View Full Version : Greetings from Oz

16-03-2015, 07:20 AM
Having got an update to the spotted thread, it reminded me that I was meaning to give an update from this side of the world.

Anyhow all is good here, alcohol is a way of life and it's far warmer!

I have to say though I'm rather glad, I didn't bring the NSX wit me.....virtually every side road has a mahusive speed bump at their entrances, to which even some normal cars struggle to get over without a SCRAPE!
So I think I would removed my nose inside 10 minutes of being here.

I saw the new NSX at the Australian Grand Prix yesterday and it does look quite nice....But I miss the pop ups!

Not sure if the new owner of my car ever joined the forum, but you did....Hi John, hope all is well with the car.

Right off to feed that new found alcohol problem of mine.



16-03-2015, 12:20 PM
Hi, James.

Seems like you are settling in well. I miss the nice people, food, atmosphere, etc in Australia.
Lived in Perth for 3 years when I was very young and of course the annual visit to Melbourne for the GP.
I'm glad Honda didn't just copy Mercedes and went their own way showing that the spirit is still there.

Wishing you all the best and you can always get back into NSX ownership again in the future.


31-03-2015, 06:46 PM
Belated reply from me (been away for a couple of weeks)... glad to know the move has gone well, James. Haven't seen you r old NSX since meeting you a year or so ago. Hope it's getting a good work out with the new owner. I thought the Ozzies liked their 4wd Japanese cars - maybe get a Skyline R32 with a hopped-up suspension for those speed bumps? :)