View Full Version : Rear Lights

Tegiwa Imports
17-04-2015, 06:49 AM
Hi guys,

I've just received the first detailed pics of my car and noticed the lights are a strange colouring.
What do you think it is? Are the lights prone to misting up on the inside or is it just some exterior condensation?

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c6/Johnny00000/DSC04976_zpsr917ef6f.jpg (http://s24.photobucket.com/user/Johnny00000/media/DSC04976_zpsr917ef6f.jpg.html)

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c6/Johnny00000/DSC04977_zps81rywkoa.jpg (http://s24.photobucket.com/user/Johnny00000/media/DSC04977_zps81rywkoa.jpg.html)


17-04-2015, 07:16 AM
Johnny? Welcome to NSX ownership!!

Yes the seals are prone to leaking, both the foam seal and the seal which is part of the rear light. Pain/difficult to resolve. Just buy yourself some new lights ;)

17-04-2015, 07:45 AM
any dampness in the boot will cause the lights to mist up. it's a case of taking them off, putting them in an airing cupboard to dry out. then when you refit, a new set of light seals.

when new they are the best part of 20mm thick, open cell very spongy foam. when they come off they are like a 2mm hard biscuit! any disturbance and they are likely to not seal. there's also sealing washers on the mounting bolts.

the centre section has a tiny vent hole to the boot as well, i'm sure that's there just to make sure it fogs up to match the lights!!!

some report that the top edge of the lamp unit can split, allowing water in, usually fixed with a smear of silicon (it's under a trim piece so no worries about looks.

also check the boot seal rubber for age/breaks. as i said, any dampness in the boot will fog the lights!

it's a common problem with various solutions. some (as i did before i knew better) drill tiny holes in the bottom of the lights to drain them which is ok if they are very wet, but that's treating the symptom not the cause

hope that helps!

17-04-2015, 11:39 AM
Take them out a a few 2.5 mm holes on the bottom should sort it even with new gaskets you can get moisture trapped in there from the "trunk" . I must add that I never had that issue when I had 02 plus lights.