View Full Version : The Honda NSX Owners Club Annual General Meeting 2016 - Sunday 31st July 2016

16-05-2016, 12:32 PM
By this posting I hereby give notice of the 2016 AGM of The Honda NSX Owners Club on Sunday 31st July 2016

The Meeting will be held at the THNOC Stand of the Silverstone Classic 2106 Event

Agenda :-
- Presentation of Accounts for 2015 (Action: MW)
- Election of officers (Action: KU / MJ) -
- Setting of club fee - proposal to keep at £20 including Platinum NSXCB status.
- Discussion: Relationship with HUK / any opportunity to be involved with UK launch of NC1?
- Discussion: Relationship with NSXCE - merger / closer partnership / keep at arms length?

Members are invited to make their nomination for officers of the Club. This should be in writing (email) to a current officer of the club, any nomination must be accompanied by a seconder (also being a member of THNOC). Closing date for nominations 17th July 2016.

In the event that there are no changes, the current officers are willing to stand, subject to a nomination and seconder.

Any other agenda items must be submitted to a Club officer no later than SUnday 17th July.

Current officers (2015/16) :-
Kaz Ukai - Chairman
Martin Willis - Treasurer
Geoff O'Neill - Membership
Michael Johnson - Secretary

Mike Johnson

Secretary The Honda NSX Owners Club.

25-07-2016, 01:06 PM
Reminder this will be at 3pm on Sunday 31st July

27-07-2016, 06:58 AM
There has been a change of time to allow people to spend more time watching the racing - The meeting will now start at 12:30pm - (12:30) On Sunday 31st July in the Club Marquee