View Full Version : Hazards flashing when car locked

24-10-2017, 07:35 AM
I don't spend a lot of time around my car when it's parked and locked up, but on a couple of occasions I've observed the hazards coming on while the car is parked up and minding it's own business.

It's not for very long, and it seems to go away by itself after a little while. The car is parked inside or occasionally in storage, so I've no idea how often it actually happens.

Any suggestions for what's likely to be the issue?

Silver Surfer
24-10-2017, 08:00 AM
Car security and remote central locking system issue likely...


24-10-2017, 09:25 AM
If it's an after market alarm system then the siren has stopped working but the indicators will still flash when the security system false alarms.

Set the alarm wait 30 seconds then open the door, if the siren go off but the indicators flash then 99% that's your problem.

If so then get the siren replaced and the alarm sensors adjusted professionally.

24-10-2017, 11:55 AM
Cheers guys, suspected as much.

Its a UK car and I believe still has the original dealer-fit Hamilton Palmer alarm/immobiliser. From what I've read I'd be as well off having that system replaced as repaired/adjusted . . .

Will check the alarm triggering and a faulty siren theory tonight, then after that I guess I'll probably be looking for a replacement system. Are there any recommendations or preferences to replace the HP system?

24-10-2017, 02:03 PM
Cheers guys, suspected as much.

Its a UK car and I believe still has the original dealer-fit Hamilton Palmer alarm/immobiliser. From what I've read I'd be as well off having that system replaced as repaired/adjusted . . .

Will check the alarm triggering and a faulty siren theory tonight, then after that I guess I'll probably be looking for a replacement system. Are there any recommendations or preferences to replace the HP system?

If it's the origanol H&P system in my opinion it's worth just getting it serviced as it is a true Cat1.

The battery back-up siren is about £50 and it might be that it's just be turned off and therefore not even faulty it would then only need the sensor and pin switch service/adjustment to bring it bang up to scratch.

They're based near Sevenoaks, 01732 760022 (tel:01732 760022).

Ask for Kevin Palmer who designs the systems and he will advise over the phone the best dealer to go to near you or if you don't mind the drive why not go to him?
Tell him Clive Pluckrose sends his regards and put you in touch, that will make him smile I'm sure.

The chances are it's never had service since day one and that's really all it needs.

24-10-2017, 09:16 PM
That's good advice - thanks!

Opening the door while the car is locked and alarmed triggers the lights, but no siren. As you suggest, seems that there's a wonky sensor triggering the alarm but that the siren isn't sounding as it's failed/switched off. Interesting!

Sevenoaks is a bit of a trek from me, but will give Hamilton Palmer a call tomorrow and see if they can direct me towards a more local dealer for a service or adjustment.

Silver Surfer
24-10-2017, 11:04 PM
Simple fix is to tape the head of the ultrasonic sensor in the cabin to stop it being activated.


25-10-2017, 03:39 PM
That's good advice - thanks!

Opening the door while the car is locked and alarmed triggers the lights, but no siren. As you suggest, seems that there's a wonky sensor triggering the alarm but that the siren isn't sounding as it's failed/switched off. Interesting!

Sevenoaks is a bit of a trek from me, but will give Hamilton Palmer a call tomorrow and see if they can direct me towards a more local dealer for a service or adjustment.

The alarm module(siren) which is usually located under the bonnet has a key switch on it to mute the siren. If the car is regularly parked for long periods of time this often gets turned off to stop the siren chirping with a low battery warning or from being a nuisance with false alarms. Have you checked that your siren hasn't just been switched off?
It doesn't solve your triggering problem but it might save you being sold a siren or system you don't need!


25-10-2017, 09:50 PM
Good suggestions both!

I had a fiddle with the sensors last night and things seemed a little more settled, but I still got six rapid flashes on unlocking tonight so I'm assuming the alarm is still triggering at some point.

