View Full Version : NSX magazine feature for Banzai - can you help?

17-06-2015, 11:18 AM
Good afternoon folks,

Been a long time since I've posted here due to the inactivity of my NSX, which will be rectified shortly and no doubt involve me asking advice on who best to entrust with fettling duties.... But that's for another time!

As some of you may know I'm a car photographer by profession, and one of the coolest features I've been looking forward to shooting involves a '91 Type R, the HUK 3.2 press car & (was) going to be a nice standard '92 to shoot alongside the Type R. You can probably see where I'm going with this, right? :D We've been let down on the standard '92 so here is the inevitable question: would any of you folks be able to help us create the feature by bringing your NSX to Castle Combe on Monday 22nd June?

We're ideally looking for an early non-PAS car, but a '94/95 would work too - my car would have been ideal if only I'd had the time to get it sorted! A 6 spd pop-up car would also work, but I've listed in descending order of preference - we're well aware that beggars can't be choosers at this late stage in the day.

I'll personally ensure you get some fabulous shots of your car, as well as obviously some copies of the mag; and I'm sure Banzai budget can stretch to a delicious posh lunch at the 'Combe Cafe (that last bit may be creative licence!).

Best place to contact me is steve@stevehallphotography.net but if you've any questions and want a fast answer feel free to call me on 07889 102612


17-06-2015, 01:00 PM
You've done the impossible finding a 1991 Type-R anything else should be a breeze! ;)

Good luck!

17-06-2015, 01:47 PM
Haha yeah we know, cheers! Should make a cracking feature - white Type R, Orange 3.2, NA1 tbd once I speak to the editor tomorrow...

17-06-2015, 05:20 PM
shame the last time there was a Banzai feature in the offing it died a death!!!!

17-06-2015, 05:31 PM
Not sure whether to read that means your car died, or the feature died :) This one is definitely going to happen!

17-06-2015, 07:20 PM
Why not come to the pancake run and do a feature on that? Loads of NSX's on the road at the same time.


17-06-2015, 08:15 PM
Doesn't quite fit in with the theme of the feature, but thanks! ;)

17-06-2015, 09:33 PM
The Pancake Run could be a " New Feature" go on you know it makes sense. Fantastic cars in fantastic Snowdonian National Park

17-06-2015, 09:46 PM
Even if you don't like the Pancake run you can take pictures of my NA2 pop-up.


17-06-2015, 10:47 PM
Doesn't quite fit in with the theme of the feature, but thanks! ;)

OK, the Pancake-Sushi run...

18-06-2015, 05:33 AM
OK, the Pancake-Sushi run...

If you ask nicely, I'm sure they might do one for you.........yuk!

18-06-2015, 08:44 AM
Shame, I will be staying in Castle Coombe on the 22nd but won't have the car. Can I watch??

18-06-2015, 10:30 AM
Shame indeed! I'll ask editor if he'd like a spare pair of hands... ;)