View Full Version : LMA: 14820-PCB-003 or 14820-PCB-305

20-06-2019, 04:04 PM
Do the spring LMAs have two versions in the NSX? In one shop I saw that 91-99 and 00+ are different.

Just a little bit confused. The US parts catalog says:
14820-PCB-003 does fit your 2000 but not 14820-PCB-305
14820-PCB-305 does NOT fit your 2000 but 14820-PCB-003 DOES.

20-06-2019, 09:05 PM
The cars with LEV-spec engines came with simplified LMA's. I think that you can use the later ones on earlier cars but check - I'm sure that Kaz has written up a piece on these somewhere.
If you search by Tag on Kaz's Blog, using LMA, you will find lots of posts, including him using the new-style LMA's on an NA1 engine.

austrian type-r
21-06-2019, 07:12 AM
you need 14820-PCB-305 for the 1991+ C30 engine. I stock them

21-06-2019, 09:37 AM
For the latest spring LMA desgin, there are two different spec.
It's the overall length difference and easily can tell by the presence of bottom spacer (-305) or without (-003).

The LMA pocket geometry on the cyl head is different between pre-00 and 00+ models.

00+ model (both the MT and AT) left the factory with the latest LMA without the bottom spacer (-003) because the cyl head was machined that way.

For pre-00 models, there used to be lots and lots of different spec/design LMAs, like 7 of them and even there was a difference between MT and AT.

Initially, Honda made mistake in superseding all LMA parts no. (including the pre-00 models) into just one 00+ spec of -003 that has no spacer at the bottom.
This made the LMA length/height shorter causing extra mechanical noise if used on the pre-00 models.

It stayed like that for several years but finally, Honda acknowledged it and released new LMA for pre-00 models with the spacer at the bottom (-305).

Don't know whether the spring rate is the same or not between -305 and -003.
Extra info here; http://www.nsxcb.co.uk/showthread.php?6286-NSX-Health-Check-Service&p=68602#post68602

For the clarification, 00+ AT model is C30A but left the factory with -003 so can't use -305.


21-06-2019, 10:27 AM
Thanks very much for the deep insight into the different LMA versions. I've also read the thread back in 2010 and was still a little bit confused. I thought the machined pocket was identical throughout the years (why should they change it, now we know why).