View Full Version : Any thoughts on the old, "new Top Gear" then ???

30-05-2016, 05:12 PM
Plenty of abusive discussion going on about the program last night on PH's.
As they're still recording the last few episodes of this series I wonder if they'll get to test the new NSX.🤔


31-05-2016, 07:39 AM
When the red,red robin stopped bob,bob bobbin' I baled out. Maybe the rest was wonderful,I'll never know

31-05-2016, 10:56 AM
Watched first half this am. No surprises which is a shame. Bbc to afraid to deviate from previous format. I would like to think that they will do some stuff with the likes of the nsxcb. Involve real car enthusiasts at their expense. Could be fun

31-05-2016, 08:18 PM
Well thank God we were spared Eddie Jordan.
The viewing numbers for next weeks program, up or a long way down.
Anyway, the attached link says it all.

31-05-2016, 08:19 PM
Watched the second half. Can't help but wonder where they are going without changing the whole format. Looked stale and the high jinks weren't. Left feeling that the bbc should have binned the whole thing and spent the money elsewhere.

31-05-2016, 09:26 PM
i realised early on that i didn't care if they made it to Blackpool!

hopefully Matt will relax into it a bit, and look a little less wooden when reading from the autocue, and hopefully Chris will calm down a bit, and realise it's not TFI friday!

the studio/audience seems to have lost it's intimacy, the guests walking through a large space, rather than the crowd, and it seems like there's someone behind the camera holding up a huge 'APPLAUSE' or 'CHEER' signs!

various forums/etc have the opinion that the presenting team on the BBC3 internet based after-show show did a better job!

so the BBC have gone with the same formula, tweaked, but basically the same, but it all seems a bit 'forced' at the mo, i do hope they settle into it all.......

as for the old gang, it'll be interesting to see what they do, with the chance they have been given to make the show they want to make.....