View Full Version : last weekend was a BAD weekend

08-10-2016, 08:42 AM
you know how it is, once in a while, fate just deals you a duff hand and you have to get on with it, last weekend was one of those times! (apologies to those facebook friends, this'll be old news!)

it started ok, F1 quali went well, Hamilton out front, Mclaren showing some sort of improvement, Sarah went to get hair cut..... then a vauxhall happened




08-10-2016, 08:54 AM

so, back door, bumper, back panel inside pushed in... not good. fortunately the numpty in the vauxhall (pulled away from a roundabout without waiting for the car in front to do the same) admitted responsibility straight away!

the bumper is the right shape, it's plastic and bounced back to it's right position, but the metal door shows the bend... the inner panel, the bit the bumper clips to, is also bent this far :( and with a new back door we'll lose the Koi... grrr that took ages to cut out, but it's ok, i still have the artwork on my computer, i checked after the accident!

those that have met Sarah, know she LOVES her cube, so most of saturday was spent with her in tears :( more so after her insurance said they would just write it off and she should not involve them at all, but deal with the others insurance instead, as that was the best bet to keep the car and get it repaired!!!!!!

why do we bother with fully comprehensive, surely that's what they should be doing! they 'reasoning' was if they pay out for repairs, and the other co think it's too much, they might not pay the full amount and 'it could get messy'... err not our concern, they drove into Sarah, they should return it to pre-accident condition! you know they wont offer what it' actually worth!

anyhoo, after a day of stress, we have a chinese in the evening.... ordered from the 'just eat' app, that Sarahs quite excited about having on her phone (again. if you have met Sarah......)

6.20 ordered
7.10 preliminary delivery time
7.40 revised delivery time
7.40 app announces it's been delivered
7.41 ring take-away to enquire why it's showing as delivered when we don't have it ... 'it's out for delivery'
8.00 ring again... it's on it's way
8.30 ring again...driver having problems
8.40 get a chinese delivered, some of it is still warm!

oh well, thank God for microwaves, as Sarah chewing the chair leg by now!

08-10-2016, 09:06 AM
you know these things come in 3s.... sunday night i was on the laptop, just about to update my ABS thead when igot the 'scheduled update at 8.48 close and save blah blah' message. no option to defer/postpone, just 'ok' or 'restart now' grrrr

close it all and let it do it's thing.... 10pm still not finished, leave the comp on all night, 7am, still a circle of swirling dots, 4pm the same, so have to power off... not other option, 20hrs is long enough.... restart, it tries again, repeat the cycle before it tells me it's gone wrong and returning to a previous version of windows(?????) that was a year ago, i'm not even sure it's still there... argh....

.... not to worry, the next message was a blank screen, with text top left, dos prompt style text..... operating system not found....

win 10 backup on a memory stick.... nothing, win 10 restore cd in... try all the restore options, yes i can select them, but the comp has nothing to work with.

into bios... it can see the the dvd and the memory stick, but no hard drive. it's as if it's been removed! so literally remove the hard drive, put it into a caddy so another comp can connect to it via a usb cable.... nope, it's not there!

Sarahs nephew has access to some serious recovery software, so that's the last resort, but if the disc isn't even being recognised as a disc then i don't hold much hope!

so lesson for the day, avoid vauxhalls!

....now about the Koi vinyl cut artwork....... :(

08-10-2016, 11:44 AM
Time to create another system image!
Hope you can recover something from the dead hdd.....


08-10-2016, 12:11 PM
fortunately i had backed up before the win10 install, and my phone has 4500 pics/vids on it, so at least most pics are covered!

the cube might be a different issue... the other insurance co had booked the car in with a body shop on the 11th oct, and sent a text to Sarah confirming that they will 'repair the car with all new parts and a 3 yr guarantee' , now they are coming to inspect/estimate therepair on the 12th, rather than just doing it...