View Full Version : This 1995 NSX is predicted by R&T to sell for MILLIONS!!!!! 😂😂😂

30-03-2019, 12:58 PM
How about this then for a blatant BS fake news headline:


01-04-2019, 02:52 PM
How about this then for a blatant BS fake news headline:


There are 7 days remaining and it is currently at $61,500. So, that makes another $938,500 to go. For a 25 year old car, under 200 miles on the clock is actually a very bad thing unless it is meant to spend its life in someone's garage. I would love to see what it finally goes for - maybe $100,000. One zero short. R&T have obviously totally lost the plot. Or the US market is full of idiots. These are brilliant cars but to paraphrase the late, great LJKS - instead of $1million for this, I would buy 1 NSX at $100,000 and 9 other cars of my dreams with the rest. Or, I'd simply keep the one I've got and spend the money on other cars.

02-04-2019, 09:56 AM
I would buy three NSXR’s. Use one for track, one as an investment. Then take the third car to a big Japanese car show and set fire to it.


18-04-2019, 01:50 PM
Well it actually sold in the end for............


And here's another opinion on it before it got sold:


19-04-2019, 09:29 AM
Well it actually sold in the end for............


And here's another opinion on it before it got sold:


My sentiments exactly - and back into some new fool's airconditioned de-humidified garage! So much for R&T's predictably insane over-hype.

19-04-2019, 09:32 AM
Live and let live.
To each its own.

19-04-2019, 04:49 PM
Live and let live.
To each its own.

Agree. I used to think differently. But it’s all a massive irrelevance. Things do not exist in their own right. It is the importance and value we place apon them that gives them meaning. But only in our our fragile little minds.
Drive it, don’t drive it, stick it in a cocoon in a climate controlled garage, dress it up in carbon fibre, wrap it. Or as suggested in my earlier post; just set fire to it :-)

19-04-2019, 06:08 PM
just set fire to it :-)
Well, that's a definite no-go, at least for a Type R. ;-)