View Full Version : Pricey NA2s in Japan

17-04-2018, 01:47 AM
Of the 5 NA2s for sale in Japan at the moment, the lowest asking price (https://kuruma-ex.jp/usedcar/search/result/maker/HO/shashu/S042/year_min/1997/mission/2) is 96k GBP !!!

Has the market really almost doubled in 3-4 years?

17-04-2018, 04:37 AM
The extensive marketing of the new NSX attracted people to the NSX in general. Not sure about Japan but in the US the prices for Gen1 ones sky-rocketed and the cars are being sold close to the asking prices of around $100k for pristine ones. A very late reward for the Gen1. In Japan, special versions don't sit too long on the dealers lot, maybe except the ones with a 'history' you won't read of in the add.