15-03-2017, 03:06 PM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/0KRAQBVlcjwWDfm0jddRw3nmyas0qROtP41JdDNHYTKHqc0mIa cVizw9aeVMmhbhW_NdAorL_fmwNceVWIoIaoHFTgKmQHtw3Kp2 tOQmwEy-SphIelrOm-aVAxG0xwmEIv1g6uYtsbYpPLZZlWB-xBZCWhyiLSeFOargW2OfHXu_khUlO797OSu8ckQOcOztYBMmIf f_Vksg6ErnW_MXWS_jjVasFe5dsyynGiPPwDObf7A2gtoScZHh T6WfhWH7nFz_KQELnoctbyU1r0VRkitd8kJ0fImS6AGcdh6Mkr BsA6NS_K_lC1kLBR3oZBGAo3lxEpOlVJSE60lT_bOcFmiRqfxM jLdmz9DvtIYP0yRYcznetpJak3cl4kugXLqaaOf3wKHF6KAyr5 A31y2ti0PzvBDBULUh7QJoJ4NDh0J3n3TvVJ_l8XKlZ9m1e3R5 GrmktI5SXHE72Wwyg3okF5c1XirB4N8nhrOFhQLPlxSDlT24Pj wQH-KNPRviNl6ywjCpvFCN4nmLMUEZNtP370-huyHzB6g2KXYA0HGxdwT8zCkCEHGFY2Lx1qUIs-Osc_YZYi94L9JAs70YJyQ26wNv9WwARoWnlHMRpXSpvgtbAjS6 QXJj_A=w1080-h679-no
Pic for attention purpose only....
Posting in this forum to increase the chance of getting attention.
Over this weekend (18 – 19th/Mar), we are planning to upgrade the forum software to the later version.
It is being tested on the new server at the moment and so far, seemed to be solving/improving some of the issues we have at the moment.
During this period, you will not be able to access the Forum so please setup backup communication method, etc if you are using the Forum for a specific purpose.
Once the upgrade is done, it will take some time before you can access the Forum and it all depends on your ISP (Internet Service Provider) so there will be a situation where some of you can access the Forum whereas others can't even see it.
As it's a new version, there could be some new issues arise.
Will appreciate your patience during this process.
Would like to say thank you to 'forumadmin' for spending his precious time setting up the new server, upgrading the software and testing it for everyone.
Pic for attention purpose only....
Posting in this forum to increase the chance of getting attention.
Over this weekend (18 – 19th/Mar), we are planning to upgrade the forum software to the later version.
It is being tested on the new server at the moment and so far, seemed to be solving/improving some of the issues we have at the moment.
During this period, you will not be able to access the Forum so please setup backup communication method, etc if you are using the Forum for a specific purpose.
Once the upgrade is done, it will take some time before you can access the Forum and it all depends on your ISP (Internet Service Provider) so there will be a situation where some of you can access the Forum whereas others can't even see it.
As it's a new version, there could be some new issues arise.
Will appreciate your patience during this process.
Would like to say thank you to 'forumadmin' for spending his precious time setting up the new server, upgrading the software and testing it for everyone.