View Full Version : Renault Alpine A610

01-07-2018, 12:57 PM
Just found a brochure on the A610, I've never seen one in the flesh was wondering if anyone on here been in one or own one. Always liked them, after going through the A610 brochure, it still looks great too me. I'd say there real rare now.

01-07-2018, 02:50 PM
I've was a passanger only one time. Good car, no question but the reason you don't see them on the road is that they break in serious components and many people who own one don't have the means to feed/repair it. For me it's a too expensive car to own regarding its status.

01-07-2018, 03:24 PM
Do you recall the price back then? For me it ran along the lines with 300ZX Twin Turbo, Mitsubishi 3000GT, RX8, and So on. My favourite was the 300ZX. Always liked the 8Series BMW.

01-07-2018, 04:59 PM
Sorry, it was a 310, not 610 but quite comparable. It was a college's car. The prices have been in the region of the mentioned cars. Hard to judge the asking prices nowadays...I'd like to rent one for a weekend but would be willing to own one...

01-07-2018, 05:46 PM
Dad had an A310, basically the same layout as an A610.... They are ok, suffer the same problem as a beetle, the engine in the wrong place..... And the same setup as the delorian, so engine spare parts available from that route too

01-07-2018, 08:03 PM
I owned a GTA turbo (the one in between the A310 and A610). Originally registered early 1987, red with black leather. Bought it for £8K from a Renault-daft engineer in 2009 who'd just carried out a full restoration, sold it the following year for the same money.
Had the 2.5L V6 PRV engine with turbocharger. Fairly quick and high top speed (>150mph) for the power, mainly due to being very aerodynamic (I think the naturally-aspirated version with larger 3.0L engine had the lowest Cd of any production car at the time).
Old-style delivery i.e. lots of lag then big rush of power.
Always found it to be a very intriguing car, which received generally favourable reviews in the mid to late late 80s (against for instance the original Lotus Esprit turbo) and positive comments from other drivers (who usually didn't know what it was).
No aircon in mine so got very hot in summer. Also no power steering. The fuel tank was in the front boot (had to open the bonnet to fill up which resulted in some interesting conversations at petrol stations) so the steering got lighter as the tank emptied.

01-07-2018, 09:41 PM
No Gentelman! I'm referring to this vehicle, that I always liked.


Silver Surfer
02-07-2018, 12:15 AM

JC’s comment.... not too useful


02-07-2018, 06:25 AM
Good morning to you Mr.Surfer! Hope alls well with you & any family?

I don't watch anything with Clarkson not a fan of his in anyway. Would prefer option's from gentlem like yourself/ people that action driven one or was in one.

Other cars I've owned were the Lotus Esprit S4S, "Absolutly" I would say was built by guys in a back yard garage. Shocking is putting it nicely.

Another car I forget to mention that would be in the same catogery but, blows all the vehicles mentioned is; the "UK Toyota Supra Twin Turbo Automatic " It needs to be a UK car as it comes better Spec, to an import. Also the UK car had huge power as standard. I had both Auto & Manual versions. The auto was by far my favourite.

02-07-2018, 08:20 AM
http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j77/icongroup/image_zpstkatbow9.jpeg (http://s77.photobucket.com/user/icongroup/media/image_zpstkatbow9.jpeg.html)