View Full Version : Events

24-04-2018, 12:44 PM
After a few years out of NSX ownership, but happily back in one now. I was keen to sign up to some events. However, and here lies my question; the Euro trip aside. Why has there been such apathy for attending events in recent years. And what can be done about it? As an example, in the good old days, you'd see 40-50 cars at some events. Now ten's a good turn out!


By the way;

10 days left to get tickets for JDM Combe

Link: http://jdmcombe.com/club-member-zone/
Club code: NSXCBJDM

24-04-2018, 01:09 PM
I have seen this on other owners/members sites. Not just cars. The old owners get bored of the same round of conversations and meets and gently withdraw into the shadows. There are not enough new owners finding the site, or maybe not enough new owners. There is always a need to mix it up and offer interesting, exciting and challenging events to reinvigorate the stale. Marketing and PR needs to be at the forefront of any refreshment.
Suggestions for such should be proposed, explored and if suitable acted upon. We need to work out what stimulates us as owners.
Me I dream of opening an NSX museum/pit stop based in the middle of a private race track where any club member can come to admire and or drive any one of the complete collection of NSXs including Le Mans and GT versions and of course the latest offering.
Anyone got the money to build such a collection. I will happily help polish them.

24-04-2018, 03:43 PM
I put forward a meet at the Isle of Wight international car show last September and not one reply to the post. It’s not tractors on display there you know! It attracts cars from all over Europe and im pretty sure having several NSX’s parked up would have been the talk of the show. Followed by a convoy cruise around the Island it would have made the local papers let alone bent many a neck

25-04-2018, 09:55 AM
Some good points. When I joined there was a group of long standing members and a another group who joined around the same time as me. It all seem very new and exciting that we owned these cars, and we just wanted to drive them and talk about them. We organised a stand at Japfest in 2007 I think, and that went really well. We even did JAE one year which I remember being eventful!
I think it's crucial for the healthy existence of the club to make an effort to attend at least a few events each year. Certainly down in the south-west, there aren't many members, so seeing another NSX is rare.
I think that if we want the club to be successful. The forum needs to properly push the events calendar. What think you?


NSX 2000
25-04-2018, 10:26 AM
After a few years out of NSX ownership, but happily back in one now. I was keen to sign up to some events. However, and here lies my question; the Euro trip aside. Why has there been such apathy for attending events in recent years. And what can be done about it? As an example, in the good old days, you'd see 40-50 cars at some events. Now ten's a good turn out!


By the way;

10 days left to get tickets for JDM Combe

Link: http://jdmcombe.com/club-member-zone/
Club code: NSXCBJDM

It's very hard to say James, I've been thinking the same myself. The Silverstone Classic seems to be the most popular, but that is even starting to struggle. You do need people with a bit of spare time who are willing to put in the time to organise such events. We are very lucky to have Mike put in the time for the Silverstone Classic, and to Dimer and Baz for the Euro tour.

We do now have a proper NSX owners club, with a chairman, secretary and treasurer, so it would be good to discuss this at the AGM which I think we are having at Gaydon this year.

25-04-2018, 02:38 PM
Another aspects to consider is the requirement from the organiser side.

Now-a-days, any large scale car event will require some sort of Public Liability Insurance (PLI) in place if attending as a car club stand.
Despite the fact that these event venues have their own PLI in place, they are very likely to state at the time of registration that they will take no responsibilities whatsoever for any incidents happened within the allocated club stand area.
Therefore, each car clubs have to arrange their own PLI or equivalent.
Sadly, there is a certain culture exists and without preparationt, some clubs are taking the chance and risking the legal difficulties if something goes wrong.

Some events state that it's mandatory to have PLI for any car clubs attending their event.
Several years ago, suddenly, this was the requirement from the organiser at the Silverstone Classic and we were kind of forced to setup THNOC.

Wanted to share the above as a side note.


