View Full Version : Yellow NSX Road rage

14-09-2016, 07:12 AM
Anyone on here.
Beware, Dashcam's becoming popular and can be used as evidence!


14-09-2016, 09:22 AM
I know who's it is but rather let them say if they wished.

White van idiot man was in the wrong lane for that turning but of course they're rules to them selves. 😡

14-09-2016, 02:12 PM
I know who's it is but rather let them say if they wished.

White van idiot man was in the wrong lane for that turning but of course they're rules to them selves. 

Debateable about which lane is correct. All traffic in left lane went straight on (first exit) which is continuation of entry road. Traffic in right hand lane all took 2nd or third exits.
The yellow NSX was clearly trying to gain an advantage by going around the traffic. He obviously thought he had something to prove.

14-09-2016, 04:25 PM
Debateable about which lane is correct. All traffic in left lane went straight on (first exit) which is continuation of entry road. Traffic in right hand lane all took 2nd or third exits.
The yellow NSX was clearly trying to gain an advantage by going around the traffic. He obviously thought he had something to prove.

Totally disagree, firstly the NSX had absolutely nothing to prove so what you mean by that I haven't the foggiest.
also the exit they were taking at the roundabout had 2 lanes leading into It so why should the white van idiot man pull across the lanes in order to block the NSX only to then stop to hurl abuse and an apple core, which ever way you cut it the van man is in the wrong for threatening behaviour and should be reported for such because the next time it could easily be malicious damage or worse still physical abuse.

14-09-2016, 05:40 PM
He has been reported!
We will see what the Police response is.
Absolutely no excuse for his behaviour whether or not correct lane selected.
i do agree with you.

14-09-2016, 08:41 PM

That's my car - I assume you were in the red Merc, in which case a big thank-you for keeping this (and for reporting it). Was too shaken at the time to think straight - kicked myself afterwards for not getting your details. Did get his # plate then realised that without any evidence the Police wouldn't do anything anyway.

For reference, I'd driven that junction only a few times before (new job in Gloucs, have been experimenting with routes avoiding the Evesham bypass as it's a car-park on Friday afternoons)...I assumed everyone else in the right lane was turning right onto the A44, not going straight on onto the minor road, hence why I went around everyone. Then the Mondeo (or whatever it was) indicates to go straight on and I clock the van's side repeater doing the same, leaving me with nowhere to go as the van was too close to the car in front. So I wasn't trying to prove anything, just have a nice drive in the sun...well, that was the idea!!! :shrug:

If you don't mind, PM or e-mail me the details of your report - I'd like to follow this up with the Police myself if that's OK?



14-09-2016, 10:10 PM
As there are no arrows on the lanes of either the roundabout approach or the roundabout itself, no-one was in the "wrong" lane. Clearly, if you are taking the first exit, you should be in the left lane, and if taking the third exit, the right lane is appropriate.
The signage before the roundabout shows that the exit is after the 12 o'clock position - this implies that this isn't "straight-on", so perhaps when taking the second exit, the right lane should be favoured, but that's all, probably because at times, the left lane backs up from congestion.
Martin - you indicated perhaps half a second early - you hadn't passed the previous exit before indicating, but that won't be reason for the outburst.
The White van driver was clearly out of order for his behaviour. If you had hung back just a few metres there wouldn't have been this incident, but that is easy to say in hindsight - I'm sure that you weren't "trying to prove" something.
Just glad no-one and no NSX got hurt.

14-09-2016, 10:54 PM
Also, the thread title is a bit harsh - it implies that the Yellow NSX (driver) has committed road rage, which is clearly incorrect!

15-09-2016, 06:44 AM
I had thought on seeing the video that the white van driver had got out to apologise for cutting up the NSX, but it seems not. No markings on the entry and no markings on the road around the roundabout so I would say either lane is OK but would probably favour the right hand lane. No need for that behaviour, not as if the NSX went screaming around the outside to push in, white van man could have easily have pulled in behind the NSX and then blasted past him once on the road.


15-09-2016, 08:43 PM
If you had hung back just a few metres there wouldn't have been this incident, but that is easy to say in hindsight...

Believe me, I've already had that thought...

Interesting comments on the "favour the right lane" - agreed it's off-cruciform but I automatically kept left...that seems like the mistake...anyone else's thoughts there? Here's the map of the junction in question, heading northbound.

https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Pennylands+Bank,+Broadway+WR12/@52.0477866,-1.883356,15.5z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x4870df1e6160b665:0xa48b431c68052 a70!8m2!3d52.0465684!4d-1.8815369

15-09-2016, 09:07 PM
Hard to call that one, either lane should be ok. The van driver is a total douche.

