View Full Version : bored, so had a quick play with the camera

14-02-2015, 04:48 PM
not NSX this time, but a quick play with the hotrod..... that's after a winter of hotrod carpet, floor mats,plus a strip and rebuild of the twin servos, one of which had a failed seal and, as a result, was full of brake fluid! front wheel bearing replacement next (being a traditional hotrod vauxhall viva front end the bearing kits are £11 each, with grease and seals!!! it'll be rude not to do both! :) )

anyway... after the photoshoot with Malcolm, i was inspired to have a go, so a shopping list was made, and bits collected...

1. camera
2. 3 pole clamps
3. 2 sucker mount things
4. a pole of some sort
5 some dark lenses

for the camera... i'm using my tarty camera phone, lighter than a SLR so lighter pole needed and 41Mp should be enough! clamps and mounts from amazon for a whole £24!, dark lenses as part of a kit from ebay! the pole was a bit of lateral thinking... i needed a pole at least 4.5m long, and light weight.. carbon flag pole? too bendy.... windsurfer mast???not bendy but too heavy...

finally decided upon a carbon fishing pole. they come in silly lengths, and although the end is bendy, it's only going to be the top half. so a trawl of ebay again, i find a 13m carbon pole, with the top segment or 2 missing. i don't care as i'm not going to be using them, apparently everyone else does care and i get it for a whole £4.20!! :)

lenses come in at another £11 and my budget kit is complete!

a quick play and i think it works well :)

https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1484674_10205093636353588_931296431059617261_n.jpg ?oh=e5c23a48625feabb6327ddbb4d8b5e90&oe=558C08B8

right, now to find some locations.....

14-02-2015, 06:13 PM
I think you could easily turn pro, when can you book my car in.:)

15-02-2015, 08:36 PM
played with the Cube today... need more filters as it was too bright really to get a decent exposure time... more on order.... try again next weekend.... proves the theory tho :)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11006398_10205103949011398_2726361825911101329_n.j pg?oh=327263e4c9d17cebc25debe5f13f591b&oe=5554A557&__gda__=1431801128_fec8d53b301906af12fde8203415c0d c