View Full Version : FS Brand New 5 speed transmission, CT 4.55 FD, NA2 LSD, WPC Heat treated #SR8M6100789

05-05-2015, 05:30 PM
New 5 speed transmission - New CT 4.55 FD, New NA2 LSD, New USDM gears etc.. all gears have been WPC heat treated as well.

Bought from Ken at FXMD who also supplied me an engine and widebody kit. Only selling as had an offer of another box with plated LSD

Serial #SR8M6100789 (http://www.nsxprime.com/forum/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=SR8M6100789)

Price : £3500 delivered

http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d180/drmikey/Race%20NSX/nsxgearbox_zpse42d1617.jpg (http://s35.photobucket.com/user/drmikey/media/Race%20NSX/nsxgearbox_zpse42d1617.jpg.html)

http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d180/drmikey/nsxboxcalc_zps497e9abd.jpg (http://s35.photobucket.com/user/drmikey/media/nsxboxcalc_zps497e9abd.jpg.html)