View Full Version : Don't forget to order buy your June issue. 😎

06-04-2017, 06:04 PM
It should be interesting to read where the reviewer placed my car among this lot way back in November at the Copper Box stadium.

12931 12932

It's just a shame I had to rush and cut short his road test of my car at the end of a very long day's shoot due to an unexpected family emergency but hey, we'll soon see in the review outcome but to be honest I'm not holding my breath as he wasn't best pleased.🤔

02-05-2017, 05:29 PM
Well, the latest edition of Modern Classics hit the newsagents today :) and with great excitement I quickly turned the pages to see how my NSX faired alongside some of the greatest performance cars of the 90's.

As you will see my NSX was up against some serious competition from the likes of a:
Ferrari F355
Porsche 911 Turbo (993)
TVR Cerbera
Lotus Esprit V8 Turbo GT
and a Mazda RX-7

It was way back on a very cold early November Sunday morning that we all met up at the Olympic park copper box competition centre to be reviewed and road tested individually by Ross Alkureishi, after which we then went one by one for a photo shoot.
I have been on a few of these assignments in my time but never one where the reviewer drove each car evaluating in his opinion what he thinks was the best all round classic Supercar and as I previously mentioned I had to rush his test drive in my car as something urgent popped up so I wasn't expecting a great review overall but how wrong was I.

02-05-2017, 06:23 PM
Here are some of the pages about the NSX:




Good to see that our beloved NSX's are getting a true evaluation of their worth from an editorial as well.👍

02-05-2017, 06:28 PM
And the winner of this 90's group test is:



Of course, my NSX.
Pride is proud as punch.😎🎉🎉🎉

02-05-2017, 07:51 PM
There's also a great picture of an NA1 parked up at the Goodwood 75th members meeting.:)

03-05-2017, 11:55 AM
And the winner of this 90's group test summing up is:

Of course, my NSX.

Pride is proud as punch.

This short quote from the journo says it all about our great cars:


NSX 2000
03-05-2017, 05:19 PM
Well done Clive, unfortunately it still won't stop the price of the F355 going up yet when launched described as the worst car Ferrari had ever made. How people have such short memories.

03-05-2017, 09:24 PM
There's also a great picture of an NA1 parked up at the Goodwood 75th members meeting.:)

what colour?

03-05-2017, 09:56 PM
what colour?

It could be green, red or yellow. :)

04-05-2017, 07:02 AM
Well done Clive, unfortunately it still won't stop the price of the F355 going up yet when launched described as the worst car Ferrari had ever made. How people have such short memories.
It's funny how peoples opinions differ so vastly about cars. I can remember Clarkson praising the 355 and saying it was the best car in the world at the time. Maybe because he might have just bought one. I loved the look and sound of the 355 but I guess driving one might not live upto expectations and of course the upkeep is a constant. I don't think id buy one now if I had the money.

04-05-2017, 08:08 AM
Well done Clive, unfortunately it still won't stop the price of the F355 going up yet when launched described as the worst car Ferrari had ever made. How people have such short memories.

Don't you mean 348? 355 was a cracker!

NSX 2000
04-05-2017, 08:39 AM
It's funny how peoples opinions differ so vastly about cars. I can remember Clarkson praising the 355 and saying it was the best car in the world at the time. Maybe because he might have just bought one. I loved the look and sound of the 355 but I guess driving one might not live upto expectations and of course the upkeep is a constant. I don't think id buy one now if I had the money.

IIRC Clarkson addmited how bad it was, including never by the Targa version as he did, as after about 4 weeks the the roof will start to squeak like hell, and I think Ferraris solution was to tell owners to apply Vaseline!

04-05-2017, 08:40 AM
It's funny how peoples opinions differ so vastly about cars. I can remember Clarkson praising the 355 and saying it was the best car in the world at the time. Maybe because he might have just bought one. I loved the look and sound of the 355 but I guess driving one might not live upto expectations and of course the upkeep is a constant. I don't think id buy one now if I had the money.

Strange how it is about the only highly regarded Ferrari of its day that is still available for prices that are not silly. Comparable to the NSX in price today but I do agree completely that in every other respect the NSX far exceeds it.

NSX 2000
04-05-2017, 08:48 AM
Don't you mean 348? 355 was a cracker!

No, the 355 was just an attempt to improve the even worse 348. Build quality was still awful, my uncle had one and Ferrari had to send his bonnet and enginge cover back to the factory as the paint had started to peel within 6 months, plus I remember he had to wait a couple of minutes for the gearbox oil temperture to warm up before it would go in gear.

04-05-2017, 09:27 AM
Now you mention it I can remember Clarkson moaning about quality. But he was still raving about it, the same with his Ford GT up until the point he sold it!

04-05-2017, 10:47 AM
But he was still raving about it, the same with his Ford GT up until the point he sold it!