30-04-2018, 08:05 PM
As always there are 2 challenges. Firstly communication, second People to organise.
The Forum has become the main conduit for communicating events, we have been lucky that a few individuals have given their time to post and organise events. As I read the post it occurs to me that we will always face the challenge of interest given the small number of owners.
We have a number of options, just keep the forum as an open platform and join another "Honda" club to attend events, this would provide a greater variety and perhaps more interest.
From a purely personal perspective in spending time organising the Silverstone Classic, I liaise with the organisers, Honda EU and their partner who provide (if we are fortunate) the marquee. If only 12 owners turn up I am wondering if we should continue as a "club" to attend. Honda "sponsor" by providing the Marquee, if we had to pay for the equivalent it would be between £1,500 and £2,000 for the 3 days. I try to make sure that we provide Honda with value for their kind gesture.
Jonathon (Britlude) spends time connecting us with the SuperCar Event, communicating with the organisers, this supports a charity, the more cars we get there the more we do support this (obviously!).

This year I will not attend the Friday and Saturday of the SSC, so who will step in to make sure that the Marquee people know where out pitch is? Who will make sure that there is a contact available to the organisers of the SSC in case of any issues ? Well as I have taken on the task, I will make sure it is covered. All I ever hope for is that the members here support the event, to make sure that the time spent is worth the effort.

With that said the last day to buy tickets and get a car pass is at the end of May.

With reference to communication - any ideas of a better platform? WhatsApp? FaceBook?

30-04-2018, 08:32 PM
don't forget the old favorite Apathy, and the new one of people buying the cars as 'investments' now prices have risen and as such don't want to add miles!

01-05-2018, 01:26 PM
I'm saying nothing......


01-05-2018, 03:31 PM
I'm saying nothing......


Very wise!!

01-05-2018, 07:20 PM
don't forget the old favorite Apathy, and the new one of people buying the cars as 'investments' now prices have risen and as such don't want to add miles!

Probably about right. However, there must be around 350-400 cars in the UK and we've done it before. So it should be possible to achieve a reasonable turnout?!

Here are a few suggestions;
1. Someone get the contact details of all active members and try to get some kind of momentum. This might drive enthusiasm for events. I'd be happy to do this as I spend around six hours a day on the road.
2. Create a prominent events calender/what's on, on the forum main page.
3. Email all members with the events

01-05-2018, 07:53 PM
the only times we've had big numbers at a show was the first Japfest meet with the ontrack pics, mainly because it was the first time we actually all got together, and the biggest was the 25th anniversary at silverstone classic with the perk of a (slow) lap of the track... any other shows are lucky if we hit double figures, and they are considered well attended.... can't remember how many we had at the Gaydon meet....

the euro trip is an exception as it's got a large wider catchment area!

01-05-2018, 07:58 PM
the only times we've had big numbers at a show was the first Japfest meet with the ontrack pics, mainly because it was the first time we actually all got together, and the biggest was the 25th anniversary at silverstone classic with the perk of a (slow) lap of the track... any other shows are lucky if we hit double figures, and they are considered well attended.... can't remember how many we had at the Gaydon meet....

the euro trip is an exception as it's got a large wider catchment area!

Not entirely true. We have 40+ at Japfest for at least four years and 25-30 on the other years. Paul (Senninha) managed a 50+ Japfest. What was the Silverstone number?


01-05-2018, 08:48 PM
I'm saying nothing......


Whilst Wales maybe no Europe I am sure those who have attended over the past 10 years have had just as much fun ��. After all we have hills, twisty roads and don't forget the sheep! I think we got upto 20 cars enjoying the roads one year not a bad turn out at all.


01-05-2018, 10:27 PM
Hi SHaron,

Is there a pancake run this year?

Rgds Paul

02-05-2018, 05:38 PM
Hi SHaron,

Is there a pancake run this year?

Rgds Paul

We are planning a jaunt first weekend in July. If interested people need to book their own hotels, Princes Arms is full but Hafod House is just up the road, they may have rooms.



02-05-2018, 05:47 PM
We are planning a jaunt first weekend in July. If interested people need to book their own hotels, Princes Arms is full but Hafod House is just up the road, they may have rooms.



Hi Sharon, is that the 30th June/ 1st July or Saturday 6th and 7th please???

02-05-2018, 08:38 PM
Hi Sharon, is that the 30th June/ 1st July or Saturday 6th and 7th please???

6th and 7th, will need to book Friday and Saturday nights, there will be a organised evening meal on the Saturday again.

02-05-2018, 11:01 PM
Hi Sharon, is that the 30th June/ 1st July or Saturday 6th and 7th please???

5th to 7th July