View Full Version : Power Steering Conversion - Anyone done one ?

27-10-2016, 07:58 AM
Morning everyone,
As I'm planning a winter underfloor restoration on my car, I thought I'd ask the question, as it is something I'm considering doing. I'm sure I'll get a load of replies asking "why would you want to" but I have converted a few cars in the past to powered steering and the main gain wasn't the actual assistance but the improvement in the gearing ratio of the power racks, giving a quicker rack, which was well worth the effort of doing the conversion. The difference with the NSX is that it's an electric assisted system, rather than a hydraulic system, so a bit more of a pain to swap, I would imagine. So I'm guessing there would be a fair bit of trim removal to install the electronics and harness/s etc.

Any info would be gratefully received and maybe this post might cause a bit of interest on the forum, as it's a bit quiet on here at the moment ;)


27-10-2016, 08:11 PM
Before you do, go onto NSX Prime and search for steering rack - there's a reputable US firm who are working with one of the Prime long-term guys to develop/prototype a new steering rack (unassisted I believe) with a modern ratio...

27-10-2016, 09:06 PM
Before you do, go onto NSX Prime and search for steering rack - there's a reputable US firm who are working with one of the Prime long-term guys to develop/prototype a new steering rack (unassisted I believe) with a modern ratio...

Only for LHD cars though I believe...

27-10-2016, 09:14 PM
yup currently LHD, maybe RHD later...

the hardest bit about the conversion, as far as i can tell is actually fitting the rack into the car, it's quite buried!