View Full Version : Need for Speed

24-03-2018, 01:51 PM
This may have been asked before. Im not setting a "speed trap". All I want is some honesty. What is the quickest any owner of an unmodified NSX NA1/2 has had their car up to?
The modified guys can contribute too. Perhaps they are more likely to have explored their cars capabilities.

24-03-2018, 03:07 PM
Crikey, you're asking for trouble Mark, posting this sort of question on this forum, a lot of members don't like even the mention of excessive speed.

So here goes:
In 2008 coming back with from a great Le Mans trip with an old car club I belonged to I was speed radar trapped from a car hidden in bushes doing 276kph (171mph) on an arrow straight 2or3 mile long slightly down hill "A" road while in the process of overtaking a new Aston Martin vantage after already overtaking a 355 that bottled out at about 150mph and a 911 at about 160mph. I can tell you I've never been so nervous at speed as I was then.

My NA1 felt so light at the front that I swear the wheels weren't touching the road and the tachometer was touching the red line in 5th gear, so absolutely flat out.

With police waving their illuminated batons way up ahead at a roundabout I thought Christ, there's been a crash up ahead and the road was being closed but oh no, they were just in the process of stopping traffic in order to stop me and the Aston Martin man.

Winding my window down and looking all innocent I asked the Garda what the trouble was, he said I had been clocked doing over 270 to which I nervously laughed saying that's impossible, my car can't do 270MPH!!!
To which he replied loudly with an outstretched arm while tapping his finger on my speedo, NO zee kilometres.

We both parked up, got into the police van and sat opposite 2 gandarm across a table while they closed the sliding door of the van.

This is where it got very sareel, one of them asked do we want the good news or the bad news first, I looked to my left to the owner of the Aston and he looked at me thinking what sort of question is this, after a short pause I said we would like the good news first to which the copper said "we are zee fastest cars they've stopped of zee weekend" where by they and the driver started clapping their hands and cheering loudly while laughing loudly. They then said, but the bad news is, (while running a finger down a sliding scale on a bit of paper), my fine was €485 and the Aston owners was €475.

We paid them cash and they even helped us fill a form in as to why we were speeding, they told us to put down "running late for zee ferry".:)

One of the coppers then gave me a white speeding ticket/receipt, which I've still got, it states 276kph and the fine fee of €485.

We both returned to our cars looking very bemused by what had just gone on but also very relieved as we both thought they would throw the book at us while confiscating our cars.

A year or more later I started receiving French letters, the third letter was in red and looked very official so I had it translated and it was a final demand asking for €485

Thankfully having kept the speeding ticket receipt, I took a photocopy of it and sent it back and surprise, surprise never heard back from them again. Obviously the coppers over there are so corrupt during that weekend of motoring madness they decided to just pocket our fines.

Just imagine in this country if we drove that fast, we would be on the National news, fined thousands and been banned for driving for at least 2 years.

24-03-2018, 08:23 PM
you may want to edit your mph speed - the one in brackets....

24-03-2018, 08:34 PM
Cheers Nick. At 271mph it could only be a Veyron.:)

24-03-2018, 10:57 PM
you may want to edit your mph speed - the one in brackets....

Why? Clive's the original space cadet.... �� He probably had his strobes on ready for take off lol...

25-03-2018, 06:16 AM
Why? Clive's the original space cadet.... 😁 He probably had his strobes on ready for take off lol...

Haha, I should have done then I could say I was traveling at the speed of light.😂

25-03-2018, 08:29 AM
Wonderful story. So good to know that I had at least another 40mph in reserve

28-03-2018, 05:01 PM
A couple of years ago while hooning it back to the hotel as we were late for dinner in Luxembourg (having hired a BMW 135i for a couple of laps of the 'ring), Lee (Dr Mikey's mate, in his Porsche Gayman) and I were tagging each other well over 150mph on the Autobahn. We overtook just about everything on the road. It was only later I realised it was a restricted section..... but we made dinner and actually had time for a couple of beers.

Like Pride, I also have a French receipt for excessive speed although only 120kph in a 90kph zone on the N road coming back from Le Mans Bugatti circuit: it was Sunday morning, I was having fun....

30-03-2018, 10:51 AM
This may have been asked before. Im not setting a "speed trap". All I want is some honesty. What is the quickest any owner of an unmodified NSX NA1/2 has had their car up to?
The modified guys can contribute too. Perhaps they are more likely to have explored their cars capabilities.

On a quiet dry Sunday morning en route to meet other owners at Nurburg for lunch and a great weekend (they had travelled the day before), I opened up S2 on the derestricted autobahn and she just kept pulling to a satnav verified 183 ... equally impressive was both the stability of the car and the accuracy of the cars speedometer ...

Having been there I've not tried to repeat with 160ish being the nearest (also in mainland Europe), and that was a few's years back ... these days more interested carrying steady speed on cross country driving as I find major roads increasingly 'restricted' by artificial speed limits flashing overhead all the time ...

NA2 manual ... at the time I was running full NA2-R aero and high flow cats on OEM 17's

30-03-2018, 01:13 PM
I saw 250km/h (~156mp/h) GPS'd on the Autobahn on the way back from the 'ring Garage on the NSXCE tour. Bit too much traffic to be happy pushing it any harder...I'm still on stock brakes.

Nick Graves
30-03-2018, 06:27 PM
Great story!

I'm wouldn't incriminate myself on a public forum, though...so 70mph.

It is the dial on the left, isn't it...?


31-03-2018, 08:05 AM
164mph at Bruntingthorpe. Speedo was almost at 180!