View Full Version : guide to remove centre console (where hb and buttons are)

05-04-2015, 03:37 PM
hi, was wondering if there is a wee guide as to how to remove this. have a wee bit of diy to do as a couple of my buttons have recessed into the console and i need to push them back up.

never done this before so was going to have a go at it myself.

any guides or advice on here where to start?


05-04-2015, 05:02 PM
had a quick look andrew and found this.


and this


i don't know if its of much use or you seen those links already, most cars its usually clips that click console parts together and screws.

or maybe some very sticky tape off number plate pads etc that you could cut and stick onto a flat head screw driver then the buttons and gently pull out so maybe get enough to pull out with tweezers?

i had to remove my rx8 one to replace the radio/heater/clock led panel as original started looking like the predator count down thingy on their arms lol.

some old rags to help protect the leather would be useful too if needing to use flat head screw driver etc to prise bits out.

05-04-2015, 06:55 PM
As I don't know what 'hb' stands for but if we are talking about the centre console, then I normally recommend following the method from BrianK (NSX Prime member, nsx e-repair) as in the link posted by soddy.

As there is enough description in the above two links, just some of the photos that I took long time ago with key points.

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Zh3495GZZ1s/ULKrxiFcVXI/AAAAAAAAGkA/fX4IXNgt8Ec/s640/IMG_0432.JPG https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-HYOgfORaeu0/ULKrykIYl-I/AAAAAAAAGkI/mY_x4cAABqY/s640/IMG_0434.JPG
Pull out the Clock module and remove 2 screws.


05-04-2015, 07:02 PM
https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-yrkBHciHCEU/ULKsEsVpYVI/AAAAAAAAGmA/Tl2F11KSKmc/s640/IMG_0492.JPG https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-2ZxMrHDcX7I/ULKsDHzqlyI/AAAAAAAAGl4/f7VwMX0KiSI/s640/IMG_0487.JPG
Insert thin object such as certain membership card at the very position under the centre vent. There are two spring retainers attached to it close to the outer edge and you want to push it up as indicated in the photo.

Take the centre vent out and then remove 2 screws.

Open the ashtray lid and lift it up further as indicated by the arrow with the text 'PUSH'.

05-04-2015, 07:09 PM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-W1Nu15H0FIM/ULKr34LN0yI/AAAAAAAAGkw/oC83jHxkg4E/s640/IMG_0441.JPG https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-w60Dvgdqrvk/ULKr5WyGEyI/AAAAAAAAGk4/EmHKjt42qO8/s640/IMG_0443.JPG
Remove 2 screws. Be careful not to drop them through the small window for the ashtray light bulb. If using the OEM shift boot, pull it down. You may need fair amount of force.
Rotate the shift knob counter-clockwise and remove it from the shift lever.

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-2l8cnV76Tbg/ULKrzz_3xbI/AAAAAAAAGkQ/8ZKEbX4lbSE/s640/IMG_0435.JPG https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-4MQSPETDQb4/ULKr0zxZRYI/AAAAAAAAGkY/IfrBdT2HUkA/s640/IMG_0436.JPG
Open the centre aem rest glove box, lift the bottom metal plate by inserting something at the small slit/recess that you can see at one end. Remove 4 screws but be careful not to drop them through many openings.
Lift the arm rest box out.

05-04-2015, 07:30 PM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-fJmfVqfEN-Q/ULKr18Lth3I/AAAAAAAAGkg/8heUSeBmVQI/s640/IMG_0438.JPG https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-4w6Kf_eLHlk/ULKr9fThdrI/AAAAAAAAGlQ/_Atsgcil11w/s640/IMG_0450.JPG
Remove 1 screw and then very carefully lift the back of the centre console (do not lift the entire console yet without placing the protection cover over the CCU and Audio Head Unit) and release any connectors at the centre console switches.
Sometimes, it's easier if you push the switch body up to release it from the centre console before removing the connector.

Be very careful when lifting or applying any force on the centre console. It has multi layer coating using vapour depositon coating with base plating on the plastic body.
If you apply too much force, the base plating will warp and show up as wrinkle on the console surface.
Also, the weakest point is the thin/narrow area at the side of the ash tray lid and audio head unit and most of the crack will happen in this area so take your time and don't force it.

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-R4slgZ0J3M8/ULKr-1vfDXI/AAAAAAAAGlc/b5TKbw8dclA/s640/IMG_0451.JPG https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-WJhcUbcqPes/ULKr_8HObqI/AAAAAAAAGlk/ppav_spGWCg/s640/IMG_0452.JPG
Carefully slide in a certain protaction cloth over the CCU and the audio head unit face. Carefully lift the entire centre console panel using both hands paying extra attention to the weakness/wrinkle mentioned above.
Disconnect 2 connectors behind the ash tray area and lift away the centre console.
Be very careful not to scratch the surface of CCU and audio head unit as the ash tray lid mechanism has several sharp edge and you won't be able to see it while lifting the console panel.

05-04-2015, 07:30 PM

05-04-2015, 08:03 PM
Thanks to all who answered the question ... Will have a wee go and if I get stuck game over will leave it to a pro

05-04-2015, 08:10 PM
its all straight forward, it's only the connections for the switches behind the gearstick, and the connection for the lighter socket/cabin temp sensor in front of it that are fiddly!

05-04-2015, 08:54 PM
just have a go andrew and take your time. i was a bit reluctant doing my car as my interior is in very good condition for 11 years old and didn't want to break anything.

bring your tablet/ipad out to the car and you can use the pics from kaz as very good and the links and familarise yourself with bits first, get a little container for screws and a few rags and flat cards etc to help pop out bits. most of the time you have to take center air vents out as screws in behind them to take out frames around radio/heater controls etc. wee bit of work but if you get through it you'll feel happier you can do it all yourself.

but take your time as it's an nsx lol, you seem to have enough room from the passenger side seat to work at it all.

06-04-2015, 07:31 PM
For your reference, UK spec centre console on early models is much easier to handle than the one on JDM. The coating finish is different between the two. Early UK spec centre console has matt black finish. The one on JDM is kind of metallic shiny brown/graphite finish so any scratch markings or wrinkles will be easily spotted and can be eye sore.
If you accidentally apply wrong interior detailing products or even oil on hand will result in spot markings.

I know Jonathan owns JDM NSX so it may sound easy to handle even the JDM spec centre console but as we all know, he has lots of technique, experience and knowledge in making modifications so something straight forward for him is not the same for someone who has never removed the centre console in one’s life.

I know the spec of Andrew’s NSX and hence why I posted the photo based on my JDM NSX.
I think he has aftermarket audio head unit with customised centre console to accommodate the double DIN size.

As everyone mentioned, just take your time.


06-04-2015, 08:27 PM
Yes Kaz that is very true JDM console and a double din head unit
also my previous post 'hb ' was the handbrake!

i tried it today got a bit nervous up round the top section of console, was not really going anywhere for me. So rather than break something will just have to call in with the installers again and get them to refit the part properly this time

06-04-2015, 09:17 PM
Maybe they glued it in place? Car Audio installers can be quite enterprising at time!

06-04-2015, 10:04 PM
The centre console has been mistreated by the previous owners of my car ... Not sure which one though. Sudesh had to do a serious amount of tidying up wiring etc behind the dash and there is damage done. So Ary you could be right but I brought the car to a business who regard themselves as one of the best in the business so that the car is not mistreated Further in any way