View Full Version : GPS trackers

03-08-2018, 08:25 PM
Two emails today, different sources, similar technology but different markets.

From Moss; offering a classic car tracker & immobiliser, detects movement then sends text, email whatever to say where the car is plus you can ‘talk’ to the unit to tigger a relay to break the ignition or fuel circuit.
£299 to buy including first years subscription, £99 a year thereafter.

From Vodafone, alarm SOS button for active 90 year old Mothers would could have a fall or an emergency. Detects location whether in or out of house, detects falls, message to inform when & where activated.
£78 to buy, £4 a month thereafter.

Ambivalent about the product for the car but the call button for one’s aged parents seems a real step up from most of the other call systems and a bargain price.
Usual disclaimers, etc.
I’ve no doubt others do similar products but rather bemused by the difference in the pricing between cars and parents.