View Full Version : The Classic Car Show TV tonight

05-03-2015, 07:56 PM
Discussing next best investment for a classic - NSX's, manuals + fsh 20-25k, what era is Quentin Wilson living in ?!!!

05-03-2015, 08:10 PM
It's on channel 5+1 now.

06-03-2015, 08:37 AM
Nice to see it get a mention of any kind, it seems generally like a forgotten car in the motoring press.


06-03-2015, 09:19 AM
Potential to be a good TV program if they cut out all the crap...

06-03-2015, 12:28 PM
was wondering when the NSX would be featured ... not so sure where the 'honda' fsh essential comes from?
he talked upwards of 40+ as he said he did not see it stopping. he did not mention the facelift at all

Definitely has the potential to be a decent affair
i think QW is decent but with Mrs Kidd there ... its just not working and the banter between them is clearly scripted and a bit rubbish
she has nice legs though! :)
a bit of tweaking here and there and it could be good

06-03-2015, 12:50 PM
Discussing next best investment for a classic - NSX's, manuals + fsh 20-25k, what era is Quentin Wilson living in ?!!!

I think Ary wrote that part of the script ;)

Problem Child
06-03-2015, 12:59 PM
was wondering when the NSX would be featured ... not so sure where the 'honda' fsh essential comes from?
he talked upwards of 40+ as he said he did not see it stopping. he did not mention the facelift at all

Definitely has the potential to be a decent affair
i think QW is decent but with Mrs Kidd there ... its just not working and the banter between them is clearly scripted and a bit rubbish
she has nice legs though! :)
a bit of tweaking here and there and it could be good

For a car that was in production for 15 odd years his sweeping generalisations on price are a joke. Not automatic, not a targa...I think he is expressing his opinions rather than expressing any knowledge of what drives the value of an NSX and as for a forensically complete Honda FSH....nah! Nice to get a mention though, and I do agree that Jodies legs are great but could do with a tweek!!! (which I would happily provide)

06-03-2015, 01:09 PM
For a car that was in production for 15 odd years his sweeping generalisations on price are a joke. Not automatic, not a targa...I think he is expressing his opinions rather than expressing any knowledge of what drives the value of an NSX and as for a forensically complete Honda FSH....nah! Nice to get a mention though, and I do agree that Jodies legs are great but could do with a tweek!!! (which I would happily provide)

He forgot to say, 'Not Red'...

I'd like to join the queue to tweak Jodies legs too please.

06-03-2015, 07:25 PM
Not that it makes much difference but I thought QW said £25-30k

06-03-2015, 08:04 PM
Not that it makes much difference but I thought QW said £25-30k

Program could have been filmed a year ago so we could cut them a bit of slack on the prices?

06-03-2015, 08:36 PM
Program could have been filmed a year ago so we could cut them a bit of slack on the prices?
What's the point in producing a new series about educating the public who might be interested in getting a classic car and then giving poor and out of date advice.

If that's what QW thinks about our cars he obviously isn't interested in their real value, maybe they should have got sexy legs to have researched it as at least she once owned and respected the NSX.:)

Who has a forensically complete fsh low mileage NA1 anyway, anybody would think its an early unreliable fezza the way he talks, Clarkson speaks more sense so that gives you some idea what I think of QW.:(

06-03-2015, 09:24 PM
oh well, as i've no service history as such (previous owner lost it!) and it's an auto, mine must be worth tuppence!

on a plus note, once upon a time QW said that there was no hotrods in England, obviously we, in our hotrod car club, weren't too impressed. fast forward a few months and we happen across him at a weekend car show, cue 12 hotrodders in a ford Granada Dorchester limo (a whole £900 with MOT, seemed like a good idea at the time!) cruising around the show harranging him as he almost sprinted to cover! :) happy days!

07-03-2015, 07:53 AM
To be fair to QW, he did say Honda service or specialist... A mention of face lift would have been nice. And I don't think Senna actually designed anything in his short life. Might have barked a few views on completing a test drive....

Overall, I think the programme's a fair effort on a tiny budget. I put it into the 'so bad it's good' category. I also think QW is spot on with his choice of future investment classics.

