View Full Version : NA2 pre-facelift rear centre reflector for sale

05-09-2016, 11:48 AM
When I did a load of work on my car I noticed a small amount of condensation inside the centre reflector, it also had some scratches around the key hole where I can only assume somebody had repeatedly tried to open the boot in the dark. I removed it and was going to reseal it and polish it before refitting. I then managed to lose it and ended up buying a new one. A few months later I found it and now don't need it so will be selling it. I haven't done any work on it so it is exactly as it came off. I have tried to show the state as best I can in the photos:

http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w627/eaxmjhi/NSX/20160905_123952_zpsvn3lqswr.jpg (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/eaxmjhi/media/NSX/20160905_123952_zpsvn3lqswr.jpg.html)

http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w627/eaxmjhi/NSX/20160905_124003_zpsrniy6ahp.jpg (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/eaxmjhi/media/NSX/20160905_124003_zpsrniy6ahp.jpg.html)

As with a lot of NSX things, I have no idea what is a fair price for this so I am open to offers. If there is no interest here I will most likely reseal it, polish it, and put it up on eBay.