View Full Version : NSX newbie

06-02-2015, 10:43 PM
Hi All,

My name is Joe and I am hoping to view and buy my first NSX, not new to the *** scene but an NSX has been something unavailable to me until recently,
I have read through a few threads and have ideas of what to look out for and other things, however what I would like to know is has anyone ever dealt with a company called Harlow *** Autos? (for the sake of company reputation any feedback may be best via PM)

Also another question is what would your advise be for a newbie? your own personal experiences? things that you would not of known until owning an NSX?

Like I said I've read the stickies and there is some excellent information brilliantly written up, but your comments on your general experience on NSX ownership from one enthusiast to another would be invaluable to me as a potential buyer.

Also if anyone is around the southwest region I would love to meet some local owners as I live in Somerset (I have only seen a red NA1 near Bridport around here)

Kind Regards,

07-02-2015, 10:49 AM
Welcome, Joe. I won't repeat any of the stuff you've read in the guides here, but the #1 thing I would say is that go and see as many as you can. There are so few for sale, that it's difficult to get a feel for them if you only get to see one or two as they come up for sale locally. You can feel a bit pressurised into buying the first one you see.

If you're patient enough, perhaps wait until there's a get-together (Silverstone Classic?) and come along to see several at once.

07-02-2015, 02:32 PM
there are a few nice cars on ph for sale at the mo.
most people prefer the manual variant
they are a great car to live with, drive lovely and always grabs the attention of other road users good and bad
buying one with a good service history is important BUT be prepared to do bits yourself due to age of the cars now.
the down side of ownership is parts prices but pain can be reduced by buying from US.
get a nice cup of tea put your feet up and go through the tech section, kaz's blog and other parts of this site and you will soon know what you need to know
but as goldtop says get out there and drive one (or more)
best of luck in your search

07-02-2015, 02:49 PM
I spent months looking online at cars on sale, decided on the spec I wanted, then bought the first one which came up, that was nearly a year ago and the same spec hasn't been for sale again since. I didn't drive the car before I bought it, but I did have a passenger ride in it.


07-02-2015, 09:02 PM
Probably like many other NSX owners on here, I fell in love with it as soon as it was launched into the world way back in 1990. At the time of launch it was to me just a dream to ever think I would own one.

Fast forward eight years. While driving my recently acquired, old Ferrari 308GT4 past a gleaming red NSX which sat in a small sports car showroom in Bromley I fell in love again so I pulled over, went in and within minutes the salesman threw me the keys and told me to take the car out on my own for the morning. Everything the NSX felt and did on that long test drive around the Biggin Hill airfields was far superior and more enjoyable in every way to what I felt in the Ferrari.

Some 5 hours later I was the proud owner of a 92 NA1 and have loved every day of ownership ever since.

My crazy advice to you though is to just decide your budget, choose a manual, decide your colour, red but of course and once you test drive it just buy it. You won't regret it.

The running and maintainance costs of this, the most reliable of all supercars, is totally affordable and justifiable.
Good luck Osmondo and enjoy the ride, I know you will.:)

14-02-2015, 09:43 AM
Thank you all for your comments, It is nice to read on your experiences in ownership I am planning on going to see the white NSX at Harlow *** Autos on the last week of February, the only other temptation is I have just seen a R34 GTR that is running a big amount of power for an extra 5k more. but aslong as this NSX is in excellent condition I will probably go ahead with it.