Apart from his problem with the alarm. Which in part was caused by him not taking the tracker remote unit with him when he went out driving in it. But of course, it's much better to moan at Ford in the press.

04-05-2017, 02:05 PM
It's funny how peoples opinions differ so vastly about cars. I can remember Clarkson praising the 355 and saying it was the best car in the world at the time. Maybe because he might have just bought one. I loved the look and sound of the 355 but I guess driving one might not live upto expectations and of course the upkeep is a constant. I don't think id buy one now if I had the money.

I have to confess Dave the F355 is one of my favourite all time Ferrari's for both looks, style and sound too but having driven one a few times over the years i have to admit it can be a little too hard core and wearing a ride for my taste, particularly over long journeys, unlike our NSX which is far more compliant and forgiving even after fitting BC coil-overs and Dalli front and rear anti-roll bars.

Something else I love about the F355 is the dash centre console, or should I say lack of it, as it gives the car a deceptively wide and vey spacious cockpit, although now having retrimmed my console in Alcantara my console feels more "cosy" for want of a better word.

The journalist who carried out a lengthy road test in each car did happen to comment how great my Pride exhaust sounded when bouncing the notes off of the walls and tunnels around the Olympic park, and the fact he liked the idea of always seeing an NSX each time he looked in the rear view mirror, in fact the Lotus Esprit guy is planning to also do this to his car in the rear sealed quarter lights.👍


I'm now looking forward to the attention it's sure to get when parked next to other exotica on the grid at this weekends Goodwood Supercar Sunday.😎 You never no it might start a trend yet.😂

05-05-2017, 02:20 PM
A reminder for:

Goodwood Supercar Sunday 7th May 😎



Hope to see some of you there.

05-05-2017, 02:37 PM
Enjoy Goodwood I will be at Brands watching the awesome Aston, whatever it's called, ummm Vulcan ?

05-05-2017, 04:49 PM
You'll really enjoy that too Mike, by far the best so called "production" car sound and performance I've ever witnessed live, you can literally hear it go around the entire F1 circuit at Brands and when they open up the taps down the Hanger straight nothing can touch its acceleration, it made even the Le Ferrari look pedestrian.

05-05-2017, 08:59 PM
The Vulcan is quick, but i'm not sure even that is quick enough to combine laps of Brands AND Silverstone... :)

08-05-2017, 02:25 PM
'Twas a very cold and dark 5am start to Supercar Sunday at Goodwood yesterday.

I got there before 6am and still wasn't the first car there, in fact I was second to a car that waited at the gates from 5am.

I was rapidly caught up by a beautiful chameleon painted Maclaren 675LT about 10 miles out from the circuit on the fantastic driving road, the A285 and before I knew it my speedo needle fast approached 100mph for the rest of the journey, while he sat on my bumper egging me on all the way to the gates, thank goodness it was mega early and the roads bone try and empty. (sorry Ian, I know you're not the biggest fan of speed taking risks but I just got caught up in the moment, you know how it is)😎

The marshals positioned me on the grid next to the Maclaren who told me how surprised he was at the NSX's turn of pace.

Next to turn up was Honda uk with the red NA1, first car to arrive in the U.K. in 1989 followed by the gold NA2 and then a blue NC1.
I spotted 2 further NC1's, one with German plates and a white one which I'm sure was from Yeomans Bognor.
The good thing about being there early was that I was able to spot turning up Roy's black NA1, and a further yellow and red NSX coming onto the circuit and that's not knowing what came through the other 2 entrances.
So thats 9 in total but maybe more among the near 1,000 😳 super and hyper cars descending on the circuit over the next 4 hours.

Anyway here are some photos:

12996 12997 12998 12999 13000

08-05-2017, 03:39 PM
Most of the morning was absolutely jammed packed with visitors including dogs, children and even a goat on a lead and harness.
While standing around at the back of my car anonymously amongst the crowds I found it amazing what you over hear what people say about the model display.
Ranging from, "this must be a special display organised by Honda for Ayrton Senna" or "do you think anyone will notice if I took one quickly" obviously not realising that they're actually screwed down.:)

But most people just stand around in awe and gaze in disbelief passing around great comments between themselves while taking lots of pictures, but one thing that does become apparent is that people normally turn up with a blank, bland expression after looking at one car after another but when they leave after seeing my car, everyone and I mean everyone leaves with a broad beaming smile on their phisogs.

13001 13002 13003 1300413005

There's also something very good while driving when looking in the rear view mirror only to see 3 NSX's with one slowly spinning on it's axis. I know it's showing off to the crowds but it's still very enjoyable and opens up many a conversation about the car which you otherwise would never happen. And I like that.👍😃

08-05-2017, 06:31 PM
If you'd like to see the other reason why my car made everyone smile then wind on 4 minutes and check my co driver.😎
