View Full Version : Squeak

14-08-2017, 09:37 AM
I have just returned from a rewarding 500 mile trip to the west coast of Scotland greatly helped by Mediterannean weather and scenery to match. Unfortunately getting to one of the best hotels in the area requires a 34 mile round trip on what is euphemistically called "unclassified road unsuitable for large vehicles". Single track with "Passing places" which often turn out to be a slightly narrower verge than elsewhere often with a deep, muddy rut where the local farmer's tractor has pushed into it to allow someone to pass. The road surface too, while nominally tarmac, has undergone frequent, if sporadic, repair. Fortunately, there is very little traffic even in August but even then with blind summits and corners, speeds are rarely much more than 20 mph. Worth it though to get to the Kilberry Inn!

Anyway, I carefully pulled off into one of these passing places to let an SUV that I met pass me and then drove on. However, there was now a loud squeak coming from the left rear wheel. The wheel and tyre were fine and there was no physical evidence of any problem - other than the persistent squeak. The wheel itself had not gone into a rut or hit anything and stayed on the road surface. After a mile or so the squeak stopped and was intermittent from then on, coming and going. The best I could determine was that it seemed to start after braking and then go away. At the service in April I had replaced the rear brake pads but had covered 500 miles or so since with no issues. The squeak has now gone completely and there was no evidence of it on the 200 mile drive home on Friday.

Curious! Any suggestions?

Many thanks


The King
14-08-2017, 10:22 AM
Probably a rock stuck in rotor/caliper. Just fell out on it's own.

14-08-2017, 10:45 AM
Ah, the Highland Squeak Mouse. Previously thought to be extinct. Never seen nor heard down in Fife ;)

14-08-2017, 07:58 PM
Have you taken the wheel off and had a look? I started getting a noise from a rear wheel, more a rubbing than a squeak, when the plastic protector over the caliper fatigued around one of the two 6 mm fixing bolts. It started flapping around as it was only held on by the other bolt. I replaced the protector.
If you'd been driving over bumpy roads, that could have caused the same thing.

14-08-2017, 08:24 PM
I had a terrible and frightening noise in another car which finally was a little stone between the disc and the splash guard. Small piece - big effect.

15-08-2017, 09:44 AM
I had a terrible and frightening noise in another car which finally was a little stone between the disc and the splash guard. Small piece - big effect.

Thanks everyone (and to Kaz). Those were my thoughts as well especially since it was muddy and the problem sorted itself out so something got caught in the wheel and then dropped out. Worth checking expert opinions just in case. I'll take off the wheel and check just to be sure. It is a tad embarrassing pulling into a carpark at some scenic spot in the Highlands and everyone turning to look at your car not because it is an ultra-rare NSX but because it is emitting a loud squeak!