View Full Version : NSX on ebay (slightly mauled)

18-10-2018, 06:52 PM
Another one bites the dust. But hey it was UK supplied!

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Honda-NSX/202472228711?hash=item2f24490767:g:hagAAOSwv5xbvK1 R

18-10-2018, 08:45 PM
and a cat B to boot....

18-10-2018, 09:19 PM
Cat B purely due to the airbag? Does that mean any bump which sets off the airbag, no matter how small, renders our NSXs unrepairable and hence write-offs?
Damage doesn't look that severe - apart from the airbag issue surely otherwise repairable (assuming the chassis is straight).
Presumably that's also why the price is so low (make an offer - £20K?), particularly if it was a genuine, low mileage car.

18-10-2018, 10:00 PM
This car was up about a week or so ago supposedly bid up to about £50k before it was ended early! If it's cat B then the chassis is probably gone. Regardless of road car values this can never be considered anywhere close as it cannot go back on the road ever. Basically it parts car or a money eater to repair and track or as suggested, export it and lose the "history". Not that I'm condoning that but it does happen just as cars imported into the UK leave their history behind occasionally....

18-10-2018, 10:40 PM
interesting that there's no other pics of the damage...... just the one from the wrong angle, and no other front shots......

19-10-2018, 06:43 PM
If anyone on here buys and breaks this, there are a few bits I need.

19-10-2018, 08:39 PM
Anyone else see the advert for the 2001 <12k miles NA2 at the bottom of the eBay page?

19-10-2018, 11:20 PM
Been up for sale for a long time, from what I remember the original price was way higher (>£100K?), then down to £85K or £80K?
I suspect the same guys that I bought my NSX from, under a different name back then - S H Car Sales. Some interesting online reviews ...
To be fair, they were ok with me and certainly seemed to know about NSXs (they'd sold plenty over the years). Helped that they emailed me the old V5 before purchase, so I was able to call the previous owner.

20-10-2018, 07:20 AM
I was offered that car around 8/9 years ago for £37500. How the market has changed. Didn’t go to see it. So no idea of condition.


20-10-2018, 09:10 AM
Gosh, just 24,000 miles. Owner must have been v hacked off.

The write-off due to lack of airbag availability, if true, is a concern.

20-10-2018, 01:04 PM
But surely you can fit an aftermarket steering wheel such as a Motolita and not have to worry about having an airbag. This is what I have in my car.
In fact, the original wheel is in my loft with the airbag still inside.
Perhaps it will be priceless in a few year’s time ��

20-10-2018, 03:46 PM
Gosh, just 24,000 miles. Owner must have been v hacked off.

The write-off due to lack of airbag availability, if true, is a concern.

I think that the air-bag claim is a "slight" exaggeration!?
A cat B shouldn't go back on the road due to the extent of the damage suffered. They're supposed to be stripped for parts etc... I just hope no one is duped into believing they can put this back on the road easily if at all.

Taken from an insurance website
Category B write-offs represent serious damage to a vehicle which could include body or parts damage that is beyond repair and should not re-appear on the roads. However if the vehicle is of significant value & either financial or sentimental, then you may think it is worth repairing to make it road worthy once more. Even if you want to get your car back on the road, you are faced with the potential block of insurance providers refusing you cover.

01-11-2018, 05:15 AM
Yes, you can put a CAT B back on the road. Various reasons for CAT B status, not all are related to extent of damage.

You write to the DVLA and they will give you a new log book. DVLA only use a VIC marker system so the car will just have VIC mark against it. DVLA hold no details on CAT B, C, D etc. (or whatever the new ones are). They may ask for inspection but unlikely (they stopped doing this a couple of years ago)

However, it's the insurance companies that have an issue with CAT B cars so when you come to insure you may have a problem.

01-11-2018, 10:06 AM
Yes, you can put a CAT B back on the road. Various reasons for CAT B status, not all are related to extent of damage.

You write to the DVLA and they will give you a new log book. DVLA only use a VIC marker system so the car will just have VIC mark against it. DVLA hold no details on CAT B, C, D etc. (or whatever the new ones are). They may ask for inspection but unlikely (they stopped doing this a couple of years ago)

However, it's the insurance companies that have an issue with CAT B cars so when you come to insure you may have a problem.

I know categorisation has changed now on insurance claims but previously I thought Cat A had to be crushed in its entirety whereas a Cat B could be stripped for parts but the body shell had to be cut in such a way that it could not be easily rebuild, ie down the middle of the sills, b-pillars etc.

I was surprised when I read the comments that I quoted which are in line with what you've said..

Even given the feasibility of putting the car back on the road I still think the sellers comment of the car being a Cat B due to airbag deployment and availability is not quite telling the story. The car has clearly has body/chassis damage that they don't want to clearly display.

It could just be done this was as a ploy to get someone "through the door ' then discuss money but I just think they're being economical with the truth..

01-11-2018, 08:33 PM
It is a very ambiguous area. I was offered a CAT B NSX years ago. From my inspection it was no worse than a CAT C. I believe it did end up back on the road and exported.

Recently I bought a CAT B integra DC2. Had some damage nothing major, but apparently it was CAT Bd because it had an accident. Was still driveable, and then had another accident whilst waiting on the original claim. So that CAT Bd it.