07-03-2015, 10:52 AM
I would argue that the NA1/NA2 change is more significant than the facelift. Given the time they gave to it he squeezed in what he could. I did chuckle at the bit about Senna designing the suspension.


08-03-2015, 01:58 PM
How good forums used to be until the majority got obsessed with the possible value of their cars, go out and bloody drive em instead of obsessing about increasing or decreasing prices! I personally couldn't care if the values go up, down or sideways, buy a car because you want it as a car and enjoy it, not as an 'Investment'! The whole scene is getting ruined by this IMO. I have benefited from increasing prices with some of my own cars but that's not why I bought them and I feel a lot of cars are now being purchased by those who would have never previously looked twice at them and generally know sod all about them! I wonder how many of the new so called collectors and enthusiasts will be around if and potentially when the market drops? Cue the real enthusiasts.

08-03-2015, 06:07 PM
You will be glad to know I gave mine a good wash yesterday and went out for a drive. I had a mate down from the Lake District two weeks ago and it got pretty dirty, this was the first wash and first time I have seen it outside since it had a good going over with the DA polisher. Doesn't scrub up too badly.

http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w627/eaxmjhi/NSX/IMG-20150307-WA0011_zps5blorcne.jpeg (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/eaxmjhi/media/NSX/IMG-20150307-WA0011_zps5blorcne.jpeg.html)
http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w627/eaxmjhi/NSX/1425731359832_zpshl7qlpdn.jpg (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/eaxmjhi/media/NSX/1425731359832_zpshl7qlpdn.jpg.html)


08-03-2015, 07:07 PM
Nice to see it get a mention of any kind, it seems generally like a forgotten car in the motoring press.


3 years ago I'd have agreed, but just recently it's been getting a lot of press, coincidentally with:-
- prices rising substantially (along with many other modern classics)
- the new one finally being released
- 25 year anniversary

Nick Graves
09-03-2015, 04:06 PM
What's the point in producing a new series about educating the public who might be interested in getting a classic car and then giving poor and out of date advice.

If that's what QW thinks about our cars he obviously isn't interested in their real value, maybe they should have got sexy legs to have researched it as at least she once owned and respected the NSX.:)

Who has a forensically complete fsh low mileage NA1 anyway, anybody would think its an early unreliable fezza the way he talks, Clarkson speaks more sense so that gives you some idea what I think of QW.:(

The idea is to keep the bubble going, so the smart money can get out & sell their overpriced investments to the less-savvy TV-watching schmucks.

I see it as an indication the smart money is starting to get cold feet.

09-03-2015, 06:46 PM
The idea is to keep the bubble going.....

Poor technical information, personal opinions and no recent research on prices all in the space of less than a minute!! Hmmm:rolleyes:

To be honest I think he's just burst the bubble don't you???
I read somewhere a few years ago that QW isn't a great admirer of any cars that comes out of the Far East, a total badge snob in my opinion, so that explains everything.

09-03-2015, 06:50 PM
The idea is to keep the bubble going, so the smart money can get out & sell their overpriced investments to the less-savvy TV-watching schmucks.

I see it as an indication the smart money is starting to get cold feet.

With so many asset bubbles right now, I'm not sure the 'smart money' has anywhere to go!

As for QW, didn't he first earn a rep for clocking cars, and later started hyping up used cars which he just happened to be flogging. And then there was the whole debacle of the shonky RR/Bentley he bought (for Top Gear, IIRC). Maybe he's got half a dozen NSXs to sell? If I shook his hand I'd want to count my fingers afterwards.

Nick Graves
11-03-2015, 04:20 PM
To be fair to QW, he did say Honda service or specialist... A mention of face lift would have been nice. And I don't think Senna actually designed anything in his short life. Might have barked a few views on completing a test drive....

Overall, I think the programme's a fair effort on a tiny budget. I put it into the 'so bad it's good' category. I also think QW is spot on with his choice of future investment classics.

Bigger faux pas was claiming Dino Ferrari died of kidney disease.

For a supposed classic car fan to get that so unforgivably wrong is worthy of stepping outside and a single gunshot being heard.