I've located the siren under the bonnet - it looks like there's a key switch on the back, but it's inaccessible without unmounting the unit. However, while digging through the extensive file of paperwork that came with the car just now looking for something resembling a siren key, I've turned up both a receipt for alarm replacement in 2010, and the HP user guide. I'm now armed with the guide to decode which circuit is triggering the alarm, which ought to help further conversation with HP on how to proceed.

Cheers guys - will keep you posted!

26-10-2017, 09:50 AM
If it's UK spec, then depending on the spec of the H&P alarm/immobiliser installed at the time, you may find the siren enable/disable key cyl inside the glove box just below the boot On/Off switch.

Please note that these security system has its own battery and needs to be maintained so please keep your car battery in good health and prevent it from going flat many times. It will damage the car battery but also it could cause problem on the security system as well.

The six flashes on disarming is definitely the indication of one (or multiple) sensor(s) being triggered.
After unlocking, please count the number of LED flash before placing the IG key into P2 On position.
This will tell which sensor has been triggered.

H&P is always helpful through email or phone call so hope it will be sorted soon.


26-10-2017, 11:41 AM
That option for the key location does ring a bell - will check tonight. I still don't think I'd have the key, but it would explain why the siren isn't sounding.

The LED flashes confirm it's an ultrasonic sensor triggering the alarm. The manual did include instructions for changing the sensor programme, so I've fiddled and beeped in the appropriate order and I think they're now disabled. Will count flashes again tonight. :)

28-10-2017, 12:39 PM
So, update . . .

The system is now configured with the ultrasonic sensors disabled, which has stopped the alarm triggering. With guidance from HP I've located the alarm control box and it does look like they're tunable, though for now I'll leave them disabled.

I have no siren key switch in the glovebox. There is a key switch on the back of the siren unit itself, but I still haven't found a key. No spare sirens of this type are available.

Thanks all for your help, but it seems that if I want a fully functioning alarm on my car I'm going to be forced down the route of a full replacement system. :(

28-10-2017, 05:58 PM
So, update . . .

The system is now configured with the ultrasonic sensors disabled, which has stopped the alarm triggering. With guidance from HP I've located the alarm control box and it does look like they're tunable.
No spare sirens of this type are available.

There are 2 control boxes for H&P system, the larger of the 2 is the main control box, nothing to adjust in this. The other much smaller black control box is for the sonics, a small electrical screw driver turned counter clockwise on the only externally visible potentiometer knurled knob will turn them down, just set accordingly.

Clifford used to make a universal key operated battery back up siren which will work with that system, any car security installer could fit that in about half an hour but will probably try and sell you a complete new system but to be honest it's not necessary.

30-10-2017, 01:52 PM
Good tip!

I was given to understand by the chap on the phone at HP that there was an electrical peculiarity to the early alarms that rendered them incompatible with other systems. I could perhaps make some useful progress towards learning whether this is the case or not by spending half an hour with a multimeter . . .

30-10-2017, 02:07 PM
What area of the country do you reside, maybe I can suggest a good car security dealer in your area as I worked in the business for over 30 years???

30-10-2017, 03:45 PM
That would be most kind, thanks!

I live in Bristol. There are a couple of specialists nearby, but not quite the same breadth of choice as there might be further east.

31-10-2017, 12:48 PM
That would be most kind, thanks!

I live in Bristol. There are a couple of specialists nearby, but not quite the same breadth of choice as there might be further east.
I've hopefully got some positive news about your H&P battery back up T1 siren tomorrow, so don't book it in with anyone just yet.

02-11-2017, 03:30 PM
I'm not in a tearing hurry to book it in somewhere - to me the immobiliser is the key part of the system and that is still working correctly, so it's mostly good!

Fixing the alarm is probably on the list for the new year, but if there's a way to way to restore functionality without an entirely new system I'd certainly be glad to hear it. :)

09-11-2017, 10:42 AM
A positive PM just sent.

10-11-2017, 11:56 AM
Gratefully received - thank you!