they do we should at least show respect in fulfilling their car number requirements.

Anyway here are some photos taken on the track for their media campaign.



I put my name down and then on Friday before the event had to travel for business, dealing with the SSC events team there was no time to get tickets etc to a reserve. With respect I think you should understand this before commenting.

16-04-2015, 08:04 PM
I put my name down and then on Friday before the event had to travel for business, dealing with the SSC events team there was no time to get tickets etc to a reserve. With respect I think you should understand this before commenting.

Why is it then that when 6 cars were asked for, only 3 managed to attend the media section of the day.
With respect, I feel something should be said about this on here as I was asked by one of the organisers where are the other cars???

16-04-2015, 08:23 PM
Ok I counted 4 cars, 2 red, 1 black and one silver,
We were asked for 5 cars for the paddock (check the original post) and one silver car for the press area.
One car owner had to pull out last week because the car wasn't ready from the garage and I was called away on business.
If you want to organise the event and relations with SSC please do.
I advised the organisers that 2 cars would not be there, last week.

16-04-2015, 08:45 PM
Ok I counted 4 cars, 2 red, 1 black and one silver,
We were asked for 5 cars for the paddock (check the original post) and one silver car for the press area.
One car owner had to pull out last week because the car wasn't ready from the garage and I was called away on business.
If you want to organise the event and relations with SSC please do.
I advised the organisers that 2 cars would not be there, last week.

I am not for one minute suggesting that I want to organise it, because I don't.
What I am saying though is that ONLY 3 cars stayed for the circuit media photo shoot after lunch, out of the expected 6 cars asked to attend.
Now, I was asked by one of the organisers, why only 3 cars for the on track photo shoot when he fully expected there to be 6.
Thats what I'm saying and if I don't mention it who will?

16-04-2015, 08:57 PM
Maybe all the needed to be said was that a great day was has by all, and those that didn't make it missed out on a fabulous day. The organisers were fully informed before the day.
I would like to think that all those who said they would attend the parade lap in July will attend, but they won't, it's a fact of life and the organisers know that.
From a personal perspective I would much rather have been at Silverstone than stuck in very tedious meetings with a french automotive manufacturer.
Glad you had fun though.

16-04-2015, 08:57 PM
Now, I was asked by one of the organisers, why only 3 cars for the on track photo shoot when he fully expected there to be 6.

because Silverstone isn't the be all and end all of the world (despite what they think!) normal people have jobs/commitments and sometimes, just sometimes, life just gets in the way! :)

as for pics, find their url (the internet address they are parked at) put in the message box you type your messages in, followed by the url with no spaces at the start and end followed by ... this tells the forum program that there's an image coming up, here's the address of that image, i've stopped the image bit!

if you then hit the 'go advanced' box in the bottom right of the window you type in, if it's worked it'll have the pic in the preview!

16-04-2015, 09:28 PM
Clive I'm "sorry" but if you can't answer the question of the Silverstone bods as to why there were fewer cars than expected then you sure as hell can't speak for nor criticise those who couldn't attend. Sometimes you need to just keep your opinions to yourself. I for one said last week I couldn't attend and for a very good reason.. Just be extremely happy and grateful to Mike for the fact you could attend such a nice event. I would have loved to have gone as I'm sure Mike would have too! But just in case you weren't aware? It was Mike that corresponds with SSC to get you the chance in the first place!!

Im not going to get into a tit for tat discussion beyond this post. You said your piece and I'm saying mine. I don't mind opinionated people but sometimes you could think twice before posting things directed at individuals..

22-04-2015, 05:46 PM
Maybe all the needed to be said was that a great day was has by all, and those that didn't make it missed out on a fabulous day. The organisers were fully informed before the day.
I would like to think that all those who said they would attend the parade lap in July will attend, but they won't, it's a fact of life and the organisers know that.
From a personal perspective I would much rather have been at Silverstone than stuck in very tedious meetings with a french automotive manufacturer.
Glad you had fun though.

I apologise if any offence was taken about my comments, they were meant more as an observation and not personal.

It was a great day and if your interested here are a few pics from it.


If you tap on the image it shows a few more.

22-04-2015, 09:13 PM
Thanks for sharing

22-04-2015, 09:49 PM
for those who can't see faceache....





22-04-2015, 10:53 PM
In Clive's defence, if a car pulled out a week before the event and there were reserves then surely another car could have attended. I posted on the 9th that I could be a reserve but got no reply.

Problem Child
23-04-2015, 12:07 PM
I concour, it was a fantastic day.
Silverstone media department deserve a massive thank you for inviting 6 of our cars to such a great event they laid on.

On a sad note though it has to be said it was a shame that only 4 cars managed to turn up and then only 3 cars managing to attend the all important Silverstone classic media photo shoot on the circuit.:(

The members that put their names down early on, committing to attend, should have been just as quick in informing the other members giving them a chance to take their place.

As NSX2000 and dragonlady will tell you, these sort of invites don't come round that often and when they do we should at least show respect in fulfilling their car number requirements.

Anyway here are some photos taken on the track for their media campaign.




"...............and then only 3 cars managing to attend the all important Silverstone classic media photo shoot on the circuit." I was the car that didn't make the all important photo shoot. THAT WAS ME because I broke my spectacles and had to go and get them fixed (I did make the organisers aware)......anyone who has a problem with that needs to go and get a life!

18-05-2015, 05:29 AM
Gents, I have an email asking for moderation of this thread...it appears 'Lude has been rude. Or so I'm lead to believe. Having read the thread, I'm at a loss...seems like a lovely event was whinged about, nothing new there, and someone has been a bit sarcastic, nothing new there, and a couple of people have defended themselves over attendance or lack of, of a fun, voluntary event....ooh nothing new there either! Having not posted for about 4 years I don't feel very qualified to wade in, although I'd say it's nice to see two classic cars in the pic the fuss is about.

I'm not moderating the word faceache, because it's funny and gentle, if you can't play nicely get out of the playpen one and all. Carry on enjoying your perfect pieces of machinery, and remember it's a fun hobby. Leave the politics for the professionals...I miss my NSX, glad to see you original folk are still keeping the heritage of these pieces of history alive.

18-05-2015, 06:00 AM
Can't see anything that should cause offence? Who was the email from? Forward it to me if you like...or maybe paste it on the moderators board?

18-05-2015, 06:09 AM
just to clarify for those of a sensitive disposition... and if it's really over 'faceache'....

'faceache' refers to the site known as 'facebook', i've used the term on here many times in that context without offence. ( a quick search shows i've used the term in 6 threads, so at least 6 occasions... ) quite often members of this site will request pictures to be posted as they are not on facebook.

i would use my preferred term for facebook but that would be moderated :)

i really will stop bothering on some threads

thank you for your time :)

NSX 2000
03-06-2015, 03:05 PM
Found this on another car site


No idea who the bloke is standing infront of the red one ;) or the bloke in the background in the Honda tent :rolleyes:

05-06-2015, 12:03 PM
According to the Plymouth Herald editorial today there will be over 60!!! NSX at the S C event this year.
