View Full Version : An NSX swap

03-02-2016, 09:47 AM
I have been offered the opportunity to swap my 130000 mile Uk reg 1991 OEM car for an OEM 1991 Auto import in silver with half the number of miles on the clock.
I bought the car as an investment. I also intend driving 5K miles per annum.
Any thoughts?

03-02-2016, 11:39 AM
I have been offered the opportunity to swap my 130000 mile Uk reg 1991 OEM car for an OEM 1991 Auto import in silver with half the number of miles on the clock.
I bought the car as an investment. I also intend driving 5K miles per annum.
Any thoughts?

I won't beat around the bush with this one, but then what's new.:)

You must be crazy to even ask let alone consider.
You will have far less involvement in the drive, less power and not the smoothest of change ups in the early auto box's.

And if that wasn't enough a much slower colour.

As far as mileage is concerned in your current investment Imho its good for half a million miles or more so that should see you through to retirement then:D

03-02-2016, 12:08 PM
Praise the lord.

03-02-2016, 12:14 PM
Im gonna keep the red flag flying here! Just need some LEDs

03-02-2016, 12:33 PM
Pride would you have a different opinion with the later auto gearbox?

03-02-2016, 12:53 PM
Pride would you have a different opinion with the later auto gearbox?

No comment. Because I will only get in trouble if I do.

But Drive the one you've been offered and you will see what I mean.

08-02-2016, 08:20 PM
The auto is a nice "cruiser", still can be a lot of fun, but obviously not the full NSX experience. As an aside note, most autos will be less abused than manuals!

12-02-2016, 10:21 PM
What is the general opinion of the later f matrix car?

12-02-2016, 11:16 PM
Hello Mark,

What an interesting opportunity. When I was at the buying stage for my NSX I drove both 5 & 6 speed manuals but could only find a 93 auto. My recollection of the auto remains positive. The driving experience I recall most is the low end torque that offered strong acceleration that in turn allowed good progress.

So my question to you would be about the 5k miles you plan to do. I'm guessing they won't be track miles, so in the basis they will be a combination of 'interesting' drives, and maybe the odd foray into Europe, how important is to you to change gear as opposed to you adapting your style to include left foot braking? Why you may ask. In my early Honda days I had a range of autos, Comcerto 1.6i-16v, CRX, Aerodeck and Preludes 4WS. In each of these I was never thinking 'I wish I was changing gear myself', instead I was enjoying spirited driving in a Honda. I suspect I would have an even bigger grin doing this in an NSX.

There is is of course the other benefit ... The inevitable traffic jams/town driving at which point you simply leave it "D" whilst the manual owner is pumping the clutch.

Can you give the auto in question a good test drive, i.e. Not just a drive round the block? If yes, then I would give it a good run, find some twisty bits where you can focus on steering and braking and then judge for yourself ... You may find the decision is made for you.

I hope this helps and best of luck Sir

regards, Paul

13-02-2016, 06:48 PM
Thanks paul I have also been offered an f matic. In truth I do a huge amount of driving in manual accord as I'm a surveyor. This at 55 is taking its toll on my left knee. Driving my max MT is therefore less pleasurable. I have no intend of track driving. Is the f Magic a better gear box than the early one. I will of course drive both

13-02-2016, 10:18 PM
LJKS thought the NSX auto was good enough that he had one in his 'ideal garage' - along with a manual NSX*. What I take that to mean is that they are very different driving propositions. Manual for making the most of the chassis, auto for a more relaxed GT experience.

I like autos for day-to-day driving. But they do tend to frustrate me when they do that too-late-to-change-down thing on a corner or roundabout. Maybe the F-Matic lets you take care of that? So I agree about test-driving one to see if it appeals.

* (plus a Prelude for lesser duties and a Bristol something or other for eccentricity).

14-02-2016, 08:16 PM
Many thanks I will be driving several cars in next 2 weeks. Should I wish to take thins further than I will need to find a new home for my beauty. I will also need someone with the knowledge to assist in a purchase. I will of course pay for travel and time.

21-02-2016, 10:38 PM
One can always chase the next best thing, if you have manual, you'll wand FI, or suspension, or brakes, etc. The auto NSX is not a bad car, I test drove an F-matic for a forum member and TBH around town I just left it alone and drove like a normal car.