View Full Version : club membership subs....

05-01-2016, 05:50 PM
not sure what section to put it in, so here...

just want to clarify where/when the club membership subs are due..

i know my platinum membership runs out at the start of May, and it appears my club membership has run out now. is the club membership for the calender year, ie. renewal due jan 1st? if so,where do i renew the club bit? or will it be tied into the platinum renewal time, or can i align the 2 pro rata.....

....or who do i lob £10 at????

just checking, as i can't find the constitution to look it up!


05-01-2016, 05:51 PM
hang on, found it!


is payment still going to Sorepaws?

05-01-2016, 07:39 PM
Hi, Jonathan.
Yes, based on the Club constitution section 9.3, the membership is calendar year basis and thus, the access to the Club area on this Forum was switched off at the end of the New Year’s Eve.

There is already a Club bank account setup by Martin (Treasurer) last year and we (Martin, Mike: Secretary, Geoff: Club website, Kaz: Chairman) have been in discussion on how to collect the Club fee for this year.

Based on the request from the members who attended the last AGM held on Saturday during the Silverstone Classic 2015 event, we were aware that the members wanted to pay for both the Club membership and the Forum platinum contribution in single payment through the Club’s bank account.
We are just waiting for one officer to get back to us before making the decision on what we may need to do for the first part of this year considering the limited time before some of the possible Club event.

I just hope he is fine as we haven’t heard from him for quite some time including email and I even sent SMS but didn’t call him in case he was in different time zone.

As a backup plan, here on the Forum, you won’t be able to see it but there is already pre-assigned section for the 2016 Club Event info.
Again, we are waiting for the reply as we don’t want to upset someone who may already have prepared something for the Club info to be displayed.
The hidden pre-assigned section on the Forum is just a backup in case of delay and no intention of disturbing someone's work.
It's not even activated yet so even the Forum’s admin won’t be able to post anything in there.

Hope we can get the things rolling very soon as I’m aware that some owners want to get hold of event ticket for a certain event very soon.

Thank you for your patience.

chairman – The Honda NSX Owners Club (THNOC, the Club)
admin – NSX Club Britain (NSXCB, the Forum)