15-09-2016, 09:21 PM
The way I see it is that if you don't know exactly the lay out of the exits then staying on the inside lane would be the safest way to negotiate the roundabout just a shame you met an unforgiving hot headed moron.

Silver Surfer
15-09-2016, 09:54 PM
I like the tune at the end of the vid.......You fill up my senses....:D


15-09-2016, 09:57 PM
Highway Code for Roundabouts
26/9/2014 141 COMMENTS

It is fair to say that roundabouts are one of the hardest sections of the Highway Code for beginners to master. Make sure you read through this page a few times until you completely understand it. If you are learning to drive and have any questions, be sure to note them down and ask your driving instructor next time you have a lesson.

​​DRIVING LESSONS ONLINE - that will save you £'s on learning to drive! Start here >>

Section 184
Section 184 of the Highway Code is all about what to do when approaching a roundabout. To ensure you approach roundabouts safely you should look out for traffic signs, traffic lights and lane markings, all of which will help you to prepare for manoeuvring around the roundabout and identifying the correct lane.

When approaching a roundabout you should:
Use the mirror-signal-manoeuvre process
Decide which exit you need to take as early as possible
Use the appropriate signal at the optimal time to inform other road users of your intentions
Get into the correct lane
Adjust your speed and position to the traffic conditions
Remain aware of the speed and position of the traffic around you

Section 185
Section 185 explains what you should do when you reach the roundabout. Again it is important to be aware of the traffic around you and look out for road users who may be signalling incorrectly or in some cases not signalling at all!

When reaching a roundabout you should:
Always give priority to the traffic coming from the right, unless you have been directed otherwise by signs, road markings or traffic lights
Check if the road markings allow you to proceed without giving way (always look right before joining just in case)
Watch out for other road users on the roundabout
Check the traffic has moved off in front of you before you proceed to enter the roundabout

Section 186
This section of the Highway Code explains the signals and positions required to exit a roundabout safely. Follow the rules and you will find maneuvering roundabouts to be much less stressful.

When taking the first exit (unless signs and markings indicate otherwise):
Signal left and approach the exit in the left hand lane
Keep to the left on the roundabout and signal left to leave

When taking an exit to the right or going full circle (unless signs or markings indicate otherwise):
Signal right and approach the exit in the right hand lane
Keep to the right on the roundabout until you need to change lanes to reach your exit
Signal left after you have passed the exit before the one you intend to take

When taking any intermediate exit (unless signs or markings indicate otherwise):
Select the appropriate lane on approach to the roundabout
Stay in the lane until you need to alter your lane to exit
Signal left after you have passed the exit before the one you want to take

16-09-2016, 12:52 AM
So Section 186 explains it all, so clearly!

To go on the B 4632 is this an "exit to the right" or an "intermediate exit" - it fits in both categories?

I think the key here is the small word "any", not helped by the word "appropriate" on the next line. Also, why aren't the instructions in sequence? - left, right, intermediate....... left, intermediate, right .....

The @rse in the white van wasn't signalling right, so the message that he was giving me was that he was going to exit on Collin Lane B 4632.
But then again, the indicator is mis- or un- used so often that you can't rely on the signals that others do or (don't) make (per Section 185).

Arrows (road markings) on the approach to the roundabout would clear this up, but hey, that's too easy!

I think Martin was just unlucky to get too close to someone having a bad day.

16-09-2016, 01:16 PM
I have had a few interesting encounters with white van man, usually whilst driving my white/grey van.

Usually the madman stare acts as a forcefield!

Glad you are OK.

Nick Graves
16-09-2016, 01:58 PM
The Highway Code was written in 1832 when there were only four exits to a roundabout and is largely unhelpful.

I always believe you should be in the left lane before you exit, otherwise some old git driving all the way round in the left lane without indicating will T-bone you. Even going straight on on a D/C, the right lane is risky. I know this for AN FACT...

16-09-2016, 05:51 PM
Agree with Nick - I've seen far too many people (more so recently) turning right from the outside of a roundabout - scary when it happens in front of you!
(It also seems policy in Spain - whatever exit they're taking, they'll always use the outside lane, and indication is optional)

Amusing aside - went that way again today, and again was following a red merc (CLK cab, or whatever the new ones are called now - E-cabrio?). Except he went in the left lane, and I went in the right, following the thread comments yesterday. Guess what...yep, he was going straight on!!! :laugh::bigsmile::dunno: