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25-06-2016, 03:36 PM
https://medium.com/@andrewlwood/today-bd384f0a3934#.1dmml2dm1 (https://medium.com/%40andrewlwood/today-bd384f0a3934#.1dmml2dm1)
Made interesting readin. A little fancy in part but summed up my response.

25-06-2016, 04:51 PM
https://medium.com/@andrewlwood/today-bd384f0a3934#.1dmml2dm1 (https://medium.com/%40andrewlwood/today-bd384f0a3934#.1dmml2dm1)
Made interesting readin. A little fancy in part but summed up my response.
"referendum,a device of dictators and demagogues"-Clement Attlee

25-06-2016, 05:24 PM
The time is ripe now to bring back good old BRITISH LEYLAND!!!

25-06-2016, 07:21 PM
Reopen the pits reintroduce child labour

26-06-2016, 09:25 PM
and i was hoping we'd managed to get thru the whole referendum farce without it tainting the NSX forum.... :(

27-06-2016, 01:01 PM
Tainting the forum. Have you seen the fall out! makes our forum and all that goes on irrelevant. Lets hope you all have british citizenship or you are on a ferry (or leaky rubber boat) going home. Im sorry to say that this is the opinion of half my so called friends!!

27-06-2016, 05:36 PM
i mean there is wall to wall coverage, bickering and recrimination on both sides all over the internet. i had hoped we could have, in this little corner of the internet, a sanctuary, there's plenty of other platforms that this can be brought up....

oh well, as you were