View Full Version : Potential new owner

03-05-2019, 11:37 AM
Hey guys, I have recently joined this community hoping to learn more about these strange beasts.
I myself come from the Supra world, I have only ever seen the rear end of an NSX once while living in Switzerland. I now live in Northern Ireland. I have never seen one up close or been around one.
As a Turbo owner I miss the responsiveness of a naturally aspirated car.
I'm not sure how to go about attaining an NSX, though I think the majority of that battle will be money related.
I'm curious has anyone here switched from a TT6 Supra to an NSX and what are the main differences??

04-05-2019, 09:11 PM
Hi, and welcome ...

I Can’t help with the Supra to NSX switch, but depending where in Northern Ireland you are there are a few owners over there. There’s also a very well sorted NSX currently for sale by a forum member. Its the yellow NA1 Coupe with a very detailed history.

Hope this helps ... rgds Paul

06-05-2019, 05:50 AM
I must keep my eye out for them at the meets this year, but I have been in the scene since I was 21 and I'm 29 now and have never seen one :/
I will definitely have a look at this Yellow car.
I'm not sure how I was able to post before my account was fully unlocked. But this is me now!

Silver Surfer
06-05-2019, 10:54 PM
There are a couple of current and Ex-Supra owners on here so you will not be alone...


09-05-2019, 11:15 AM
There are a couple of current and Ex-Supra owners on here so you will not be alone...


I would love to know what is the difference in feel that you get from both cars.

23-05-2019, 11:32 AM

I need to get back on here more often!!!!

I am the owner of the yellow car that Paul eluded you too ... thanks Paul! :)

Nice to hear of another fellow enthusiast in our wee country!

Happy for you to meet up and view the car etc and chat. Feel free to PM etc

so you have been on the scene for 8 years and never saw my car?!
you must be going to the wrong events then cause i have done lots over the years ... japanese shows, Italian shows, charity events, trackdays, C&C (likely be at the Downroyal racecourse on Sunday). My NSX would be the most used in NI I would guess. So still pretty shocked when people say this and have yet to see it.

Anyways you have my details etc



I must keep my eye out for them at the meets this year, but I have been in the scene since I was 21 and I'm 29 now and have never seen one :/
I will definitely have a look at this Yellow car.
I'm not sure how I was able to post before my account was fully unlocked. But this is me now!

02-06-2019, 11:36 AM
Hi, I’ve got a UK TT6 (used to have a UK auto) and an NSX NA2 6 speed.

Very different cars, NSX obviously feels more bespoke like a supercar and the engine is a proper event. The NSX handling is far superior and free reving engine sounds glorious whereas Supra is smooth and quiet. However Supra is a great GT car, effortless on motorway and cosseting, feels a bit more ‘luxurious’ or as much as a 90s Japanese car can be. Supra also has far more power but the NSX is a proper event to drive