View Full Version : Manual NA1 wanted

08-08-2016, 12:17 PM
Hello all,

Before I start looking to import one from Japan, if anyone is looking to sell or knows of a suitable car then please PM me.


08-08-2016, 09:12 PM
Hi & welcome.

Plans in Surrey have one for sale that might be a good place to start your search:


Just had a look at what is available on the big Japanese car sales sites - asking prices range from GBP 27,500 for a 1990, to well more than double that for a low mileage '91. Most are 1991 models - manual cars made 1992-96 are very few and far between at the moment.

Sorry can't help more than this.

Good luck with the search.

10-08-2016, 12:39 PM
Nope, I've had a look round and there are definitely none for sale anywhere in the UK so you'll have to import one. For sure.

Expect several at Plans. Or the ones in the For Sale section. Or on eBay where there are about 10. Or Autotrader. Or Pistonheads.

11-08-2016, 01:16 AM
I'm assuming that Talat has looked in the usual places, and not found anything that appeals. NSX in Japan cost as much as they do in the UK, if not more - that's all I was trying to point out.

11-08-2016, 01:53 PM
Does it have to be a manual? The autos are still very good you know.

11-08-2016, 03:10 PM
I'm assuming that Talat has looked in the usual places, and not found anything that appeals. NSX in Japan cost as much as they do in the UK, if not more - that's all I was trying to point out.

Very much this. I'm tempted by the Plans car but I'm wary of the mileage - it could be an issue should I wish to move the car on in a couple of years. The only other manual cars seem to be fairly low mileage / collector type cars which won't tie in with my usage. I'd be looking to do suspension mods and putting the car on a diet and using it for track days. I should really have bought the Silver Type R spec car that Plans where selling early last year (I think) but I went and bought a GT3 instead (which I have now sold). The car I'm looking to buy will effectively replace the GT3.

11-08-2016, 04:22 PM
I wouldn't worry about mileage at all.
I still track day my car and it's now approaching 150,000 miles on the clock.
Buy one, mod it, enjoy it, keep it or sell it and just move on. You won't regret it.
They are very strong mechanically and I should know after 18 years of ownership.

11-08-2016, 06:40 PM
Very much this. I'm tempted by the Plans car but I'm wary of the mileage - it could be an issue should I wish to move the car on in a couple of years. The only other manual cars seem to be fairly low mileage / collector type cars which won't tie in with my usage. I'd be looking to do suspension mods and putting the car on a diet and using it for track days. I should really have bought the Silver Type R spec car that Plans where selling early last year (I think) but I went and bought a GT3 instead (which I have now sold). The car I'm looking to buy will effectively replace the GT3.

Try PM'ing Dr. Mikey. He was going to be selling a silver manual in the near future...

13-08-2016, 10:05 AM
Very much this. I'm tempted by the Plans car but I'm wary of the mileage - it could be an issue should I wish to move the car on in a couple of years. The only other manual cars seem to be fairly low mileage / collector type cars which won't tie in with my usage. I'd be looking to do suspension mods and putting the car on a diet and using it for track days. I should really have bought the Silver Type R spec car that Plans where selling early last year (I think) but I went and bought a GT3 instead (which I have now sold). The car I'm looking to buy will effectively replace the GT3.

Don't worry too much about the bit in bold - as you're going to take your car on track so seriously, it will still be harder to sell on. As long as you don't bend it, you'll be fine.

13-08-2016, 05:58 PM
Nope, I've had a look round and there are definitely none for sale anywhere in the UK so you'll have to import one. For sure.

Expect several at Plans. Or the ones in the For Sale section. Or on eBay where there are about 10. Or Autotrader. Or Pistonheads.

I think the chap was politely asking us on the forum if we know of a car for sale - a tried and trusted way of securing a non advertised piece of gold dust, not 'are there any NSX's for sale'.

09-10-2016, 01:43 AM
Like allot of posts I've noticed......You new members are not providing all info?

Please provide your model 3.0? Or 3.2? and year your will want to go to? Yes you want manual. If later car, do you want coupe or targa?

What's colors?
Yes it's a touchy thing with some, but budget you will end at?

09-10-2016, 04:52 AM
I thought OP talat was very clear on the engine he is after - NA1 stated in thread title!

That along with 'manual' is probably as specific as you want to be if looking for a car such as the NSX, only ever available in small numbers at any given time.

I have read many posts on these forums where the poster is looking for a car and specifies their requirements in great detail - inevitability someone will quickly post saying 'you need to be less fussy if you want to stand any chance of finding a car'!!!

09-10-2016, 05:12 AM
My apologies on the na1. I did not notice and clearly you did not know of my health condition. I'm trying my best to help again, as I was told by my doctors this this will help with recovery.

My apologies to the origel poster.

09-10-2016, 09:50 PM
Hi Sudesh,

Great to have you contributing to the forum again - hope it will get you back on top form soon. We all value your knowledge and dedication to passing your wisdom on to us mere mortals.

Keep up the good work!

09-10-2016, 10:42 PM
Hi my friend!

Hope all is good your side of the pond? Really respect that nice response. Yeah my doctors have told me, i need to get back into the "old" me lol. Reading, the forums as I told them about here, and the others forums I do work on. Trying to write ion paper is a no go so far....I try every day, but I'm like a child starting the again lol.

This forum has go setup with auto correct on spelling. Plus I'm back to using paper dictory also. I've started watching all the old movies from when I was growing up as I do remember up of them. I can't go to pictures, just in case I take bad seizure etc, so no idea on the new films lol.

My spelling is still crap I have to say thought. So my apologies for any wrong words.

10-10-2016, 12:40 AM
Hi Sudesh,

I can see an improvement in your writing - the more you do the better it will be.
It is spring here in New Zealand, so the NSX is getting more and more use as the weather improves.
You don't have to apologise for your writing - you convey the meaning well. My advice would be to read back what you have written before you post - it's amazing how many times I have to re-write something before it actually is correct, not what I think is right!


10-10-2016, 01:15 AM
I need to fly to your please then nick! Weather here is on the down low now. Only a few weeks Halloween, then Christmas.

For Halloween, I'll just go out as myself in wheelchair, that should be scary enough lol. Only joking, I do still have the chair for bad days, then I have a 3 wheel triangle shape thing [forget name] that is handy. But walking best I can. Do my excercise up and down stairs helps allot. Is it warm out in NZ Nick?

10-10-2016, 03:31 AM
Sorry to Talat for going off topic - I hope you find what you are looking for soon.

Sudesh - It is warming up here. I was up near Auckland at the weekend and it was warm enough for t-shirt and shorts at the beach. Having said that, here in Dunedin there is a Southerly expected on Friday which is forecast to bring temperatures down to a maximum of 9 degrees........ typical Spring here at the @rse end of the world.

10-10-2016, 04:31 AM
Yes apologies as nick mention thank you Nick.....

. Totally my fault, but good reason for it.....some don't recognise this.

Sounds like your having a good time so far nick! As my time schudle is mixed up here due to the medication, it's now [5.30] here and I'm still going lol. I'll be going to bed with electric blanking on temperature is not the same.